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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. cool concept for the bad dudes- there is some cool stuff here, and I really like the second half. Actually, most of the good stuff in this track has nothing to do with the source notes, but that's just a testament to Dr, 'dude's skill.
  2. Arrangement is crazy here- i love it. Some sections do feel pretty liberal, but there is a lot of source throughout and a lot of variation of it. Even when the main melody isn't front-and-center (and it does make many appearances), the rhythm and chord structure is present. Distinctly over 50%, so good enough for me. Production is solid throughout, with pretty decent samples mixed with some chips. No qualms about production from me. Well balanced, and clear, some of the strings are a little dry, but nothing too distracting. I loved the tonal variety of this, and the rhythms were awesome. yes
  3. The piano was a little mechanical sounding, but otherwise things were clicking pretty well for me. There were good additions late ron that kept the second half fresh. Beats and builds were good, and the production was pretty solid. Some excellent synthing as well (yes, I realize that isn't a real word), and a lot of cool bonus sound effects and filtered bits. Sonically this is a very interesting track. Very cool stuff, I dig it. yes
  4. This was a totally fun arrangement to do, and even though i don't think my production is perfect (due to some elements being frozen from the original), i am still pleased with how it turned out. Hope you guys like it.
  5. Some sloppy guitar parts at the beginning, but after that it was phenomenal- great arrangement, some killer playing, and an excellent feel. Easily one of my favorite tracks of Luiza's. Really great work.
  6. Really pretty stuff, but pleeeasse next time make it easier on me. ;_; Beautiful playing, and the timing is what makes it especially good. Congrats on getting posted, I am excited to hear what you do next.
  7. very cool theme source- and the mood established is really good, but beyond that, it is pretty much on autopilot for the duration. I think an additional section to break it out of the repeat-with-a-new-instrument mode would be really nice. As of right now it's too repetitive. i'm not as opposed to the guitar sound as Vinnie is- it's pretty cheapy, but it was well layered with other instruments. Beyond that, I think that the arrangement is the real issue here. Sorry dude. no
  8. The ideas and treatment of the themes were pretty rockin and cool here, but a few weaknesses overall marred a generally solid entry. The main issue is that the transitions between sections were super weak- I get that the original source was pretty divergent to begin with, but productionwise, each little section feels completely differently produced. The opening was pretty solid, but the sections afterwards were a mixed bag, some good, some not so good. Generally any of the 8 bit instruments used were very dry and overly loud, near the ending, the blips were almost unbearably piercing. Once that ended, the ending bit was really pleasant, with some beautiful chimes and acoustic guitar. There's a lot of good stuff to listen to here, but the overall polish level isn't there. I do like the variety on display, and several of the ideas are cool, but I think the weak transitions and uneven production kick this down to no status. I think fixing the production stuff would be an easy fix, as it's mostly just levels of instruments, but the arrangement transitions might prove to be trickier.
  9. Not really feeling that snare- it seems a bit too loud. I can definitely tell this one of your older tracks, as it's not near as refined as your more recent production work. Some of the tom hits were way loud as well, and might have clipped slightly, or it could have been the sample. Arrangement seemed pretty conservative starting out, but it branched out into some creative additional parts, but maintained the feel throughout. Synths and organ is a pretty classic way to do the track, but it's very similar to the original. I dig the track a lot, but i think combining some of the weaker production and a very similar sound to the original, it just doesn't seem unique enough. Please keep in mind that it's a very borderline vote, so the other judges might disagree with me, but I just can't pass this as-is. Sorry mate. no
  10. I agree with Larry about the drum sound- it's mainly the snare that is a little dirty for the rest of the track. There are some better AD presets you can use that fit the tone better. I think overall the sequencing of piano and strings is just a little too mechanical. Some humanization and additional velocity work would strengthen the piano, and adjusting some of the string articulations will help there. I also think adding more lead guitars would improve this, as they are pretty strong. The arrangement is conservative, but i think if the production was improved i'd be ok passing it. A great start, and things were mostly clicking, but it needs just a little detail work. no, please resub
  11. This is definitely a great song, nice soundscape, good production, and cool textures. However, It really does feel like the source track only has a small part of the proceedings, and it's partly that the source itself is mostly chords, and partly that you added so much beyond. I really like it, but I gotta give it a no. I'd love to hear another attempt by you though, your music is great.
