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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Pretty rockin stuff, nice drums, and a pretty crazy arrangement of the theme. It jumps all over, but each diversion is really cool, so no harm there. Great soundscape and a good pace. I like it a lot.
  2. A really nice take on a great source, this is calm and tranquil take on a calm and tranquil song. The structure really is expanded here, however, and though certain sections are pretty liberal, the feel and backing parts are pretty seamless, and there are plenty of great moments. I really like the kettle drum rolls, as they add just enough motion to keep the track from plodding, until the light-as-air percussion comes in. Really good stuff; I miss Wingless's mixes, but i'm glad that he got a lot of great mixes out.
  3. Some great guitar playing, excellent effects, good structure, and average production. Add that all together, and it's definitely worth your time. Some chugs, some shredding, and a desolate and scary atmosphere make this a very true Doom remix. Nice work!
  4. Wes, we just had a long conversation and i'll just sum it up here: I respectfully disagree with you.
  5. Kidd Cabbage almost never disappoints, and this mix definitely lives up to it's name. Great synth work, tight guitar playing, and some pretty pounding drums, this is extremely metal. Awesome work, dude, I loved it back on DoD, and i'm really happy it's at OCR now as well!
  6. Wow, Vig, a lot of vitriol for a guy who stated opinions for the majority of his vote. I'm not really a fan of the Pokemon soundtrack either, but maybe a little bit of objectivity is required for judging tracks? Let me go on record saying that your vote is one of the worst I've seen since I've been judging. The intro is a bit extended overall for such a short track, but I am enjoying the vibe. Seems like not a ton of source though.. 0:11-0:30 is the A source section chord progression with some harmonic bits voiced in the guitar. 0:31-0:50 is the melody in the vocoded voices 0:51-0:53 reference to the main melody in the piano 0:54-2:16 a lot of cool noodling, but no really dominant use of source. There are some very distinct cameos, but overall I don't think there was enough source melody. 2:17 Happy ending ^__^ Production is solid overall, though I think the guitars can be a little more forward. I enjoyed the sound choices, and with the exception of some of the piano runs, the sequencing was good. Unfortunately, the arrangement seems to feature way too much original material for the short length. I think the adjustments made to the melody were fantastic, and I love the track, but it's not enough dominant source. If I'm missing something obvious in regards to the source usage, let me know, but as is, I gotta give this one the No
  7. The arrangement is pretty cool, and i dig the new instrumentation and ideas a lot, but there are some production issues holding this back. The amount of delay and reverb on just about everything is ok when it's just solo piano, but as additional elements are added to the song, it gets overrun fast. You'll need to be toning it down across the board. Sample quality is a little weak as well, but it would work out if a little more attention was paid to humanization. The velocities are pretty static on all the notes, especially some of the piano runs, and some modulation on the pan flute lead to give it a little more life would improve it. It's a pan flute, so you should be bending some of the notes to make it sound more natural. To get more in depth with the arrangement, I think some more spicy drum fills to smooth out section transitions and make things seem like they aren't on autopilot would be a good improvement over an already pretty decent mix. You definitely show promise as a mixer, but this track isn't quite there yet. No, please resubmit
  8. Nice slow build on this, with some good textures to keep it interesting. Overall really solid, though some brass attacks are slower than they need to be. I was hoping that the build would get even bigger at 1:46, but I think that's just my personal need for the ultimate in Wagnerian excess. Actually, throughout, I think the builds could be bigger. Things sound very nice, and it's a good length, with some nice breathing passages. The source checks out as well, and the theme sounds a lot like the main theme of FF4, which is never a bad thing. good show. Yes
  9. Happy birthday! Have a good weekend!
  10. Cool sounds and a solid arrangement make this one pretty sweet. It really takes the Chun Li theme and updates it. Great use of effects too.
  11. The arrangement seems to be piano melody with a guitar countermelody, and some backing chords, but there seems to be a lot of missing stuff harmonically. There's no real bottom end, and the beats are canned and static. Production is what really brings this down, as there is a ton of mud from all the reverb you put on everything, especially the bass drum and hihat. Like, excessive reverb. No
  12. The source here checks out- the initial combination worked really well, and the guitar performance was really nice. Some of the orchestral bits could have been a little more fluid and humanized, but they were such a background element, that I didn't feel that it really detracted. Besides the really creative intro, the arrangement was a bit conservative, though there were some nice changes to a few rhythms and notes. Nothing over-the-top, but a few nice melodic surprises. The orchestral elements were also slightly different than the OST version, so I think i'm comfortable with the arrangement. Production is nice and warm, and the acoustic guitar sounds awesome. Good panning and soundfield. Yes
  13. Nice reverb Seriously though, this mix sounds pretty nice, live even. I like it very much! Very nice voice and the cello is great.
