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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Great percussive textures but wtflolz at that ending. This mix has a great feeling throughout and is great for spending peaceful days traveling on a long journey. I agree that the pan flute is too far foward and could use a bit of echo or something to have it fit in the mix, but it's a pretty minor deal. Nice work, i like it a lot.
  2. I'm pretty sure you can wall jump in new SMB. I prefer the controls of 3 and SMW. They seem pretty similar to me overall, with SMW maybe having a bit more hang time in the jumps. I also like just holding down the button in SMW to float with the cape rather than tapping with the raccoon tail.
  3. The delay hurts a lot. I was all ready to bust up foos at Magfest too. I also agree that Sami as a playable smash character would be amazingly fantastic.
  4. A lot of improvements here, nice work. The arrangement still needs a lot of work, so i'll be glossing over production issues for the time being. One step at a time and all that. The arrangement is a lot more interesting and some of the synth leads you have going are pretty cool. If you are going to build the beat up, do it faster, it needs to feel like the fight suddenly is starting. Otherwise suddenly hitting with the beat full on would work too. The beat for the first section is pretty strange as well, i'm not really digging the placement of your snare. The 4 on the floor later on is better but still pretty generic. The beat near the end is decent as well. Transitions are an issue as well; you have some cool melodic ideas, but they don't flow together at all, and don't feel as cohesive as they need to. Also, it kindof devolves into a theme and variations, which is pretty boring. You need another section that breaks it up a bit more; something punchy and not the same 1234-1234-1234-1234 that the rest of the song goes. Use some syncopation and some stacatto hits. You have a great chorus in the part at 1:23, now you just need to build around that.
  5. Cool stuff, I would totally use this on my blog to randomly play my remix. Is this code similar to the Russian ReMix Roulette? Would things break if I added every ReMix into the array?
  6. The flow is much better. Now the real work can begin.
  7. Distinct improvement for sure, and i'll gladly give you pointers on the track production, but as for collab right now I gotta say no. 1. My production is currently a problem area for me, and is not a strong point. 2. This song is pretty sparse right now and I would go crazy on it if we were to collab, and it'd sound way way different. I'm cool with collaborating on something in the future, but I think you'd feel a lot better working on this one by yourself. 3. I am lacking remix time ATM since the Radical Dreamers project is nearing completion, and I have a few other obligations as well. Once things clear up i'll be down with a remix collab, but it'll be after this one is done for certain.
  8. This is a lot better than I remember it, so nice work improving it. It still has a ways to go, however. The main issue is pacing. The intro is hella long. If you are going to have an evil voice introing the song, it needs to kick into high gear pretty much immediately. As of right now, I hear the voice and think, "ok, time to fight this dude", but then there is a minute plus of intro. The intro is much improved, but still way too long ESPECIALLY considering the overall length of the track. I think chopping down some intro time, moving the voice further back in the song so it finished right before the transition into the upbeat part, and a lot more tail end is the first step to making this is good mix. Take care of the pacing issues and I'll give some critiques on the sounds/mixing.
  9. Release date pretty much confirmed, and check that chart! 11 out of 15!! YO FAAAACIIIIIIING!!!!!
  10. I initially was somewhat lukewarm to the idea, but as time has gone by, I've started to see some of the possibilities of a group of remixers having blogs related to OCR in an organized location. It would be nice to have a small directory blogs so if say I wanted to know what kind of stuff Skrypnyk is up to or whatever, I could easily find click on his blog; maybe check out a WIP of his, and read back a bit to possibly get some insight. The fact that it would have to be OCR-related actually makes it more interesting to me. I'm all for reading about what people had for lunch yesterday and what they think of their coworkers, but this is more about concentrated information of how remixers get the job done, and the path they might take from first hearing a great song, to a polished remix. I'd pay $15 for that.
  11. They were a good idea back then, but it was nearly impossible to play as one and be effective. Since you had to be right up next to your healing target swinging your axe to heal them, you'd take all the intended splash damage, or the sniper would have twice the chance of getting a hit in because medics were unable to move autonomously. With the new changes, medics still have to follow closely to their buddy, but they don't have to be literally on top of them. Huge change and it's awesome. Seriously, if the healing gun or whatever medics have is good enough, no weapon is required, as you'll be able to keep up your target while they gun down everyone. I love playing as a healer in WoW PVP, and am totally used to not being able to kill anything by myself. Cranking up the speed and making it an FPS just makes it that much more exciting to me. I played as a soldier before, but i'd much rather heal. I noticed that they have 2fort5 and the well maps, as well as some new ones. I'm hopeing it's not going to be all 2fort all the time, but i guess we'll see.
