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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Thank you all so much! It means a lot to me that you all posted in a surprise thread for me. :-) I just got back from the hospital with mom and baby and we are all tired but otherwise good. Things weren't looking so hot right away, but thanks to an army of nurses, everyone is doing great now! STATS: James "AeroZ" Sebastian Luers Age: 2 days Weight: 6 lbs 14.4 oz Height: 20 inches Favorite Remix (so far): Xenogears - Skyline PS. It's December! Don't forget to review some remixes!
  2. might want to check the ff4 thread, you guys were cut last friday.
  3. andrew uses : Hard Drive Crash! It's Super Effective!
  4. The beginning was totally ambient which is normally a distinct turnoff, but I found myself really interested in the first bit a lot. It lost a little once the bass and percussion came in, but once the music started, it was pretty awesome. A super slow build suits this source, which is really sunny and cheerful. the chiptune style with the deep ambiance is a bit strange at first, but it really ends up melding pretty well, even though the structure is a bit lacking. The transitions aren't amazingly strong, but the whole track is just overall soothing. The vocal sample at the end didn't really fit with the theme and felt tacked on. I could have done without that. Otherwise a really pleasant and interesting mix. Not what i'd expect at all, but it works.
  5. Very ambient intro had me wondering what would be in store for this one, but once that beat came in, I knew it was going to be something exciting. The bass sound was a bit jarring and synthy, but it worked decently enough. The loop got a bit old after awhile though, and was a bit overly present, but the lead synth kept things interesting throughout. Nice soloing, I liked that part. It would have had a bit more punch to it is the loop hadn't grown stale. Some percussive interplay would have been nice with the various solo ideas. Overall this is a decent mix with a great solo, but some cut corners that really detract from the mix. Check it out though, it's worth the download.
  6. Great work on this, there's a lot of excellent themes woven in, and some great malletwork in the percussion. It starts out slow and tranquil, but dang, does it ever pick up into something really rousing. The builds are excellent, and the woodwinds lend great texture to everything. Great transitions, nice changes in feel, and tons of details. I agree with meccaneer. Get this man an orchestra.
  7. Sorry for the double post, but that is how i'm gonna roll today. Since it is obvious we are going to completely pwn the expectations for this thing by the end of today, I made a new banner and put it in my signature. Let's all do our part to get DJSeal to super saiyan level! Also, to help out the cause, here is the banner code to put our intrepid hero in your signature! That way, when I update the power-progress bar, it'll update for you automatically, and the link will get people to the mixes! [noparse][url="http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&f=14&page=1&pp=40&sort=replycount&order=asc&daysprune=-1"][img=http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/december_banner.jpg][/url][/noparse]
  8. hay guyz, FF4 is gonna come out next week! Sorry if no one told you.
  9. Great percussion and panning on this one, nice variations, and good sense of style. My only real complaint is that none of the builds are as massive as they should be. Interesting from start to finish, I really dig it. If only there was some big transitions.
  10. Smooth. Great solos and very catchy chord comping. The percussion is great, with perfect panning, and some very well put-together layering. Great synth choices, and lots of nice textures. Nothing completely knocks me out of my chair, but it's really solid work and is great to loop. I've been jammin with this one for the last half hour or so. Nice work, I think you guys should collab more frequently.
  11. Holy guitar sequencing. When it gets to the higher registers, it doesn't sound as strong, but the lower stuff is beautifully emotive. A few of the backing elements could benefit from stronger samples, notably the cello, but they don't specifically drag the mix down, just breaks a bit of the illusion. Piano throughout is great though. Really emotive work, I like it a lot. It makes a pretty good case for checking out the PS4 soundtrack.
  12. Exceptionally classy, especially considering this is a double digit mix. Plenty going on, and even brings in the 'official' drum sound. Panning transitions were excellent, and the energy on this was great. The attention to detail on each part of this really has it rise above. The mass stutters at the end remind me of fan blades; pretty fitting AE's reputation as a top-tier mixer is pretty well earned, i'd say. Fantastic work.
  13. Some light dissonance in the intro chords, but nothing to completely get my out of it; it actually made me listen a little closer. Cool ideas on the lead, but as for production, it's a bit middle-of-the-road. The quotes? No thanks. The transition to the piano wasn't really expected, and I don't think it really worked. Once it got more dancey, I was further onboard, but overall this one shows it age pretty prominently. There are some good points, but plenty of room to improve. One strong point was the kick has some decent heft to it, and had it's rhythms switched up enough to be pretty engaging.