  14. hey dude, great idea, you should do that
  15. Nice work taking an exceptionally ambient track and really pulling the melody out from it. Unfortunately, the arrangement tends to plod, but it's really difficult to keep things moving with an atmospheric soundscape and no percussion, especially with this source. Things are also pretty repetitive and somewhat bland. I do realize that a lot of this is the source's fault, but some tracks are just more difficult to remix than others, and this one is certainly up there. Production could be both more defined, and deep, but really it's tough to gauge how to go about this without changing the mood. The leads are clear, and there is some texture in the BG, but It tends to bleed a bit to make things a little muddy. WHile I salute you for taking on such a difficult source track, I gotta give this one a no, resubmit
  16. ReMixer Name: Neblix Name: Nabeel website (under construction): http://neblixsaber.darkesword.com/neblixsworld.html Userid: 24123 Game: Megaman 9 Songs: Galaxy Fantasy (Galaxy Man Stage) Remix Title: Maple Trees Under The Stars I was listening to an original piano piece somewhere on the WIP forums and the melody reminded me of galaxy man. I played around with the "What if...?" the result is the piano intro. I played more with it, and it just kept evolving from there. The Pan Flute Then the shakers then the upright bass next a little bell, but it doesn't sound very smooth. Since I live with a musician as an older brother, I asked him what he thought and he suggested that apply latin rhythm. Since Shariq is usually never wrong when it comes to music, I followed this advice and before I knew it, I was onto some latin jazz here. I then added a cool mysterious little melody afterwards, and then a full piano to flute to piano solo... and then the ending, is, well, the festive part of the genre. Thought we'd go out with a bang, right? source:
  17. ReMixer Names: Cyril the Wolf, OA and Lil' Wolfie Real Names: Connor Pelkey and Andrew Luers Websites: cyril.newgrounds.com and http://www.oceansend.com User IDs: 25520 and OA Submission Title: Metal Mage Instrumentation: Connor: Rhythm Guitar, Bass, Drum Programming, Synth Programming, Arrangement Andrew: Shredtastic Lead Guitar, Mario Paint Sounds Lil' Wolfie: Epic Vocals Name of Game: Final Fantasy IV Name of Song Arranged: Palom and Porom Composer: Nobuo Uematsu System: Super Nintendo Entertainment System Year Released: 1991 Soundtrack Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PUOHfRZIlo Connor's Comments: So... no one else really wanted to take this track, and I saw that the lowest note played by the bass was B. So... Using my epic, newly created, Drop-B guitar I set out to make this theme go through all sorts of metal styles. Starts with just basic nu metal kinda stuff, goes to speed/thrash, converts into a Palm-Muted Groove metal thing, goes to what I'd call power metal until the end. With some poly-rhythms thrown in for a progressive touch. Also, my little bro. This is Palom, and he's a punk kid. So is my bro. Kudos to Andrew for pushing me to get my little bro on there. It was a one take deal. Andrew's Comments: Connor wanted some leads added to his track, and some finishing touches, and things were sounding really good, so I was very excited to help out. We seem to share a pretty similar outlook on what would make a track more fun, and when he offhandedly mentioned that he could convince his 5 year old brother to record some vocals, I was really excited. Around this time, I found a cool Mario Paint simulator with flats and sharps, and did a version of the theme for an intro, using the most ridiculous sounds Mario Paint has, to further contrast the metal. After that, i did some lead guitar, along with a sortof shredding solo. source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg8YfNVS8gc
  18. Notes: This is a song for DarkeSword's FFV secret project, so please keep it hush-hush until whenever that project is posted. I'm not sure of any specifics, so please talk to him if you have any questions outside of the actual song. Thanks! Song name: The Healer's Touch Contact Information: Your ReMixer name – Level 99, Avaris Your real name - Stephen Bortz, Shaun Wallace Your website – Your userid – 13318, 15843 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged – Final Fantasy V Name of individual song(s) arranged – Dear Friends/Prelude (I'm not sure if this counts as including the original FF, but the Prelude was incorporated into the song) Composer: Nobuo Uematsu The OST is already on the site. Comments on the song: Since my last sub email to OCR was way WAY too long, I'll keep this one much shorter. DarkeSword was randomly asking in IRC for someone to do an FFV mix, and he informed me about the project he was doing. I said I'd give the theme for the white mage (Dear Friends) a shot. The first revision was good but too short, and it took a number of further attempts and the collaboration with Avaris to get the song finalized. I wanted to have a sad, depressing take of the Prelude at the beginning. The healer is in the party for a reason, and no one likes to get hurt. I was aiming to get out the fears that someone who would need to go to a healer would have: what if I can't be fixed? After about a minute of a minor-focused rendition of the Dear Friends progression A with the Prelude theme incorporated on top with acoustic guitar and a variety of orchestral instruments, the healer's theme of Dear Friends is switched to major with acoustic guitars carrying the song. The