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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Well, if say you are pretty much done, then these crits probably won't be all that useful, but maybe they can convince you to take 1 more pass at this. Right now i'd say it's at 95% completion and is alrady a really good mix, but with a little work this can go from "really good" to "legendary". The song starts out really nice, i like the cool filtered bass, and when the dulcimer comes in, it's really nice. I'd like to hear you add a very subtle pad in the background at 0:26, maybe have it fade in from 0:23-0:25. Transitions are the weak point of this mix; there is one sortof half-assed drum fill I noticed at 2:01, and a lot of the transitions didn't have any lead-ins to them. Do some bass runs at the end of the measure, or some cool drum fills. Your beats themselves have some great syncopation and a really nice groove; kick that feeling up a notch for the fills. Just listening to this groove makes me want to drum solo; adding fills to this should be easy. The solos are kick ass and a highlight for sure, and the synths and sounds throughout are well chosen. I like the idea of what you have with the ending, but the ending needs to be enormous. HUGE BUILDUP.. HUGE BUILDUP... POWER HIT! then bass echo/fade. This mix could be one of the best on the site, but you need to do the detail work. PLEASE!!! (for my sake).. If you are sick of working on it and think it's done; set it aside for a month and then work on it after a break. The remixing world will thank you for bringing this to it's full potential.
  2. These 2 statements are not compatible; you are layering them. Chipp, Using this technique for both your rhythm and lead guitars will make it sound thicker for sure, but you also need to work on your sound field; how things sound in relation each other. Things are currently all pretty smashed up front with an occasional part that sounds further back. Adding panning and spacing things out will make things sound much less claustrophobic. Don't get discouraged, this mix has come a long long way, but it needs more work. Using yoursetup, you'll be able to make this mix sound way better, but you'll have to really crank up your listening skills for the production. Get some of your favorite albums and listen them with headphones to hear all the subtle panning and spacial sounds they use.
  3. doesnt this defeat the purpose of a solo remix project??!!?!?!!
  4. Seems sortof strange at the beginning how the bass piano notes seem a lot fuller than the melody, which seems constrained to dead-center. Makes it sound unnatural. Make the higher register ring out like the lower and mid. Drums seem thin and treble-heavy, like they are dehydrated. The snare switches up a bit later and it's a little better, but it still needs some weight to it. Right now it sounds like a dried out paper snare hit. The rest is decent, but there is something missing here, and I think what it really needs is a main melody of some sort. I realize you have the main melody in there, but with the tone of the piece and with the synth you've chosen for it, it sounds more like a backing instrument, and the same goes for when the strings take the lead. I think a good way (at least for a first step forward) to improve it would be to try doubling the part an octave up, so it sounds more prominent. You're mix is ditching the driving rhythm of the original, so having a strong melody front and center is more important than ever. The production is pretty good with the exception of the wimpy drums, and a few parts (mainly the strings) seem somewhat 2 dimensional as well, like you could kind of peek behind them and there wouldn't be anything there. The reverb on everything is fine though, and very tasteful, so no worries there.
  5. This could definitely go places, however, since it is a song that is more recognizable outside of the game itself, it probably won't fly with the submission rules, and will most likely get NO'ed because of this. It may be ok, but my personal guess is that it'd probably get shot. Production-wise it is pretty nice, I am really liking the snare and supersaw, very pro sounding. You have a good start with the theme, now you need to get in there and start messing stuff up! that chord progression would be a blast to solo over, so maybe add some super shredding synth parts, it's pretty clear you already have a good handle on getting good synth sounds. Adding an original B section would be pretty nice as well.
  6. I'm sure you would know better than I. I'll take back that then, if it's ok. Darkesword charges a licensing fee for each time they are used, and i'm on a tight budget for the next month or so.
  7. KILLER SOURCE Wow, i've never heard this before and its a super good source tune. The huge rocking counterpoint-madness section is amazing and would sound incredible all rocked up. As you've mentioned, it doesn't really deviate from the source at all, and it kindof needs to, both for arrangement's sake, and for length. Right now it is in need of both. Samples are pretty good throughout, though there are a few issues. The left panned bells at the beginning are super mechanical. Vary the velocities and the rhythm so it isn't so exact. The super hard bell hits later on are just that: super hard. Compared to the general emptiness of the sound field in that section they are painfully piercing. In the same section the harp also feels mechanical, and could use some very subtle rhythmic shifting to make it sound more human. Your strings samples are good but they seem a little static at times, they should crescendo and decrescendo along with the phrases. There are also times when they are playing, but they seem a little too flimsy. You have the whole panning aspect down, so use this to double some tracks and play with the volum and panning to create a more natural room-sound. Some of the transitions (most notably the one at 0:56 ) seem too abrupt and need some instruments carrying over more naturally to keep the smooth feel. Adding some personal touches would improve this a lot; carry the harp through or have the strings fade in a few measures early to segue to the next section. Dynamics are a little flat at this point, things should really rise and fall, especially in a song like this, where the drama can be cranked up to 11. Great start, and a good use of your samples, besides a few production tweaks, what this really needs is some personal touches.
