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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Some weaker articulations and some weak samples, but a very interesting and cool arrangement. I think some more humanize tweaking of some of the runs would have helped. Some of the piccolo runs were ridiculously robotic. Some cool ideas but a little weak overall.
  2. I thought this was going to be solo piano, but when the orchestra came in, I was pleasantly surprised, as it gives this a even better feel. The treatment of the melody was really nice. I'd even call it magical, with a tear in my eye. This was the kind of mix that really got me interested in the site in the first place. There is a fine line between movingly sentimental and a bottomless pit of nacho cheese, and this mix has the proportions just right. Very good stuff, possibly my favorite Wingless mix. My inner small dancing Russian ballerina girl is impressed. GG, Wingless.
  3. I think the piano sound is a little too bright, but otherwise, this is great. The are some very nice arrangement ideas here, specifically with the chord changes; it feels very natural and off-the-cuff. This would be great to see performed, or if a dude was playing this in a department store while I was christmas shopping, i'd stop to listen. Nice work.
  4. Seems like a lot of drama happened here 4 years go over a pretty chill track. I don't really see what all the fuss is about. Nice chopped beat, some pretty twinklies, and some good backing instruments make this a good relaxing backing track to living in robot peace. A nice solo, and a very nice mood. I think a little more humanization on some of the faster runs would have improved things, but overall I was feelin this. Nice work DS.
  5. I remember hearing the FF x-2 piano arrange album and was floored by the quality of some of the tracks. Melodically, this one is really nice, and the atmosphere is really chill as well. I love the panned and slightly gated synths, and the piano bits. This is a mix that really surrounds you, and though the theme is often either in the background or otherwise obscured, it flows really nicely. This is really a sleeper track to me- the more I listen to it, the more I love it. Fantastic work guys, this one is beautiful.
  6. Probably one of my favorite remix titles on the site, lets have a listen! it starts out pretty conservative, But there's plenty of room to expand in the 7 minutes provided. Once it his the halfway point, expand it does, and there is some great original writing that ties in well with the classic theme. Where the rhythm guitar comes in at 2:30ish really works well, I love the tone and mixing levels Goat used for that- and prelude makes an awesome power ballad. It's all clicking for me. I agree with DJP that the last 2 min is definitely the best part, with some rocking soloing, but the journey is half the fun here. A really nice mix, Goatess would be proud.
  7. Pretty cool stuff, some great backing synths throughout, and though i'm not completely sold on the lead, the atmosphere of the track overall works very well. The announcer from the game was a bit much, but charming enough to give the flavor of the game to the arrangement. At a little over 5 minutes though, it seemed to drag on a little long, and there's a good deal of repetition. There are a lot of good ideas brought in that help improve it, like some gated and panned transitions that are very cool. Decent, but not amazing.
  8. my january looks busy, but not overwhelming. Me and my boy, Bubbleman will be busting this up.
  9. awesome idea! when does this start? I need to make sure i got time.
  10. the arrangement was in fact nice, but the qsequencing was a bit too basic to carry this one. Work on adding more dynamics via velocities and volume adjustments, and the timing could stand to be way more human. Also, I think Vinnie's idea of making the different renditions more unique is a good one as well. There were minor variations, but they need to be more apparent. A good start, but it needs some work. Keep at it. no
  11. I'm just going to echo what the other judges have said, because it really is true: the drums are way too mechanical. Varying the velocities on the hihat and snare especially will help. The mixing suggestions made by AnoSou are also good ideas. Additionally, the transition to the more rocking part was a bit abrupt, and felt pretty awkward. Keep at i, because your playing and arrangement seem pretty slid but production needs to be improved quite a bit. no, please resub
  12. eep- first note is pretty piercing- actually the entire high end sounds a bit hot in the intro, but the effect is conveyed well enough. Once the track comes in, it's a pretty good mix of in game sounds, original-sounding synths, and more hifi stuff. I agree that it is pretty straightforward arrangement-wise, though there are some good linking sections, and a cool new feel. I think you could have taken the arrangement a lot further, but there were enough cool details that made this unique enough for me to give it a pass. yes
  13. hey James- I know we discussed this one on aim and you were thinking it'd have similar production issues as your first mix, and unfortunately, you were right. Overall the sample quality is pretty low, and near the end, there is some pretty noticeable clipping. A few samples do actually work pretty well though- I was feeling the flute for the most part, especially in the more exposed areas. It certainly didn't sound live, but it had a good feel to it. Velocities are what absolutely need to happen, specifically the strings and cymbals. Hearing those cymbal crashes that are identical breaks the mood fast. The good news is that the arrangement is a lot closer to passing than the production is. The shift in style works well, and the supporting parts are generally good. Some sections feel pretty empty and simplistic, usually the solo strings sections. I think some research on how an entire string ensemble may be in order to get full support. I know you said you were gonna work on this one, so when you have an update, hit me up on AIM, and we'll go over it. You have a good start into the whole arranging business, but need a little work before you are ready to posted on OCR. no
  14. Congrats, you crazy kids. also leave it to Rama to make a powerful and bold fashion statement. That red is fierce. My inner style-maven is jealous. You go, girlfriend! And Jay even shaved! Looks like a great wedding.
  15. Good percussion and a smoothed out feel make this a pretty good track. The melodiesd work together, there is some nice counterwriting, and the transitions are solid. This is a light and breezy take on the theme, and it really fits the fun atmosphere of the game. Nice work, I like it.
  16. Didn't really do anything for me. Definitely cool for ambient fans, but I it's more of a exercise in tone color than anything. Thanks but no thanks.
  17. it's not a new year's resolution if someone does it for you. Just man up and do it.
  18. Great instrumentation, and 7/8 is the way to go with this, it feels awesome. One of my favorite DS mixes.
  19. Absolutely sick video, Dan; I bow to your skills. Overall a pretty sweet release, a few tracks weren't as identifiable as I'd like(specifically the darius twin one- maybe my expectations were a little too high for that one), But definitely some nice listening to be had here.
  20. 2 chicks at the same time. edit: oh also improve my guitar phrasing
  21. Really nice stuff- chill but engaging. The textures were interesting, and it really does remind me of Secret of Mana +. Good stuff from Ziwtra.
  22. ohoo, i remember this WIP, congrats on the DP, dude! Way chill soundscape, nice bitcrushing, and a pretty cool progression, this is epix chillin music. Good stuff.
  23. A classic Zircon tune, this is basically as hot as it gets. I love the bitcrush 1:09 a whole lot, and the traditional instruments sound excellent paired with the synths and decent but fakey guitar. Overall a good structure, some good breaks, and the zircon production polish, all in one. Very recommended!
  24. Nice melody- the beats coming in and out were a bit distracting, but the melodic fixtures and the pads were awesome. Not to get in line on the asspatting, but this is close to The Koan of Drums for my favorite DJP mix. Super great stuff.
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