healer evokes a warm, caring aura, the kind that only family or close-friends can give off. When in the healer's pressence, it seems that everything will end up all-right. The warm acoustic is backed by some subtle instruments meant to reinforce the Dear Friends melody with some small counterplay (I'm not sure if I'm using the right terminology here). As it switches to progression B, the guitars strum a bit more and the theme is carried on with a hopeful trumpet laying on top of the melody, low strings still holding the basic chords. At the end of progression B, a last resonating guitar note echoes as the pain is now completely gone and the healer's job is done, the fear and doubt all but a memory. This person truly has the healer's touch: to cure ailments and allay fears. I took care of nearly all the arrangement, playing off of DarkeSword's feedback whenever it was given, and approached Avaris for mastering and production. It would not have had either any of the warm sound and feeling without his touching-up the work I had written. Working with him is always a great pleasure, and one I've been lucky to have taken part in more often recently, such as the Xenogears track "Quickening". I hope the healer's touch warms your hearts. ~Stevo Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGJza6YGAes
  19. A very cool source with a great melody- awesome way to start out! The orchestral intro was what I was sortof expecting, and I thought the theme a few times seemed a little far back in the mix- woodwinds and flute, but once everything else kicked in, I was sold. A cool beat, excellent new rhythms, and the guitar and synth doubling the lead hard panned sounded really cool. Some cool breakdowns, and a good sense of pacing. Production was solid except for the few instances of the woodwinds being too far back. Everything else was very crisp and well-balanced. Nice work. yes
  20. ReMixer names: ProtoDome, Level 99 Real name: Blake Troise, Stephen Bortz Userid: 25246, 13318 Name of game arranged: Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow Name of song arranged: Pokémon Center Original Composer: Junichi Masuda Okay, this is late and Stevo will kill me if he finds out I’ve submitted this three weeks after he asked me to. ^___^ Anyway- this is another track for the Pokémanz project in a similar style to the other one I sub’d. I thought I’d go for a cool, laid back, smooth jazz feel and make the chord pattern more interesting than just switching between the tonic and the dominant. The vocal bits were kinda silly and fun, however they mesh with the sound well. As you’ll hear, Stevo has done a killer guitar part to go with it and it really fits the whole thing perfectly. Nothing else more to say really, enjoy. Original Sound Track:
  21. -Xenon Odyssey -Bobby Keller -http://xenonodyssey.googlepages.com -6142 -Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis version) -Race Results So, because I'm a medicore pianist (hopefully getting better), I decided to take this normally peppy song and make it into a lullaby. The title comes from the thought of racing all day and enjoying the sunset/twilight and has nothing to do with sparkly vampires. Also, I request that you post my other mix (Hidden Within) before you post this one (although by the time this gets to the panel it shouldn't be a problem BUT I felt like I should say it anyway). Cheers, B. Kel. source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpuD4268nwI
  22. ReMixer name: Mr. Karate real name: John Grimm email address: john.grimm@gamerarmy.com website: http://www.youtube.com/user/Sturgis702 userid: 28766 Name of game(s) arranged: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Name of individual song(s) arranged: Beware the Forest's Mushrooms My own comments about the mix: I had submitted a different version of this song and was rejected for it not being different enough, so I made a new one in 10 minutes after I got the rejection out of spite and said to myself I wasn't going to send it in to you douche bags, so I held onto it for 3 months, but I figured, I'll give it one more go. The first song wasn't different enough, I decided to make this one as different as I could possibly make it while still having the melody. Changed the piano effects, manipulated the drum rhythms, and a guitar with all sorts of stupid effects. source:
  23. I'd lighten and desaturate the box by about 10% so the text is more legible, but otherwise, solid work.
  24. how is it different than any other day?.... <3...
  25. Nutritious Justin Medford http://NutritiousMultimedia.googlepages.com 16520 Final Fantasy V The Fire-Powered Ship This is a project track. Well this one has been sitting on my hard drive for quite some time now... about 6 months in fact. Earlier this year, Darkesword approached me to join a project he was running for an FF5 album. I won't go into the details, but I found the concept very unique and interesting. I was tasked to do an orchestral rendition for the Knight theme. I decided on The Fire-Powered Ship not only because of its catchy melody, but because it has a progressive, driving feel to it. I attempted to still capture that same feel by drawing out the intro and melody, building up the action. I found that writing for a specific character's theme really helped me visualize the track as a whole and smoothed out the writing process. So kudos to DS for the concept. Hope you enjoy, Justin source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1fKxAZzvH4
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