  12. A somewhat conservative, but distinctly personalized take on the source. The additional rhythms with the melody are very cool, and the percussion specifically has a lot of cool ideas added, with some great hihat patterns. Production was full and pretty clean. No complaints here. I also would prefer a smoother fade at the end, but am fine with giving you a non-conditional. yes
  13. The playing on this is really nice, and is definitely the strong point of the song. The tone was good as well, Unfortunately, Anosou summed up pretty well the current issue with the mix. The compression is a little overdone, and ends up making the mix sound really small. I'd suggest bringing that down, so the mix has a little more breathing room. The arrangement has a lot of very small variations throughout, but in the grand scheme of things, doesn't stack up to really taking the track somewhere new. I did like some of the transition parts, and more stuff like that is a great way to take this to the next level. It really is a good foundation, but needs some additional work. no, please resub
  14. birthday spankings (Ass pats) for you dude. Happy birthday. XD
  15. Overall this arrangement is ace, and the drums are fantastic. EIther super sequenced, or very well recorded. Either way i salute you. The brass and sax are a bit weaker. Some of the phrases sound really nice, and others are really cheesy sounding. I think you should get live sax in on this, as the exposed sax parts are pretty mechanical, and also because there are a ton of awesome sax players on OCR who would pee themselves to play an arrangement this cool. Finding a trumpet player might be a bit tougher, but i think even with some more nuanced and human sounding sax in the unison lines, this would be passable. no, please resub
  16. Yeah this is definitely cool- production and mixing wise, soem tips would be to bring the tenor up a little in volume when it has the main melody, and getting a little more high end on the snare. Other than that, the production was pretty solid. Arrangement is the issue that's holding this back from OCR- it's a sweet cover, no question there, but besides the solos, it really is too close to the source. I think adding some additional counterpoint, maybe play the theme once through in half time, or add some new harmonies. I really like it, guys, but I gotta no it. Sorry.
  17. This has some really strong moments, but also some weaker ones. Production has some specific issues that bring it down, specifically that some instruments seem to be overly dry, and some mixing issues, like the piercing high end synth leads. The drum sounds were overall very good, even sounded a bit like something Zircon would do in the second half. Transitions were a bit mixed as well. Some were absolutely badassed, like the gated and filtered ones, and some transitions just didn't have much going on, and it was a straight jump. The rest of the arrangement seemed pretty good, though not all the sections seemed really to gel perfectly. Overall this is pretty close, but doesn't quite clear the bar. I know by now you are in school, and I hope that's going well, but if you could find the time to spruce this up a little, it's pretty close. no, resub
  18. Interesting combination of styles, and it's pretty good. Extra props for mixing a more obscure track from the game. Pretty cool beats and synths, and the piano intro was nice. I'm not sure the elements all fit completely- old tyme piano + synth-heavy techno don't seem like an obvious choice, but overall this was jammin. Nice work.
  19. I don't hear much of the main melody in this, but the bass and harmony is in there. Either way, it's pretty classily done, and it has a cool groove that isn't in a rush to impress. The sax sounds really nice with the synth, and the beats and bass are great. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet, but this song is smooth, and I think girls might like it too.
  20. Some of the samples are a bit dated now (specifically the violins), but the live performances are great. The mixing is also a little bass heavy, but I can dig it. No one ever got fired for adding more bass into the mix. Overall pretty good, and very unique- these kinds of collabs are very cool to hear some new directions that mixers otherwise wouldn't have normally taken.
  21. wow, a Chrono Cross mix that I somehow overlooked, and ends up being amazing. DJP said it right, those hihats are really the star here (not sure i'll ever have a chance to say *that* again XD ), and hearing something this upbeat and well nuanced really makes me want to do some tracks in this style. It's very inspiring. Great mix!
  22. brass started out weak, but the harp sounded rockin, so all is forgiven. The chord at 2:42 really threw me off though, and the colors didn't match at all. It resolved fine, and the modulation beyond that was solid, but it was really sudden and not really great, IMO. Otherwise a very good arrangement, the treatment was very nice. Just a few blemishes on this one.
  23. Really nice textures. The levels stay pretty similar throughout, but the song breathes based on the number of textures going on. I really like all the different poly rhythms in the piano and bells, and though the ending is a bit too abrupt, this is a great track to loop. Strong showing by The Wingless!
  24. I'm pretty proud to have tied with this track for the DoD in question. Really great time signature changes, and really nice dynamics. I'm not huge on the hard panned bass, but i'll live. very classy stuff- well played.
  25. powerful and classy, this is a great idea executed very well. The 2 themes mesh together perfectly, and the performance is intense. A classic track- definitely give this one a listen.
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