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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Never one to shy away from distortion, CotMM seems to distort just about everything. Some of the distorted hihats and stuff just tend to make it sound lofi, but an artist has to be true to themselves. This one is actually a lot more listen able for me than his usual experimental fare, though the changeup to a new section came in strangely late in the song. I think either the length needed to be extended, or the B section appeared sooner. Regardless, it's a pretty good source and a decent sendup; I think an additional minute would have improved it, but it'll do.
  2. I'm a huge fan of the bell sound that opens this up. LOVE IT. The synths that come in a little later are a bit jarring at first, but as I listen to the track a few times, it begins to make more sense to me. Arrangement is very nice, and there is a strong development throughout, which is crucial for something of this length. DJP has a ton of mixes up on the site, some are good, and some are bad, but this one is one of the best. Recommended.
  3. It doesn't really progress and distinctly feels on the surface like it's a nsf with drums added, but there are subtle synth touches. Drums however are repetitive as hell, and it gets kinda grating. There is a nice B section, but overall sample quality is pretty dated. If you love MM3, which a lot of people do, this will be some good memories, but as a track, I just can't get into it.
  4. basically the current version, if you play it backwards summons Fishuh to do some Hogwarts magicy shit. It's causing some issues. Also, there is an additional source track that needs to be credited in the tagging. Brad (aka Littlespoon McBitchface) will have teh infoz for you in the thread later on.
  5. Normally I'm not down with mixing existing songs with a game's music, but i'm making an exception here, as there is plenty of Village to go around. I love the subtle percussion in the bells and tambourine, along with the tasteful North kit stylings. Dale has a very classic style that people associate with Christmas, and though I don't associate it with the holiday as much, and can thankfully avoid the connotations, I can clearly see the connection. I really like his soft rock style, and think it fits both sources very well. I agree with DA that the ending is too abrupt; I think there is enough material for another minute or two, and would have at least liked a more structured ending, perhaps a ritardando or something, but as is, I still enjoy the song immensely.
  6. Pretty nice mix here, I really like the textures in the synths; they arent super high quality synths, but they are well-used. I thought the drums were a bit loud, and repeated too much, thus distracting from the nice synthwork going on in the background, though I admit the lead was a bit too mechanical for my tastes. Great source though, I love the theme.
  7. Glitchy intro and some cool chiptune sound effects intro fill. I think the melody should have been played up an octave to be more audible, but the added(?) counterpoint is cool,and the drums seem a little lo fi, but let's see where this progresses.. Nice change-up to the acoustic guitar, but the beats are too prominent here and then. it's over? WTF Way way waaaay too short. It's like a trailer of an actual song. The song itself is a melodic and harmonic gold mine of ideas, and having the mix as short as it is just kindof strikes me as lazy. What is here is decent, but not near enough to be on the site, IMO.
  8. "He's such a gentleman" Hilarious lyrics and a pretty accurate arrangement, the only part that didn't strike me as being true to the 80's was the double-time section, but it worked with the song. I really liked the 1-1 snippets as counterpoint, nice touch. I thought the vocals were a little too far back in the mix in some areas, and too prominent in others, but the effects applied were sufficiently 80's for me. Not something i'd listen to frequently, but it was super enthusiastic and cheeky, and it made me smile.
  9. If there was a clock tower in this game, this should be the theme for it. Super mechanical piano on constant repeat, and overly loud bass drum. There is some aite evolution in the accompaniment as the song progresses, but it is all background, and the main motif and bass drum cover it up pretty well. Can't recommend this one, sorry, man.
  10. Great atmosphere and pacing, but it didn't really develop. It ended before it started to repeat, which I suppose is better than it droning on, but it established a really cool mood and built on it very well I thought, I just would have liked to have heard a second section. Production was solid and the soundscape seemed to go on forever. Check this track out, though you might have to loop it a few times in order to make it feel long enough.
  11. Decent use of samples, though the room sound is nonexistent; it sounds like these were played in a vacuum, and there is little to no velocity used. The transition to a second repetition of the theme with a new lead instrument was jarringly incomplete, and as previously linked, this basically sounds like a super short copy of the new Dracula arrangement. It's competent enough to be an enjoyable listen, but when even the source itself is almost twice as long, it should really be rethought.
