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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. We are doing good everyone, over 40 reviews in just 3 days, lets keep up the pace!
  2. I really like how though there isn't a specifically busy instrument to convey motion, it's all implied with the space. This mix is totally cruisin', and not even 16th note hi hats could propel it better. Nice bass breakdown with the recapitulation of the melody with some new synths. This mix sounds less like fighting on motorcycles and more like cruising down a sunny highway along the beach. Less Road Rash, more Outrun. Very nice work, 1337 indeed.
  3. A medley without medleyitis? Who knew? Though I agree about the piano sound getting really muddy in the low mids, the way the themes were handled was excellent, and the alterations made to probably my favorite songs on the soundtrack were really tasteful. Awesome work, I love this one, fix up your piano sound a bit and let's hear some more!
  4. Intro is way stiffer than what I'm used to hearing from you, it really shows this mix's age. The percussion is excellent, though, which is something I am used to hearing. The transitions were abrupt, but well handled; I think djp's likening them to movie cues is a pretty accurate assessment. I think some sections work better than others, but overall it's a jaunty romp, and a good debut mix.
  5. The bass seemed to be a little ahead of the beat at the beginning, but it settled into a really nice groove after that, with a shimmering wall of sound. Cool how specific phrases pop out here and there. I loved the build to the funky synth solo. Nice percussion too. I am not as big of a fan of the source, though. It's certainly been improved here, but I think a lot of the better themes in the game could have been used.
  6. Great textures and attention to detail! Great panning and sound selection, and the source sounds pretty great with the adjustments you've made. Excellent and varied sections, and a good flow throughout. Really playful leads and counterpoint ideas and percussion that is a bit reminiscent of Ziwtra. Definitely a good thing, as far as i'm concerned. I was *really* hoping for a pad-supported breakdown with maybe a gated synth to keep the momentum up, but I can wait until next time to hear it. Keep it in mind though, I think it'd be beautiful. One of my favorite mixes I've heard in awhile.
  7. Nice progression through the track, I vaguely remember the source song, and I gotta say that i'm a fan. Great tone[[ and punchy drums, and some very nice playing throughout with a lot of cool solos. It seemed to go a little long overall, but I enjoyed the entire ride. Nice work as always.
  8. Love the skittering on this; really fits the mood and matches well with the moody bass and serene piano. Great choices on the sounds, and and flow was pretty good. This one is all about the vibe, and as such works wonderfully. I did prefer the sections that featured the mysterious piano melody, and really liked the bell's response on the second time through. Awesomely evil and sludgey bass sound. It's like you grabbed it straight from CotMM. Double thumbs up.
  9. Great arrangement, it's loose and burly, just like Zangief is (or so I hear), and I really love the scratching breakdown. I do agree that the lead guitar could have used a touch more sustain, but it does have a pretty distinct indie vibe to it. THe punctuated sections near the end were great, very strong work there. Mastering is like Clamato in that it is super hot and I needed to reduce my normal listening volume a lot. Not a huge fan of that, but it's probably just the Capcom way of making sure it sounded uniform on all TVs. Nice work guys, keep on rocking.
  10. Mastered way too hot for my tastes, but a really killer take on the theme. The solo is solid gold, though got buried a little too much. I agree that this really does feel longer than it's length, and the little details like the crowd shouts and synth flourishes really make it cool.
  11. Great faux intro that dives right into the...bath? The kicking percussion and a funky syncopated bassline is the perfect foundation for the breathy flutes and counterpoint koto. I really think those sections are the most effective, though I love the synths and talkbox section. I wish the flutes were explored a bit more with the juxtaposition of the syncopated and slick riffage underneath. Great use of a halftime section, it hit exactly when it needed to. Pacing was great until the ending, but given the concept of the album, it's loop pretty well, so I can see how it is intended. Probably one of my favorite djp tracks, this one is recommended!
  12. It's that time of year again (December), so it is time to ask everyone to get into the OCR spirit and review some underdog mixes! The mixes that for whatever reason didn't get an immediate outpouring of opinion finally get their chance to shine, all thanks to you guys! We made great progress last year, and I know we can do even better this year; I even made a cool chart! I also have a totally easy link for you to click to get things started! It starts with the least-reviewed tracks and moves on up! http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&f=14&page=1&pp=40&sort=replycount&order=asc&daysprune=-1 Also important to remember is that some mixes haven't been reviewed in forever! Let's not neglect them! Some are even from 2005! That's before a lot of people here even joined! CRAZY!! We need to fix this! http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=14&daysprune=-1&order=asc&sort=lastpost&pp=40&page=1 Wow, what easy links! It's like all the work is done for you! So lets get reviewing!
  13. Can you guys at least wait until i'm actually gone before you start trashing the place? OMG
  14. I received a few finished tracks from bLiNd over the weekend, so things are moving along well. I might be taking the next 48 hours or so off to take care of some non-project stuff, so while i'm gone, I want you to all be good and listen to Jay, Justin, and Shaun. There's snacks in the cupboard and sodas in the fridge.
  15. Selling my copy of EWQL choir; no box, but all the disks, serial number, and manual. I think I'd have to contact NI to have the registration switched over, but i've heard it's pretty easy to do. $100 and this includes shipping to the US; out of country = more.
  16. no Minnesota = bullshit good thing i'm going to MAG just to see Powerglove
  17. Seconded. The music in Lagoon was great. It's almost like the composer to this was an unsung hero... ;_;
  18. I just started and it's amazingly good.
  19. Got it; we are doing great for everyone sending in their .wavs; I just need bLiNd's and Fishy's, and I know Fishy wanted to make a few adjustments to his track... >_> bLiNd actually sent me a link to the wav, but it wouldn't download for some reason. We'll take care of that sometime soon though.
  20. just hit 78 on my raiding priest; as soon as I hit 80, i'll start levelling my paladin on Illidan. LOVE the expansion so far; and the new battleground is so awesome I've already picked up 40 marks for it.
  21. How early is he arriving? I'm getting there around 2:30 on thurs, so I want to make sure that he isn't stuck with all his gear I assume he is bringing in his car for an extended period of time.
  22. He sent me a PM this morning/last night sometime. We're good, no worries.
  23. wut wut 31 tracks completed! I updated this cool image to show every track on the album! That is a lot of completed stuff.
  24. This is the kind of music i'd want to have playing in my super upscale bar that i'd never open. It just exudes sophistication. The sound is amazingly clean and tight, and the rhythmic choices are excellent and varied. I love the busy kicks and that bassline walks just about everywhere. Easily the freshest take i've heard on this theme in a long time. The subtle wah'ed guitar and the overall panning give a great soundfield with a lot of subdued elements to latch onto. You could listen to this 10 times and focus on a different interesting element each time. Seeing something like this live would be completely nuts. 1Ups, make it happen!
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