  8. Guitar sounds like it needs some treble, everything is kindof a low end mush. It's better than the earlier revisions but still needs tweaking. Lyrics are completely rofl-worthy but authentically cheesy for the genre, and pretty true to the game, except wtf are vikings doing with katanas? Vocals are too dry, they sound like they were pasted on top, they need to sit more naturally in the sound field. Playing is overall pretty good, though the leads are brittle and thin. They are also super dry and too close sounding; it sounds like they are being played in your bedroom rather than on the glorious fields of battle. The parts where everything cuts out and just guitars play something sounds really sloppy, it's like you added delay to just these parts and none of the other guitar parts. Overall this has come a long ways, but still has a ways to go. Keep rockin.
  9. Man, it took me forever to find the source for this, until I remembered that resident evil = biohazard in Japan. Very pretty song, I like how you've mellowed it out from the original, and ditched the drums. Intro strings were pretty good, but the lack of a double bass hurt the believability of it. If it's in there, bring it out more, if it's not, add it. I also suggest widening the sound a bit so it fills out more. A bigger crescendo before they cut out would make the transition feel smoother as well. I like the sad sounding Epiano, but I think adding a very subtle pad along with the bass notes would help fill out the space and sweeten things until the strings come in. The flute is too mechanical and 2 dimensional. If you are using a midi keyboard, try to play a bit more expressivly. If you are using a mouse, zoom way in and move some of the notes around so the attacks aren't so dead-on. To give the flute more body, duplicate the track, pan one side about 20% to the right, and the other 20% to the left. The duplicated track needs to be moved back by the smallest amount possible, so it's *just* behind the beat. Then EQ the topend down by about 3db. It should sound a lot fuller. This is a decent trick to do to widen your strings as well. 2:08 could really benefit from a huge swell in the music along with a suspended cymbal or the gong you had at the beginning. The ending Crescendo is good, but a little too unnatural, it sounds like every section is crescendoing at the exact same speed, which even with a pro orchestra is impossible. I'd vary up the level in which they crecendo. Arrangementwise, this follows a little too close to the original as far as structure I think. Maybe add a flute solo, or an additional string section? You have a lot of beautiful sustained chords, so perhaps a section where there is a little bit of movement in the strings to contrast. Overall this is really pretty and I think it deserves the kind of attention it needs to really shine.
  10. If someone doesn't like the site, I really doubt they'd be posting in the forums.
  11. Production is better, and i've finally been cured of that clap! >_> One thing I noticed as that once things finally pick up, the song kindof goes on autopilot. There are some rises and falls, but they are not nearly pronounced enough. They need to be frickin huge. Crank up the fills, build up some more pads right before a breakdown, and basically make the climaxes that much more epic. Avaris made a good point that besides a cool bit of counterpoint, it's almost a midi rip as far as structure goes. Maybe have a section where you chop th hell out of the melody, or have a synth solo. I know that you are going for a more traditionl style trance sound, but think of OCR as the type of place where you'd send the radio edit. Right now it's way too drawn out for the amount of material. Adding the new material would help, but I think you need to fill out the sections faster. The current length is good, it just needs a little more. Production is pretty sound though, maybe add a little more sizzle to the cymbals.
  12. I'll start by saying I like the bass instrument you used, but sadly, it's downhill from here. Here are my "Objections" 1. Length is way too short 2. Mixing throughout is uneven, the sounds are generally weak (with the exception of the bass), and the drums have no power 3. There is no arrangement at all, it's a medley, sortof, with objection and detective gumshoe Sorry dude, but this needs a ton of work.
  13. A really cool idea, it's very fun and mischievous sounding. Nice panning on the flutes, and the percussion is really nice. Creative and interesting throughout. I think the strings are too thin throughout; a good way of improving their sound easily is to double them, reduce the volume on the doubled part to about 50%, and raise or lower the double part an octave. Brass is super hard to get sounding good, and you have a good base, but the attacks throughout are too similar; adjust the velocities randomly throughout the back-and-forth chord hits and it should sound a little better. The soundscape frequently seems empty in spots; you started with a really fun bass part, but it kind of stopped later on, leaving an open bottom. The supporting strings could be thickened up as well. The tempo changes and overall creativity are great on this, it just needs an upgrade in production. The samples aren't amazing, but I think you can improve their sound. You just need to keep the song's clarity while also thickening things.
