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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Arrangement is very conservative, with the melody, bass, and harmony parts all pretty much verbatim, but besides the obvious genre shift, there is a slight tempo change, a well-integrated breakdown, and several structural changes. Several sections feature parts removed and filtered to give the song a more lengthened flow than the original, and the middle section is original, but transitions seamlessly into the source. Production is clean and full. Nothing sounds bad, and though it gets a little crowded at times, it doesn't prevent me from signing off on it. I do agree that the ending is abrupt, and that it took a lot of thinking on this one, as it was a tough decision, but overall i'm comfortable passing this one. Yes
  2. I still feel that the lead playing is sloppy in spots, and that the tone is a little too dry, but a lot of production issues I had with the first sub have been fixed, and some of the breakdown sections really worked. Excellent synths there. Arrangement was creative, and the subtle (and the sometimes extreme) panning on some elements was very cool. Nice attention to detail. Vocals were great. That Mega Man is one angry guy! There are definitely some improvements that can be made overall for additional subs, but this is a snarling and raw mix that works pretty well. YES
  3. FFFFUUUUUUUU so close yet so far. I ended up with exactly 175. I want to extend a sincere thank-you to everyone who did reviews (even if it was just 1) because of this little drive. Extra congratulations to Emunator and 42, who reached the very difficult to achieve 200 reviews. Not even I could muster that kind of dedication to the site. Thank you both, very much. Awesome work, and here's to 2010 being great!
  4. I guess the highest compliment I can give is that Andy legitimately plays to win. Super respect for all you've done, OCR and otherwise. And of course you aren't going anywhere.
  5. For as much as I am not feeling those canned beats (the beat is fine, but it repeats a bit too much), I am adoring that gliding synth lead. Absolutely beautiful, with some great original writing in the B section. New harmonies and counterpoints are nice, and the arrangement is expressive and expansive enough. Production was good; balanced but full, and the transitions worked out well. Things felt personalized, and though I miss the super bass slides present in the original, this will definitely do. yes
  6. cool to see from the attached video that Cain is as scrubby and unwashed as I am. really solid work, nice playing and production, and the arrangement is very strong. Glad to see you are back mixing!
  7. Some decent interpretation here, but as the other judges so succinctly mentioned, it is very repetitive. It needs to build and recede, and feel like it is going somewhere. The sounds used seem generally default, and while it's not a total song-killer, in my opinion, the sounds used are static for the entire duration. Mix it up a bit to add interest! no
  8. I saw it over the weekend and thought it was super awesome. I didn't even think about the cgi, it was so well integrated. Story construction was really good, demonstrating all of the important plot mechanics and then bringing them back later when they mattered. the $13.50 for the 3d version was totally money well spent. SPOILERZ- Plotwise, the only part that broke me out was the human army dropping off infantry- tactically, it'd make more sense to just have the bomber + support. If they were going in to completely wipe out all the refugees, then deploy the infantry later. Not as exciting of a story, of course, but more logical.
  9. I suggest you start with learning garageband (should have come with your mac), and then once you are comfortable, upgrade to logic. all of your old project files will be compatible, and it's really nice to have a program that can act as (pretty powerful) trainign wheels for the high end stuff. Also, Cerrax has some great advice.
  10. super congrats- I wish you super fun marriage time turbo!
  11. I agree that it doesn't really add a ton of information to the thread, as the NO's get the thread posted anyways. However, I do think that having a more standard "currently.." thread update schedule would be nice. I'll be doing it Wednesdays at noon from here on out. That way people will know the day that it's updated, so they don't have to keep randomly checking it and seeing no updates. They can check on Wednesday and see what's new. I just updated it, so it's a day early this week, but it'll stick to the schedule from here on out.
  12. pretty cool concept to do an all-tuned percussion mix. Maybe I should try something like that sometime, I think it'd throw everyone off. the addition of a choirish pad and some cool drum loops makes it more unique, and the repeating pattern gets pretty hypnotic. Overall a good mix, and cool that Mazedude tried out a track that he enjoyed without playing the game itself.
  13. pretty decent stuff, It did have some moments that were stretched out a bit, but overall i felt the piece moved towards a specific goal. Cool concept for the mix title as well, I love when mixers think of cool ideas for titles. Not DS's best, but still a very capable mix.
  14. pretty emotional performance, and nice clean production. This is good stuff. Sometimes it's best to just let the source speak for itself, and this mix does that beautifully. Amazing stuff, I really enjoyed this one.
  15. dang a lot of text in the reviews for this one, so in order to not overfill the thread, i'll just say it was pretty good.
  16. Pretty great beats, that was the strong point here- a lot of interesting sections. the sound clips were a bit meh, but between those ninja-sliced beats, and the cool synths, I was doing just fine. Nice breakdown of piano and choir, and though the track went well over 6 min, it was varied enough to always be interesting.
  17. definitely a unique take on the source. I found it really interesting, and while I can see where the mixed reviews are coming from, I found it to be a pretty sweet track overall. I love when creative risks are taken, and there are plenty in this track that paid off. Nice work.
  18. I really like the section at 1:30- very serene. I also really enjoyed the piano tone and dynamics. Nice work!
  19. Excellent percussion and piano on this track, I really love this sound. Saxes are serviceable. Not as good as bummerdude says, but now as bad as 42 says. Interpretation was very strong on this one, and the flow of the track was really good. pretty good work, I approve!
  20. Beautiful brass and excellent textures make this a very classic update of the theme. I think this would be very close to what Nobuo himself imagined while writing, but the tasteful use of additional themes make it much more than just a cover. If I were trying to show someone what the essence of Final Fantasy IV was, i'd show them this track.
  21. Congrats to Emunator on 200 reviews! Per the agreement where anyone who hits 200 reviews in Dec gets to request a song that i'll remix, he gets first dibs! Also, podcast will come back, but probably not Dec. Me working on my DoD entry is taking up a lot of free time. I also assumed that no one listened, or those who did hated it.
  22. great intro- I wasn't a fan of the exposed lead tone, but once the drums and bass came in it worked well. Good transitions and a nice instrumental pallate make this a good track to keep on repeat. The piano is nice, and though the violin is a little bit brittle, the rest of the track makes up for it. Nice and chill stuff.
  23. I love the kick gallop and the vocals. Production was solid, and the transition to the second theme was pretty well done. Very rocking stuff, I love this track. Cute ending as well. ^______^
  24. Awesome soundscape on this track, and the panned bass synth is an interesting choice. Sometimes I'm totally feeling it, and others I'm wishing that it was more centered. Either way, this is a pretty cool mix. The samples aren't amazing, but they are definitely well used, and the track length is perfect. Percussion is basic, but fits- beauty in simplicity; the hi hat up beats drive things really nicely. Really groovin'.
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