  12. I am totally down with playing a medic. In the original they were pretty worthless, swinging around a "healing axe" having to hump the leg of whoever, and more often than not taking the shot intended for them.
  13. Now would be a great time to say that Fury and Tears is complete, and that it might be time to post the updated chart on this new page! 9 out of 15 done, with 3 so close they could be done like tomorrow.
  14. This is the game that will cause me to upgrade my computer. I loved the hell out of the original about 10 years ago, and I plan on loving the hell out of this one too.
  15. might depend on where you are from. Here in minnesota it'd be kr-oh-no. yasure youbetcha.
  16. probably just like Crono, or Krono. about a month left everyone, hope we get some beautiful entries!
  17. Strings sound too far forward and are competing with the piano for space; push them back a bit. You can bring them out at :50 when it is just them, and that will have a much better effect than them just being in the absolute front from the very beginning. Otherwise I am in agreement that it just takes to long to develop; it's great atmospheric music, and would work well as a movie score, but nothing really happens throughout. It basically paints a still life; an accurate and beautiful picture, but one which nothing happens in.
  18. You have the rhythms down on this, but the lead sounds really dead. You gotta beef it up, get some stereo delay, eq the high a bit, anything to make it pop. The arrangement on this is pretty awesome, lots of variety and cool ideas throughout, and the groove is there,it's just that the lead needs to sound way better. The sample is fine, it just needs a lot of massaging to not sound slapped on top of the soundfield. The ending needs work, it just dies right now, and is a different style. The orchestral section would be awesome if it was encapsulated in more of the chiptune breaks, so I think ending on a flourish back in chiptuneland is the way to go with this, orchestral breakdown, and then come back strong for the finale. Nice work though, I like it a lot.
  19. Minor note flubs here and there aside, I kept waiting for it to move beyond the straight up chords with the left hand and the unaccompanied melody on the right, but it never did. This is a nice piece for listening, but with the exception of a new intro and overly-extended ending, it's a straight up cover. I am pretty convinced this would get a trio of NOs, possibly an override. If it's an old recording and you won't be making changes, I suggest submitting it to thasauce.net, it's a very nice cover, but not what OCR is looking for in an arrangement sense.
  20. The sounds are too constrained; it doesn't feel like they have any room to breathe. Some Stereo widening and a very subtle reverb on the master will help the elements all connect a bit better and sound like they are all in the same room. I think if you are going to have a full violin section going you really need to add the double bass; If you were just having a quartet it would be one thing, but when you add the full section, it sounds unnatural and disembodied without the low end. A little humanization is needed throughout, but especially the section at 1:00 (and 2:02) needs to have some subtle imperfections added between the piano and the violin; it sounds way to mechanical now. The harp throughout could use some assistance here as well. Very promising start, the arrangement is very nice, and now it just needs polish on the details. Nice work dude.
  21. OMGZ WHAT!?!?! Oh wait, he told us. We're cool. I think it's $100 a night. I'm going to be reserving our room this weekend so I'll have exact info then.
  22. Scroll up for the updated chart; we are making good headway, need DA's voice to heal for tresor and requiem, and for RK to double the length of portal. Anyone know what the requirements are to get this in the "mostly done" projects area?
  23. Glad we got the download taken care of, here are my critiques: Way too similar to the original; you've added some new backing notes and a loop, but the melody is the exact same, and things tend to drag. Also, where is the high end? this needs some bite to it, right now nothing rises out of the low/midrange. What you'll need to do is get some much more interesting counterpoint going than just a few whole notes tacked on. Maybe some arpeggios, a counterpoint melody, and a original B section; just taking out the drums and playing the melody again doesn't make the best breakdown. Keep working on it dude, now that we can hear it, we can help.
  24. Brass and strings are way synthetic, but I am digging the 70's cop show vibe; the idea is awesome, and arrangement is good, but those samples are not going to work in this context. I think the brass could work if you layered in alive trumpet or two in with them, just to make them sound a little more natural. The attacks are currently a bit mushy, and there isn't much brilliance to the tone. The strings need a stronger attack and i think they'd suffice. Bass drum needs to be tightened, gating it should help a bit. Overall mix-wise the high end is lacking, there isn't the sizzle this would need to succeed. The high hats should be more prominent as well; the volume is about right, but they need the high end of the EQ increased. This has the potential to be a really fun mix, but production needs a bit of work. Keep crankin though, I like it a lot, and this would be a really unique remix on the site.
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