  14. Sample-wise this is pretty gross..like a gameboy, and it's a pretty straightforward cover medley. HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (!) Double Dragon on the gameboy probably killed more batteries for me than any other game, and all because when I was 11 or so and waiting in the frigid cold for the bus, i'd have headphones in and would be jamming to the title screen music for hours as i'd head to school. The nostalgia on this mix is so strong I can't be rational and I love in conditionally. When the title screen music finally hits after the huge build, I forgot all of the shortcomings. I will say the drum programming is really nice on this one, with some great fills and grooves. I love this mix. <3
  15. Piano at the beginning was a bit mechanical, but this mix has a nice charm to it, and the guitar was pretty good sounding. I think in the past 7 years, texxsounds has probably improved his production to the point that this would sound completely awe-inspiring if done today. The foundation is certainly there. The guitar playing is the standout one this one. A short, sweet, and perfectly imperfect lullaby. Check it out.
  16. If mixes sound this good with the Larry touch, I think he should be in all mixes. Great layered beats, I count like 5 layers eventually. Maybe even more, but it's hard to tell with all the other awesome that is going on. This one is really more about the overall feeling of speed and it builds really well to the vocal, which I think was really awesome. Not much to say here but awesome work, gents; I have loved this mix since I first heard it.
  17. Man, is Zangief the next Ice Cap? Seems like just a few days ago I heard a Zangief mix.. The beats are as hot as a Russian wrestler's love, but I can't say I was feeling that bass and string sample right away. Just sounded a little dated, though the buildup was well handled. Even moving to the synth guitar was a big improvement, and you know how I feel about synth guitar leads. I do have to admit that it's some of the nicest synth guitar i've heard in awhile so nice work. That section also had the extra panned percussion. Sounded awesome. Transitions were sick; that full track gate made me all ":nicework:". The transition to the heavy damage was pretty strong I thought, despite comments on the contrary. I think it could have been extended a bit to smooth it out, but I think it worked well despite it's seemingly abruptness. Overall this mix is pretty great, but yeah, no more laziness allowed!
  18. Congrats on your first posted mix, dude! As someone who tends to be a fan of mixes with great bottom ends ( >_> ), this really appeals to me. The bass sound is great, and though the sound isn't completely balanced, it's styled in such a way to really appeal. The solos were funky, with some good rhythms, and the transitions were pretty well handled. Beats were a bit vanilla, but there was enough going on otherwise to keep the mix interesting. Pretty groove heavy, but it's textured enough to keep moving forward. Overall? Excellent bass, creative synth leads, and gated synth? I'm a fan.
  19. ho shi we are doing AWESOME! It's been only 1 week, and already we have over 140% of the reviews of ALL OF LAST MONTH! I, uh, updated my little progress bar.. ...I think we are going to need a new bar very soon.. Completely crazy. Awesome work everyone!
  20. This mix has a great sense of purpose, and though it is very atmospheric, it is also very melodic. The texture stays pretty full for the duration, but there are some nice breaks of where it features the arpeggio and the choir vox. The samples aren't realistic at all, but more importantly, they are managed very well, and their strengths are focused on. It never sounds mechanical, and the instruments sound like they 'should'. Pretty good theme, and a nice arrangement.
  21. some nice harp glissando's and effects, but it's so close to the source I'm not really sure how this survived lockdowns 1 and 2. It has a little bit of arrangement in the form of a second counterpoint in the second half, but compared to most of Mazedude's other works, this is pretty uninspired. It's still a great listen, with clean production and some high quality sounds, but it seems really halfassed; it even has a fadeout. I love Mazedude's work, but this one is just a bit too vanilla. I can understand it being one of the earlier mixes in the site. Check it out, just don't expect to be blown away.
  22. I had some difficulty discerning the beat in the first few moments, but on subsequent listens I caught on a lot better. I loved the live recording, even the small bit of hiss and background noise added to the relaxed atmosphere. I don't really recognize the source, but then again, the only tracks I really remember from Fzero were big blue and um.. ok, just big blue. I'd love to hear this played live, preferably while sipping espresso and chatting with artistic hunnies. Ahhh, life is good.
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