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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. i haven't read any of the comments, but i'm sure at least 10 of them mentioned the smashing pumpkins similarity. Nice blend of sounds, I loved the monoglide synths especially, and and the arrangement was really well done. I think turning the rhythm guitars down a tad would have been best, but i'm still enjoying this a lot. Nice work.
  2. nice playing and arrangement concept, I dig it. A little too loose in some sections, but overall it was a very relaxing sound. Nice run, and a good transition to the second theme at the end. Really nice tone on the sax, and good intonation, and the deceptive cadence right before the end was beautiful. Very good stuff guys.
  3. Besides the levels being a little low throughout, this is really well done. Beautiful work!
  4. WHY YOU DISTRACTIN' ME? I SAID DON'T EVER BUG ME WHILST I'M BEIN' A KILLA i think that's all that needs to be said, but since I'm feeling verbose, I'll say a bit more. I like the original theme a lot, but i'm not really hearing much of it throughout, and the lyrics aren't great, though the flow and delivery is good enough. I think speeding up the track a bit mroe overall would be good, more of a club/party track.
  5. The tuning issues on this completely ruin what eventually turns into a great arrangement. Sad.
  6. Some of the strongest stuff Shariq does is the heavily arpeggiated textures like he starts out at 2:06. That kind of thing really captures my attention, and the way it builds is excellent. This is one of my favorite DS mixes on the site, be sure to check it out.
  7. some production issues made this a little weaker to me than it could have been, , but there was a lot of great work, and a really enjoyable arrangement. I love how the gated pads had a really cool rhythm, and when it lined up with the snare rolls, it was super good. Breakdowns were solid, and everything just clicked with this one. Great collab, guys!
  8. Funky and fun, this is great return to the early 80's, but with a lot of the excellent layering the era itself tended to lack. Nice transitions, and a really solid feel. I dig this one.
  9. This is a great way to handle a conservative arrangement, where it's clearly been personalized, and very well crafted. I definitely enjoy this remix.
  10. I think the style of this one is a little too old school for my tastes, but the tempo shift at 1:32 was really well done and worked out for me.
  11. I still wish this was longer overall, but what a great ReMix. Some really exciting sections mixed with some new age sections and a great original melody makes a very solid listening experience. Well done!
  12. I agree it drags a little and could use some editing, but otherwise the writing worked well enough. I think having some additional backing parts would be helpful, like a counter melody in some parts, and more defined swells would really help. you don't need to do it with percussion, but even a pad or string bed crescendo + some suspended cymbals would really work nicely. The leads aren't super great either, and I'd suggest changing them up a bit. The first one would definitely sound good with a live recording, but if that won't work, maybe a more realistic sounding patch will have to do. The second lead worked well, but the soundscape was still a little empty. Either thicken that one up by doubling it, or fill out things with some extra instruments. A great start, but it needs some polishing up. no, please resubmit
  13. great arrangement, really nice, relaxing, and peaceful. I do think sound and sample quality plays a part of music, otherwise why bother with different instruments? Low fidelity is great and definitely has a place, but with music being a form of expression, having a wider tonal palate is just like a larger vocabulary. Regardless, excellent work.
  14. I think the other judges brought up some good points, and though I thought some of the beats around the halfway point were cool, the mix as a whole seemed to go way long. I'd trim down some of the fat, and vary up what remains to be a little more adventurous. It's a solid foundation, but you'll need to go a few steps further. Production is really overcompressed. Tons of stuff is getting smashed down, and there is a lot of mud. Cleaning up some stuff with EQ cuts in the mid lows will solve a lot of issues. Adding some additional high percussion like tambourine or shaker will also give it some more textural interest while filling up a few high frequencies. It's a start, but there's a ways to go. no
  15. Wow, awesome arrangement and some stellar playing. A+ arrangement here; I loved the minor 1-off rhythm changes in the backing chugs. Also props for picking out some of the more under-covered Castlevania tracks. Nice variety of lead sounds, and dead-on articulating. Production was decent, but could have been a bit louder, and the drums could be toned down slightly. I actually really liked the synth, and though it may be my synth bias, I was feeling it. I'm not huge on the conditional vote, but I think it's appropriate here. Tone down the drums slightly and boost the overall volume, and we're totally good. yes (conditional)
  16. Overall some strong sections that doesn't quite add up, and I think Vinnie covered part of it by mentioning the sometimes-indistinct leads. I also think that the builds between sections and transitions are a little weak. A track like this really demands massive builds and breakdowns to keep it interesting, and though there are some, they are like speedbumps when they should be mountains. There are a few passing tones that don't quite mesh either, maybe that is similar to Vinnie's comment about some backing parts not matching. I'd be good to go over everything again. Otherwise, it was pretty nice, some familiar sounds used pretty well, it just needs some detail work. no, resubmit
  17. The new material is definitely helping, but it still gets a little too flashy and away from the source. Sorry guys, the vote still stands. ;_;
  18. Excellently powerful arrangement and a great soundtrack i'm glad you introduced me to. There are some serious production and execution issues though, that need to be addressed before this is ready. Most noticeable is the lack of any velocities on the drums. Those snare rolls are painfully mechanical, and need to have the velocities staggered. What i mean by that, is the off-hits need to be a noticeably lower velocity that the dominant ones. Think more along the lines of "XxXxXxXx" rather than "XXXXXXXX". Overall the production is being way too overbearing. The compression is smashing this like One trick you can try that is easy and will undoubtedly help is turn every individual track down about 1.5db. Due to how you are compressing things, it'll still have a good volume, but things will have more room to breathe. From there, you can assess what needs to be done, without all the audio distorting. This will most likely be some surgical EQ cuts in the low end. You'll want to roll off anything lower than 50hz on just about everything, and then probably a really sharp cut around 250hz. Just go with your ear as best you can. Definitely showing promise here, but fix up those issues. no, resubmit
  19. The production doesn't stand up to blind's remix of the same source, but there were some excellent breakdowns that really made this one unique and awesome. Very enjoyable!
  20. Awesome effects on some of the guitars, and great drum programming. Great chugs, and some really inspired ideas. Easily one of my favorites From Luiza.
  21. if you go 5-15 days on shipping, expect it to take at least 10, but yeah, reliable.
  22. 2003 Guilty Gear XX #Reload - Baiten Kaitos 2004 Ace Combat 5 -The Unsung War 2005 Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 - Driver's Delight Tales of Legendia -Let's Talk Prince of Persia - Warrior WithinRooftop Engagement Soul Calibur 3 2006 Suikoden 5 - Wind of Phantom Sonic Riders - Theme of Egg Factory Rogue Galaxy - Shadow of the Sun DJMax - Ace Combat Zero - Zero!! Another vote for the xenosaga 2 and 3 stuff, specifically the main theme of xenosaga 2
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