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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. What's the issue? No need to train him before he can get into the role. He already knows kung fu.
  2. Sounds awesome, guys! 2009 is going to be THE YEAR.
  3. where do you get the tails? I found the regular ol' rat tail. Are the rest in the final moon dungeon?
  4. Really raw, but pretty awesome nonetheless. Some tuning issues in the intro guitar, and the hi hats are really mechanical, but there is a really strong charm to this one; maybe it's a really strong source and a remixer who is really into it. The enthusiasm is audible. I'm glad this got on the site when it did, because as of right now there the production isn't near up to the OCR standards. I really think it deserves to be on here, and judging from the other comments, I'm not alone with that opinion. This has been on my playlist for years and will totally stay there, flaws and all. <3
  5. One of the most notable 'new' mixes to me when I first started frequenting the site, this has been one of my favorites since. It has a great sense of motion, and is constantly pushing forward, with a lot of cool surprises thrown in. I loved all of the transitions where something cool happened, whether it was the slow-to-a-stop intro, the full spectrum filter and gate, or the vocoded part. Percussion on this is super layered and totally hot, and something interesting is always happening on multiple levels. The end section where it goes halftime and then gradually speeds up is inspiring too. A++ work, great stuff.
  6. Pretty nice work, there are enough surprises in store from both the source and the genre to keep it sounding fresh throughout. Production was solid and everything is in place. Not much else to say but it was enjoyable.
  7. Is there anything Mazedude can't do? I love that so frequently in his comments he mentions that he is always thinking of new ways to challenge himself. Major props for that, and it's something that everyone (especially myself) should give some serious thought to. The kettle drums really drive this, and the whole track has a really fun atmosphere and the unique instrumentation makes it sound really spontaneous and lively. I love the fill-in squeaks and blats, and the constantly shifting sonic field. Instruments segue from leads to chordal parts seamlessly, and then a whole new group of instruments come in. An aside, when I finally got to meet him at Magfest, I was starting to feel really sick and was headed to my room to lay down, so I had to cut our conversation short. Sorry if I seemed impolite, 'dude, I really wish I could have stayed and talked more. Overall an exceedingly creative mix, I love it, and I'm really excited to hear what Mazedude will do next.
  8. If you don't go with the Inigo Montoya style, I will cut you. ..r hair into a hilarious bowl cut!
  9. I really want to see DJseal go Super Sealyin, so i'll keep track of the reviews until we do reach over 9000, and will be updating it until that day!!!
  10. 300x300 is the sized used for the itunes 'flip book' view-
  11. Some of the sequencing seemed a little mechanical, mainly the guitar arpeggios, but this was overall a really enjoyable mix. I totally hear the Mitsuda influence- it's like a long lost Chrono Cross track. Samples actually sound very reminiscent to CC as well, and while they were overall well-used, I think a little bit more care with velocities and mod would really kick your game up a notch. Great first mix though, it's well-chosen source tracks put together in a cool style.
  12. Completely nuts, going from overwhelmingly packed to beautiful in a span of a few moments. The themes used are really good, quirky but endearing, and the remix really makes them unique, and is very strong overall. This isn't a mix everyone will love, but it is one that everyone should give a chance to. Give it a listen and see how you feel. I thought it was really good.
  13. More of a strong upgrade to the original, rather than a complete re-imagining, this track works for me, despite playing it safe. I loved that analogue synth and the solos were excellent as well. I think the percussion could have been much more involved and varied, but it had a well-produced sound. It does accomplish it's goals of just being laid back and relaxing, though, so maybe attention grabbing percussion would be counterproductive. Either way, this is a great mix from one of the best tracks in the Breath of Fire 3 soundtrack. It's clean, smooth, and can be endlessly looped! Check it out.
  14. I'd be playing on illidan a lot more if i wasn't getting massive queues. 800 person queue? Grossssssss
  15. There were 2 really good shatterhand tracks in this month's DoD http://dod.vgmix.com/past/mag7/12tie-Hoha-Shatterhand-Hands-DoD.mp3 http://dod.vgmix.com/past/mag7/22tie-SkummelMaske-Shatterhand-This-DoD.mp3
  16. Nice sounding mix here, the whistle and pipes are great, and the piano and chimes give a nice texture to the string beds. The brass was a little weaker than the rest, which made it sound out of place, but it wasn't too jarring. It played a smaller role in the track anyways, so no worries. Enjoyable and relaxing, nice work.
  17. Textures are pretty good, but the balance is a bit off. The melody is buried in a few sections, and though the groove is kept going, it lacks punch. I really like the source though, so nice work choosing it.
  18. This track has such a strong sonic signature (pun not intended, for once), that I don't think i'd ever mistake it for another track. Awesome combination of seemingly disparate styles into something that really works. I chuckled a bit with some of the drum machine sounds, but once things got going, it wasn't a distraction. I love the great rhythms in just about every instrument. No whole notes for Jose! I think the textures are incredible, though it's hard to fully appreciate them on the first listen. Four listens later though, it really is apparent how it all gels. The panning is really subtle in this, but adds a lot of interest, and the more I listen, the more impressed I am with the arrangement. The sounds used may be 80's and could be misconstrued as kitschy, but this is really highbrow stuff. Props.
  19. I remember you showing me this right before you subbed it, and I thought "wow, how completely shameless to game the OCR system like this". Great incorporation of the themes, they fit together perfectly. The various Christmas staples mixed in with the also-familiar Mario Kart theme is classy, and the style is spot-on. The piano and drums are especially convincing. I feel a little weird about listening to this one at other times of the year, but while it's still snowy, and i'm drinking my ghetto mocha, this is the way to go. GG dude, can't wait to hear more from you.
  20. I have to say this is a strong mix that really has some awesome guitar playing. How you manage to get a good tone with your strange setup is really cool I think. awesome work on that snare sound, it is really powerful. I love the big and boomy snares you create. When it comes to Scaredsim and Battlerager, they really make a good team on this track, and though it does go on for a bit too long, it's really solid and enjoyable. You guys should check this one out.
  21. Pretty brutal, i love the Iced Earth style production. Great rhythm playing, and even some sweeps in there too (or is it legato tapping? It all sounds the same to me. As in, it all sounds awesome). I didn't really dig the source that much, but you really kicked it up and focused on the strengths. Nice work, dude.
  22. In the final dungeon of this finally...Got a lot of time to play on the plane to and from MAGfest. We are making good progress on tracks, and I expect a few more to be complete within a week or so. Keep it up guys, we are in the home stretch!
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