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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I figured it's kindof become it's own punchline, 9 months after the fact. edit: i might have to double the size of the chart just so the margin of difference is smaller for the single pixel left in the progress bar.
  2. Another mix completed, with Proph recording the sax for Weisty's mix! it's a new page, so here's the chart again!
  3. FAQ What is the Fan Art Competition? The Fan Art Competition is a monthly event where artists create some form of art based on a certain theme. What is the theme? The theme is decided by the winner of the previous months competition and must be video game related. What if I don't know much about the theme? Information resources are provided in the first post of the thread. Who can submit art? Anyone What are my restrictions? You are allowed to submit one entry, but other than that there are no restrictions. There are no size, quality, image size restrictions. Who decides the winner? OCR of course, the whole community votes on it. How does voting work? On the day after the deadline I will make a post that displays all of the art submitted. Then users will be allowed to see every entry and decide which three they like the best, in order. Afterwhich they will send me a PM with their vote and maybe a few comments about the contest. They must do so in the announced voting period. If not then they fail at voting. When and how do we see the results? After the voting period is over I will count the results and figure out which peice has the most points. When voting the voter sends in their top three favorite peices. The one they like the most is worth 3 points, the second 2 points and the third 1 point. If I enter the contest can I vote? Yes, and voting for yourself is allowed if you REALLY wanna. Once the points have been counted I will send a happy PM to the winner that tells them that they one and explains how they are to choose the next months theme. *deep breath* Once I get a PM back I will post the results and artists choice for the next months theme. Rules and Regulations! 1) Any art submitted must be based off of the months theme. 2) No P0rn. 3) Your entry must be created within the month. It cannot have been something you've created in the past or partially finished prior to the announcement of the theme. 4) All entries must be 100% your work. Simply altering something created by someone else may be cool, but is not allowed as an entry.
  4. FAC14 Chrono Series (Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross) Here are the results of the single vote I recieved. 1st - LAOS 3 points 2nd - 2Radical 2 points 3rd - Rama 1 point ENTRIES Rama http://fc01.deviantart.com/images/i/2003/39/1/6/Chrono_Neo__The_Fair___02___.jpg 2Radical http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j194/LucidDesigns/luminaire.png LAOS http://lukewilliams.org/x/robo.jpg Friendly Hunter http://img451.imageshack.us/img451/287/chronoboxfinalfq0.png Send me a PM with your votes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Characters_of_Chrono_Trigger http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Characters_of_Chrono_Cross ------------------------------------ Welcome to the Fan Art Competition (FAC). If your unfamiliar with FAC then please refer to the next post that contains all rules and regulations. As you know the winner of last months FAC gets the privilege of choosing this month's theme. PM me all entries by: October 27th Alright! Lets get started!
  5. Suppose I could start early; I was waiting until the beginning of September, but 2.5 months is cool for the first one. Mind if I copy your beginning infoz for the first 2 posts?
  6. As good as I remember it from the WIP thread, only this time with the benefit of having the intonation issue in the vocals at the end replaced with some beautiful harmony. I normally prefer songs to be energetic, but something like this has such a nice harmonic quality, it is equally excellent. Must be the northern European sense of melody shining through. The texture of the guitar contrasts the smooth pads and vocals perfectly, and the drums subtly punctuate the structure without being over or under-bearing. I really like this track and i'm glad to see it on the front page. Highly recommended.
  7. Is that a jet taking off at the beginning? Cool ideas and nice contrast between the few sections; some of the rhythm guitar playing seems a little too loose for my tastes (though perhaps it's just my playing that is too stiff?), but there are a ton of parts layered throughout and that makes things seem more severe timing-wise than they would be with a thinner sound; I'll go with the thicker tone personally. Very nice panning on the squeals and such, it gives a feeling of an army of guitarists all headed through a snowy valley, judging by the backing track, which is also pretty sweet. Lots of continually shifting textures and good sample usage throughout. I really didn't enjoy the original, but this mix really takes the material and makes it into something a lot more interesting. Great collab.
  8. Nice work Abadoss finishing your track, that gets us to roughly 64% done of completing the soundtrack! (excluding bonus tracks of course ) Taucer if you see this, please update the tracklisting, but here is a good enough place for it. TRACKLIST Track 1 - 1/17: Day of Summer ktriton and friends. DONE! drumultima- crusty WIP Track 2 - 2/17: Gale OA! DONE! Track 3 - 3/17: Under the Moonlight The Prophet of Mephisto. DONE! Track 4 - 4/17: Strange Presentiment WIP OA Track 5 - 6/17: Snakebone Mansion OA DONE! Track 6 - 7/17: The Girl Who Stole the Star Geoffrey Taucer w/ RK. DONE! Track 7 - 8/17: Distant Promise ~ Dream Shore (1) Darangen. DONE! Track 8 - 9/17: Requiem ~ Dream Shore (2) avaris and DarlantanDragonAvenger. Being reworked and sounding awesome WIP Track 9 - 10/17: Frozen Flame abadoss DONE! weisty prophet- WIP Track 10 - 11/17: Portal to Open Grounds RK, maybe? Track 11 - 12/17: Facing Fishy's hilarious joke he is playing on all of us. Track 12 - 13/17: Final Confrontation tweek. DONE! Track 13 - 14/17: Epilogue ~ Dream Shore (3) Weisty and Avaris NO WIP YET- come on guys its been like 3 days Track 14 - 15/17: Ending ~ Le Tresor Interdit OA and friends. wip.