  12. New and shiny piano comping added to the original melody, with some funky bass to back it up, I really like the style employed here, and almost wish it had been married to a stronger melody than the overly laid-back coasta del sol theme. I'd have preferred a bit more expansion, but there is enough interesting material here for it to be a very fresh take on the theme. Regardless, this is a very fun and classy sendup of the track, and it has aged extremely well. Not quite a legendary track that tops the charts, but definitely a classic.
  13. Cute opening, and fantastic clarity on the vibe production. Arrangement-wise, it's everything you'd expect from something of the genre. Understated drums with some bongos, upright bass, vibes, and rhodes, but subtle synth flourishes and some delicate string beds keep things sonically unique. The rhodes solo was really nice, and the clarinet meldoy before it helped keep things fresh. This is definitely a location track; as in, you'd really want this playing at a nice resort while you were sipping your own umbrella drinks, but it works outside of that context as well due to the care taken to each song element. Super relaxing, and funky in a playful way.
  14. Don't get the distorted version over the clean, you'll get better tone all around by amping the clean files.
  15. Synths on this one are a bit midi-esque, but it's a good arrangement of a good source, and that improves it quite a bit. Things sound really mechanical, but the chords and counterpoint added to the peppy melody make it worthwhile overall. Not the most sophisticated remix, but definitely a lot of fun.
  16. Not my fav; we'll leave it at that. Do yourself a favor and check out some of FFDj's newer stuff and let this one be.
  17. Not digging this one at all. It sounds like like the original + drums and sound effects. A LOT of sound effects. As in, way too many.
  18. I'm hearing a lot of people say this is basically a rip off of the original, so I grabbed the mod and checked it for myself, though I think I got the DOS version and not the original Amiga..? I think there is a difference in the tracks, because what I have is a 3/4 waltz that sounds nothing like this, so we'll just not worry about similarities to the original. This is a decently funky send-up, with clean, modish, textures. The soundfield is pretty well balanced, and there is plenty of counterpoint. It's a good arrangement, but having a more separated B section would really help it be more of a song and less of a BG track. A non-fadeout ending would also help this. Overall pretty good, especially considering the age.
  19. yeah, gg q-pa, it was awesome and now i can rock out whenever. Thank you.
  20. I've had this mix for a few years now and it's a fun listen. The intro radio station selecting is pretty cool, and once the song starts, it's a decent, but nothing really jumps out at me as being amazing or particularly catchy. For background ambiance it's exceptional, but for active listening it falls a little short. Definitely good enough to keep on my playlist though.
  21. A lot of the samples are dated-sounding, but the arrangement is really nice. The expansion on the original track progresses very naturally and the changes in textures affect the mood very well. I always seem to be saying how surprised I am that a Metroid mix sounds good, since I'm not much of a fan of the source, but it seems that the mixers who tackle the soundtrack almost always do a good job. Maybe there is more to the Metroid soundtracks than I originally thought. I think this one is good enough and has been around long enough to be called a classic OCR track. Check it out guys,
  22. So am I the only one who thinks this mix is too short? >_> The strings and piano are beautiful, but the synth guitar isn't too hot. The modulation keeps things fresh, but it needs more arrangement to keep my interest. For when it was released though, the sound quality is fantastic.
  23. Probably one of my favorite tweek tracks, everyone describing this as both lush and cold is spot on, and though it isn't something i'd rock out in the car to, the 5 or 6 loops of it i've just gone through are a testament to it's chill (lol) qualities. Recommended.
  24. http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p238/biggiantcircles/M6/IMG_0629.jpg lower right; there's kind of a resemblance.
  25. Solo horn started out a bit too toothless, but the rest of the track was concentrated ass-kickery. As things progress, there are fantastic dynamics used throughout, and so many details, that I forget that it's a medley. Everything just works so well together. I'd go on, but that would simply be concentrated ass-kissery, so I'll just say this song is SUPER RECOMMENDED.
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