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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I think the scratches get a bit out of hand, and kind of obscure the rest of the track, but when I can hear the actual music itself through the sonic assault that is the record scratching, it's pretty good.
  2. Takes awhile to get filled out sufficiently, but once it does, it stays that way. I was sure after the first listen whether or not I liked the track itself, though the production and sound choices were all good, with perhaps the exception of the lead sound; I think it needs to be a little more edgy. I also think that the mix wanders a bit too much; maybe it's just the mood im in, but I think it should have a little more direction. The transitions are the culprit here i think, as the sections themselves are strong, but without something connecting the parts, it feels aimless to me. Otherwise it's a good mix.
  3. I'm unfamiliar with the original, but this is a pretty catchy track; some of the synths are a bit weak when exposed, such as the opening strings, but they are used well, and are mixed in with some strong synths, including some nice subtle ones underneath the piano when it comes in. It's unfortunate that it's winter and freezing right now, because this would be a fantastic summer mix. The siren gets to be a bit much, but the fact that it matches the beat helps it a bit, and it's ending was really classy. You can bet that in 6 months I will be jamming to this mix on a near-daily basis.
  4. I gotta look good for the holidays but as soon as that shit is done I am going to rock the sweetest 3 day beard you have ever seen.
  5. I haven't heard it yet. Apparently if i've had heard it, i'd know by now.
  6. This one is kind of uneven; there are some great parts (the scrathing at 1:35) and some that leave me scratching my head (the looped laughing at 1:22). Synthwise it has the entire kitchen sink thrown in, for good or for ill, and there is plenty to listen to. It's creative enough, but I think it needed a bit more focused direction.
  7. Overall a pretty good remix that changes it up just enough to be different from the original, but it seems like it played it pretty safe. The pads are nice, the bass gets a little repetitive, and the beats are nice. The guitar sounds almost exactly as it did in game which is +1 for nostalgia, -1 for taking the song to the next level. Enjoyable and relaxing.
  8. been playing arenas and BGs mostly when I have time, but having fun; here iz mah pokeman: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Blood%20Furnace&n=Hopefails
  9. that repeated laugh at the beginning is creeping the hell out of me. Production is pretty solid on this one, but i'm having trouble finding the original in here, and the arrangement tends to drag a bit. Not really digging this one, sorry.
  10. Nice acoustic tone; it fits the mood perfectly. I thought the lead tone was slightly thin, but it gets the job done just fine. The intro was a bit long and maybe too heavily processed to be recognizable, but overall a good mix.
  11. I have to admit when I saw the game was Ice Climber, I was expecting this to kindof suck. Mazedude's name added to it gave me some confidence that it'd be a creative version of a bad song, but actually hearing it, I am super impressed and charmed by it. Shame on me for my game-bias. ;_; I completely disagree with the guy who called this one dulled down (and would even go so far as to call him a n00b), as this one is not only full of interesting flourishes and solos, breakdowns and additional sections, that if this is "Mazedude on autopilot", the rest of us should just give up on music forever. Some of the samples could be better, but they are all used very well, and tastefully, as well as to their strengths. I wish the marimba solo didn't sound as mechanical as it did, but minor issues in an otherwise stellar mix. Super recommended; don't be like me and dismiss it just because it's Ice Climber.
  12. I felt the dynamics were a bit too static, there was some good breakdown sections and such, but the instruments themselves stayed at a pretty consistent volume, and some crescendos (especially in the kettle drums) would have really kicked this one up. Otherwise it's a very regal and mood-evoking mix. I'm not sure I agree with the mix lacking direction, as it's progression is subtle, but maybe some snares would help give it a bit more forward momentum, without ruining the mood set. Regardless, this is a really nice mix. I guess it's appropriate to say Nice Work.
  13. 10 for concept, 8 for execution. I am simply in love with your clean synths from the Kefka section; they consist of understated cool in it's purest form. Good show. Sound-wise, my only complaint is the guitar sample, but this mix is old school, so not having an actual guitarist around to help you is a bit more understood. Great additions from the synth runs to the organ licks, to the mixing up of the 2 sources, though I think they could be even more mingled. Overall a great mix; nice work.
  14. The recording quality was pretty bad, but the interpretation was really good, especially considering the age of the mix; I think arrangementwise, this would be passable even today, but the combination of the distortion on the louder parts and whoever was washing dishes in the background brings it down a bit. Actually, scratch the dishes part, that can stay, but the heavy distortion near the end hurts.
  15. Pretty rough-sounding to me, but it is distinctly old school, and Beatdrop has evolved into a super mixer. It's pretty repetitive, and that middle section is straight-up annoying. If you ever redo this, let us know please.
  16. Super mechanical, but has it's own distinct charm. I like the attention paid to the panning, and the source is good, though i've never played the game. Most of the samples sound generic, and oftentimes it's a bit too sparse, but the song is catchy. if you liked the game, you'll have a good time with this one, otherwise you'll probably want to pass.
  17. the acoustic playing was really nice, but the electric tone is just kinda weak, and the ending was abysmal. If only the mix was all acoustic.
  18. Too short and some of the high end seems muted, but it's a solid mix with some nice and crisp guitar playing. The drums didn't sound realistic, but once the glitches started, I realized they weren't supposed too. Very nice stylistic choice. For as short as it is, it packs a lot of punch; check this one out.
  19. Starts out pretty weak with a constant and loud hiss. The guitar sample is actually pretty decent, but that bass hiss and the organ are not so good. Pitchbend on the organ is MADNESS, and the part is either way out of tune, or you are writing in 2 different keys. It needs an ending as well. Sorry, I don't really like this one.
  20. If there was ever a mix to use to convince people to use a live bassline, this one is it. As far as pro sounding, this completely takes the cake. THe piano, bass, drum programming, violin, it's all fantastic, and though I don't really like the static, I can appreciate it. Great expressive performances and a whole lot of interpretation makes this one a super winner; I love the interplay between all the lead instruments; everything gets it's change to shine, and shine it does. A++ would listen again.
  21. Though I think the pan flute is too far-removed from the rest of the mix (it seems to sit on top as opposed to in), this is a great sounding mix. I really dig the pads and drum sounds, I think they mesh really well, and the mood set here is impressively understated. A pretty nice track from an obscure game, I like this one.
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