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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I think the flute was a little too loud and seemed to be on top of the song rather than in it, but I absolutely loved the tempo changes; very classy and well executed. The counter-melodies were excellent, and though i'm pretty sick of this specific theme, the care that went into this mix really makes it rise above. Some of the transitions were a little abrupt, and I think a little more use of dynamics would have improved the mix, but the great textures and original writing won me over. Awesome interpretation!
  2. Intro was amazingly good, once things all kicked in, the track elements were a bit smashed together, but I didn't care as much since my face was being rocked off. I've heard more recent Ashane tracks and the production is improved while retaining the badassed guitar chops. Expert playing and a great source selection. Solos were killer and completely shredded, and the only complain I has is that the ending didn't live up to the rest of the track's legacy. Great stuff. \m/
  3. Damn, some harsh comments up in this one; The song is decent and a lot of different effects and stuff hitting; but it's just the A section. There are a lot of places this could have gone, but it just repeats. I don't think that the song merited some of the responses it received, but it certainly is within FFmusicDJ's abilities to produce more varied tracks.
  4. Nice rhythmic ChangeUps, and good clean textures. This track is wholesome fun for the whole family! It was good listening, but I wasn't SUPER impressed until the sax solo; great stuff there. Gettin funky with the OneUps!
  5. Great intro, the choir, timpani, and woodblock create a very lonely feeling. Some of the string passages are great and well sequenced, and some of them seem a little rougher, but overall this is really nice, and decently humanized. Stylistically I'd have never guessed that the source to this was from the Sonic series. You've done a great job taking it and making it your own.
  6. Very cool processing on the percussion, and the grandiose processional feel it has really evokes some sort of futuristic military organization. Textures were great, and the woodwinds and strings sounded very nice. Progression was steady and consistent, and though I think some staccato distorted guitar slashes would have fit in pretty nicely, this track isn't missing anything. Though it's a little too laid back to go on my bro'ed-out workout mix, this will definitely be the theme song for my private militia once I get all the legal permits taken care of. The amount of red tape you need to go through to get your own squad of assassins is staggering! Nice work.
  7. Very upbeat! The snare punches me in the face though! It has a power level well over 9000, compared to the rest of the track. I think more sidesticking would have helped it ramp up properly. I think the primarily keyboard leads are nice change of pace from the usual for you, and I know with some of your most recent stuff you are trying even more cool and new things. This is the kind of song that makes me reach for the sky, since it is such an overnight sensation. It really won't treat me bad, and certainly will rock me tonight. And that's all I wrote!
  8. 1. ty 2. the snes and ds music is the same, but with different samples, most songs sound a little better on the DS, but not all of them. 3. I have no idea besides to grind grind grind. Sounds like a very difficult level to reach in 2 days though
  9. I'd like to thank everyone who is buying my stacks of silverleaf and peacebloom for 10g. Or sungrass and gromsblood stacks for 50g. And people selling their PLed glyphs for 15s each. $$$$$$$
  10. I think this is far enough along to show OCR. Hey guys look it's the album art!
  11. Updated the list with some completed tracks, and reminding everyone to work on your tracks! 2.5 weeks until the true pwnage begins!
  12. yeah, you guys are basically talking about savage (or savage 2). http://www.s2games.com/savage/ if you had a clan or something, it was probably fun, but for the rest of us, the general had no idea what was going on, and you never got upgrades you wanted or needed, and the orders you received made no sense.
  13. Breezy; the vibe on this one really reminds me of the pretty awesome and overlooked Aerobiz soundtracks. If you dig this, be sure to check them out. ANYWAYS, there is a ton of great soloing on this one, especially the heavily panned solo, and some great grooves; Nice and clean drums that punch right through, but still has plenty of room for the solos. A great morning pick-me-up. Nice work.
  14. any reports on whether or not you can do 3 players with the VC SoM?
  15. From what i've heard, every existing remixer got pmed. I'm passing too, but good luck on your project!
  16. Gross dude. Even if someone had a hoodie with my name and face on it, if they wore it everyday for 22 months, i wouldn't want to go talk to them. >_> Less Ramaniscence and more Laundryiscence IMO.
  17. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [ ] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source [ ] Too liberal - not enough connections to the source (too much original writing) [ ] Too much direct sampling from original game audio [ ] Borrows heavily from non-source material (eg. a theme from a movie) PRODUCTION [ ] Too loud [x ] Too quiet [x ] Low-quality samples [x ] Unrealistic sequencing [ ] Generic/cliche sound choices [x ] Drums have no energy [ ] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) [x ] Mixing is muddy (eg. too many sounds in the same range) PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) [ ] Timing not tight enough [ ] Wrong notes, general sloppiness [ ] Poorly recorded [ ] Bad intonation STRUCTURE [x ] Lacks coherence overall (no "flow") [ ] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough) [ ] Pace too plodding [ ] Too repetitive [ ] Too short [x ] Abrupt ending PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts) intro was jerky, and the notes chosen seemed a bit random; kick is getting lost in the low strings, i'd cut out some room for it; samples arent great, but would be serviceable with velocity and mod changes; transitions are really weak, and the sections don't seem to have anything to do with each other keep at it hobo!
  18. Nice layered rhythms throughout this one, with some dated-sounding but well-used samples. The nylon string guitar sounds pretty synthetic exposed at the beginning, but the attention to sequencing detail makes it work pretty well, and when it is used with a fuller track supporting it, it's much more believable. The brass isn't awesome either, but it fits well into the soundfield and isn't overdone. I love that low synth that comes in; gives a bit of old school Rayza feel to the track. The expanded sections were very well done, with good transitions to them, and some cool solos. Even the king of pop himself would love this track; check it out.
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