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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. It's not often I notice well programmed velocities on pizzicato strings, but the first thing that came to mind on this mix was just that. The pads are a lot more present in Beat as opposed to Alpha, and it's feeling is a lot more synthetic as a result, and there's a very cool progression when both are listened to back to back. Of the two mixes, I think I prefer Alpha, but both are very strong and set excellent moods.
  2. This mix has a super deep sound, and I love the atmosphere it exudes. The pads used are excellent, and your crescendos are great; the only minor complaint I have is that the cool siren-style synth has an awkward exit. It just kind of stops, as opposed to fades out. Everything else is gold. This one walks a very delicate line between an engaging mix to actively listen to, and very good background music. It could easily serve as both. Well done.
  3. Whew, finally able to collect my thoughts, I had a super awesome time meeting everyone and seeing the sights. I was especially thankful of how welcome people made me feel, even though I was a MAGfest n00b. <3<3 to you guys Here is my bulletpoint list of some of the awesome things I did: *Driving around for an hour or so with Avaris and Level 99 looking for a liquor store without any luck, finally giving up, and in defeat going into a grocery store to buy sodas; Imagine my surprise when we find grocery stores sell beer!! *Got a massive bruise on my lower back due to Level 99's car, which was so painful that I missed the concert Friday night. *The DoD listening party that lasted till 4:30 am where I consumed roughly half a gallon of caffeinated liquid. Hearing the worst Secret of Mana mix ever, and wondering who would vote for it just because it was so terrible. *Making Prophet my bitch; If those pictures ever get out, there's no way he'll be a teacher. *Smash bros melee tournament; I was the first one out of the entire thing. *The OCR panel where I won that sweet cd set by showing everyone that I was the biggest nerd in the room. *Dinner at TGIF with a big chunk of the OCR crew; actually getting to sit down and talk was super awesome. *The second night of concerts; Powerglove was badass, and the mosh pit was super fun; very good moshing etiquette was used by all, and the band's armor was phenomenal. Select Start was amazing as well, and I'm glad the crowd was receptive to them; Being a bit softer and coming right after Powerglove had me worried, but things worked out well. This place is haunted was good, and Smash Bros. was awesome. I was so happy to hear the Turnabout theme from Phoenix Wright; thank you Smash Bros. *The DoD results and meeting some Shizzies. I managed to tie for 12th, which is pretty respectable for me, and of course the abysmal Secret of Mana track got 10th. Props to the dude who had no idea who I was but gave me a hug anyways. *Being repeatedly mistaken for Danimal Cannon; I had to keep telling people that I didn't rock near as hard as he does, and that is how you can tell us apart. *Having my first ever meal at Popeye's. That was some delicious chicken. But the best part was going from a situation where no one I know is interested in both gaming and music, to one where *EVERYONE* was. If anyone is on the fence about going to next year's MAGfest, got off that fence right now because it was an amazing experience and I can't wait for next year. Everyone was so nice, I felt totally welcome. <3 to OCR
  4. o snapz, I loved this game, I'm totally going to pick it up tonight. :-D
  5. I first heard this one last night and it's been kind of stuck with me ever since. Great buildup with some cool scattered glitches, and when the main theme comes in, it's pretty exciting. I agree that the lead synth could use a little more body to it, especially during the chorus; I think doubling it with an epiano would have made it rich enough without losing the edge it has. I really thought the segment where it glitched to be slightly off a beat, and then a second later glitched back was really cool. Maybe it wasn't off beat, but the entrance to the ascending riff wasn't at a spot I was anticipating. Very cool surprise. Overall a really good mix and a very unique way to interpret a theme that I am very familiar with. Awesome work.
  6. Great playing and some nice additional flourishes, the whammy tricks are awesome. The mix starts out kind of vanilla, but evolves very naturally into some more interpretive sections. The guitar at 2:53 was well built-into, and I am digging the fuzzy tone you have going throughout. I think the kick needs a stronger beater attack to get more of a click in there, but as long as the speakers are big enough, it sounds good. GG dude
  7. Chillingly barren. I admit I'm not really in the mood for something like this right now, but it;s so emotive that I can't help but take notice. Great piano sound, and I love the shimmering descending runs. A great mix that is only brought down by a few minor *minor* dissonant notes at 3:53 and 4:21. Very nice piano work, I'm envious of your skill. ;_;
  8. Nice gradual evolution on this one, synths chosen are nice, and lots of interesting but subtle details keep things going strong throughout. I'd say some thing seem almost too subtle in a few spots, as there is no climax that is distinct aside from the transition to Jenova, which I took as more of a transition. I've listened to this about 8 times in a row now and it's awesome for just chilling to, and there is nothing technically wrong with it (quite the opposite really), but I just couldn't get into it.
  9. I think the high strings need a bit more air to give them some character, but there is some great stuff going on in this mix. early on, the marimba is a bit too dry, but in the second half when it's a bit busier, it makes more sense for it to be as such stylistically. The percussive hits at the beginning are hot, and the transitions are pretty smooth throughout the different sections. The only part that really didn't do anything for me was the overly long solo piano part near the end. Nice mix, I enjoyed it.
  10. Nice and ear-catching intro, and it wastes no time getting into the rock. Guitar is so cleanly done, I can't tell if it's synth or not. Very nice stuff either way. Melodically, it has some nice change ups, and melds an old school vibe to a more modern rock sound, with a solid groove. The leads are changed up frequently enough to keep things fresh, and the counterpoint is really nice as well. Overall a great mix that has great direction and drive behind it. Recommended.
  11. makes sense, because there is no way you'd have bothered to work on it.
  12. for some reason i thought this was Pixietrick's *Best of 2007* picks; like a thread where she had a top 10 list of her own or something. I guess that's what I get for stopping reading halfway through. Congrats, it's a nice song.
  13. no one is going to buy it. You might as well just come to MAGfest afterall.
  14. we'll simplify it. Some nice resolutions from diminished chords.
  15. great hooks, hilarious lyrics FLAWLESS VICTORY ps. this EP saved my marriage, no lie.
  16. Lunar and Rhapsody at the very least were first, but this kicks ass.
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