  14. This has some potential, but it suffers a bit from too much sameness; It is basically 1 section that builds up and breaks down, more like a theme and variations. You do mix up the accompaniment quite a bit, but it's always based around the same kindof droning section, and it starts to drag. Percussion is a mixed bag. There's some great stuff, like the ninja loops, but there is some stuff that is a good idea that is overused (the opening snare pattern needs to be changed up way sooner), or just a bad idea (the the repeated cymbal hits should be a china or a darker cymbal; the bright crash is not cutting it at all.) Overall the attention paid to velocities and panning is pretty good, and all the different sections show you have the chops to pull off a cool arrangement, but you really need a B section that mixes up the chords a bit. Having the whole song hang on a single droning note is going to be boring no matter how cool the surrounding parts are.
  15. I want to get this, but I am not allowed to until I finish Zelda. :/ Looks so good though ;_;
  16. I agree that praising crap isn't the way to do things, but it's a fine that needs to be walked in order to keep an environment that is welcoming to newcomers, but to have the tools available to people who are actively trying to improve, the most important being worthwhile critique. I wish I could get IRC working on either my home or work computer, but I havnt had much luck. Work is pretty firewalled (at least last i checked), and I have yet to find any good ICR software for Macs. I am glad there is a good critique community going, i'm just sad I can't be a part of it ;_; I don't think sticking a judge in the WIP forum is the right solution, not only are they busy enough judging submissions, but the potential drama that could be had is huge. Say one judge was to say a mix sounded pretty good, and the mixer submits. Say then that three different judges gave that same mix the triple NO. Drama fiasco, IMO. I think that the WIP board needs to be cultivated by people who don't have the ability to say whether or not a mix gets on the site. I suppose the best thing for me to do to help is get in there in the WIP board and start doing what I can, though I think that the more experienced mixers giving frequent critiques in there would be better. The goal is to have a filter that doesn't prevent mixes from getting to the judges, but makes the mixes that do arrive that much better. The WIP forum should be like the OCR Carwash. Mixes go in one end, get cleaned up, and then come out to get sent to the judges. It won't stop the people who submit what they know is a sub-par mix from "sending it in anyways", but it would help prevent mixers from showing up in dirty cars.
  17. It seems like comments were turned off, so i'll have my comment on Another Soundscape's post sit in here. I agree with you, and remixers shouldn't get discouraged at harsh judging, because it will only make them better if they listen to it, but I will respectfully disagree about the value of the WIP board. Most of the people who wander in there are looking for music previews, and those who are willing to give critique are not capable of listening and evaluating at anywhere near the level of the judges. The few comments most leave are "i like X part. It sounds good. Maybe add a drum fill." Helpful for some, but not the detailed and knowledgeable critique needed to pass the judging panel. I think this is why the judge hate issue exists, as the expectations between the WIP board and the judging panel are so vastly different, that when their mix finally does hit the judging panel, it's the first legitimate and thoughtful critique the mix has ever received, and some people are surprised by it. What people need to realize is that in it's current state, the judging is pretty much the WIP critique, and either you have a good track that will get accepted onto OCR, or you get insightful critique that your mix needs. Aspiring mixers just need to view it as the win-win situation that it is. As for bringing the level of critique in the WIP forms to be more standardized with the level of critique that the judges have? I'm not really sure. Maybe get an experienced mixer who can hear stuff like that and who also has the time to be a moderator who helps in the forum. Who that could be, I have no idea, and it's not my place to decide, but I think it would bridge the gap between mixes that are submitted to judges and mixes that are actually posted.
  18. it's more visible than the sub forum previously, lets see how it works.
  19. A pretty well done medley of some excellent songs, with a lot of good arrangement ideas. The samples are well used, though The piano with Crono's theme has an irritating tap to it, and the cymbals are far too bright. The brass near the end has an issue with it's attack, but for when this remix came out, it stands pretty tall. The transitions were all very smooth with the exception of Crono's theme; that seemed a bit too abrupt. Overall though, super awesome work. The strings are woodwinds are great, and I love the Chrono music. A few issues here and there aren't near enough to make this mix any less than great.
  20. New game + was in the original SNES version. Actually, to my knowledge, it was the first game that had that sort of feature. and yeah, the load times were abysmally bad. Made it unplayable IMO. ;_; as long as it's Chrono peepz, any medium is fine.
  21. Yep, 2 month deadline, I am assuming that no one is going to use all 2 months to create something uber, everyone will probably just have a large window to get their art in, and that's fine by me.
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