  9. so i'm glad we are all in agreement DAW'gz it is!
  10. it'd basically be what we are doing now, but instead of a one month deadline, it'd be two. It just makes more sense to let people have more time, rather than have a 1 month deadline, and then 1 month off. That way the last minute people (90% of everyone really ) will at least have a month and three weeks to think about their entry, and people will have twice as long to see a theme posted, and get ready to spend the final week working on it.
  11. I actually think that the term "electronic musician" or more common; "electronic artist" is what the media has used for a long time; i'm not so certain that a new classification is required for this. And honestly, I think that electronic musician is a more accurate name than some of these; they are pretty obscure.
  12. so guys, how do we want to do this? 1. Let this die now, and have it's history passed into legend 2. Have it occur once every 2 months
  13. Great synth programming; the sounds here are excellent. One issue I tend to have with doom soundtracks is that they tend to simply be chord progressions without any ornamentation; usually not exciting enough for me. This is somewhat the case with this mix, but enough is done throughout to make it more interesting with textures.
  14. If you are buying tracks from the store, then you need to burn them to a cd before you can convert them. If you are importing from a cd, do this: In your itunes preferences, go to advanced, and then importing. Change m4a to mp3, set your encoding bitrate, and you are good to go. You'll rip cds to mp3 now.
  15. Wow, this one totally slipped by me; and by slipped I mean I think I was on the wrong continent when I first heard this. There's a really nice feeling to this one, and a good sense of motion and progression. It does have a vague east-meets-west feel to it, without dipping into the obvious eastern style instruments that you would normally hear. The arrangement istself is very colorful and evocative; You can almost imagine a small group of warriors headed towards a battle, and the music sets the tone of their time travelling. Heroic with a undercurrent of tension, but with purpose. The comparisons to Suikoden music are pretty accurate, I wonder if the same composer at konami worked on these both. I really don't think the ending serves this mix well; it's too abrupt and somthing with this kind of unspoken power really deserves a more epic climax, but overall this is a fantastic mix, and there is no way in hell it belongs at the very bottom of the reviews page. Highly recommended.
  16. My suggestion for your very first purchase would be a good set of headphones. check this thread for everything you might want to read on that. You can have the sweetest samples and programs around, but if you can't accurately hear what is going on, it's not going to do you any good. Try downloading demo copies of all the different programs you might want to try and see what fits you the best. There are some helpful links here. Don't expect to be awesome overnight; there are a ton of nuances to learn, and getting them all down takes some time. Composing music is one thing, but composing plus producing is another completely. A great (and fun!)way to develop your ear is to listen to and review remixes. Not only do you get to hear some great music, but by reviewing it, you are forcing yourself to think critically of everything that is going on in each mix and how it relates to each other. An even bigger bonus, is you are giving feedback to the mixers who worked so hard on those mixes. Posting your mixes and critiquing in the WIP forums is also a good way to develop your ear, and get constant feedback on your progress.
  17. I'm not disputing you, but this is the first i've heard of any of this. Could you please cite a source? I'm interested in this.
  18. Very slick work, I think if more tracks were like this, there'd be no reason for me to have an anti-Metroid bias. This has a super-full and lush sound. The choir is a nice touch, and the constant shifting of the textures makes this incredibly interesting, and a mix that lends itself perfectly to repeat listens. The tempo changes really set this one apart, and it's interesting to see somethign so simple as a few ritardando's sprinkled around (subtly in some places, more aggressively in others) really kicks this mix up from being good to great. Nice work, mixers.
  19. NO's build character. anyways, killer riffacge, but it is pretty coverish.
  20. I have a ton of characters on Feathermoon, but most are horde. I have a 61 gnomeish hunny rogue who i havnt played besides popping on to say hi now and againin about a year and a half who is in Apostasy. Most of my RL friends play FM Alliance. I just rerolled on Blood Furnace horde; my first time trying a pvp server. The server balance is just as bad as feathermoon, but in reverse. Instead of 75% alliance, it's 75% horde. Just my luck, but it is nice to be able to get people for groups.
  21. flash video worked great for me; the new areas look amazingly good, a lot of upgraded effects as well. the fire coming out of that furnace or whatever is low-poly art of the highest degree.
  22. ok, i guess i was totally wrong. I owe you guys ice cream or something
  23. http://www.worldofraids.com/news/expansion/newrace.jpg http://www.worldofraids.com/news/expansion/poster.jpg http://www.worldofraids.com/news/expansion/leaflet.jpg I was pretty skeptical too, but it looks like they are adding a new class. No hero-class BS though, just a straight up new class.
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