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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. did he take the first ones from a gnome or something? geez. I havnt played in about 2 months. My server is a release server with a bad history of amazingly outnumbered horde, so i'm workin on other stuff and just suspending my account. I'd transfer to a coworker's server, but he's on a PVP realm. I think it's pretty much the end for me; its been a cool 2.5 years but I actually want to play with other people and that just isn't happening. :/
  2. I wouldn't really say this mix is hot steppin', more like a cool summer night. It is pretty nice, I think this work well in the upcoming Mega Man movie. Of course, there isn't an upcoming movie, but whatever. It has a feel of driving on the outskirts of a huge metropolis at night, and the background synths and the minimalist beat really lend a feel to the 199x vibe. I'm not totally sold on the lead synth; I think in this case something a little more sophisticated would have probably fit the bill. The current sound is just a little bit dated. I like the lofi arpeggios however, and the rest of the sounds are well chosen and fit together nicely. The synth panning at the beginning and during the brief piano breakdown is really cool, it just washes over everything. Overall a pretty good mix, it's definitely aged well I would say.
  3. Very evocative imagery in this mix; I love the sounds used and the processional feel. It really has a great feeling of deliberate motion that is hard to capture in this style, since there is very little percussion until the halfway point, and even then, it's not especially central to the mix. What really drives it is the chord progression and the slow and steady build of both pads and percussion. This mix is less about a destination and more about the journey, and both the in-game images of levelling up on wolves and expansive RL snowfields easily come to mind. This isn't a mix that would normally jump out at me, but when closely examined, the quality is apparent. Don't let your groove bias turn you away from this one. Recommended.
  4. Much much much improved on the production. You've shown that you are serious about this, so props to you, a lot of people come in here and if they don't get instant adulation, they head out, never to be seen again. There are a few more issues that Need a little bit of attention, mainly the drums. A lot of the cymbal hits are exactly the same. You'll need to vary up the hits, especially when its a crash or china being hit several times in succession. The bass drum also lacks power, and has a bit of a soggy ass. I suggest rolling down the super low end in the EQ ( 50hz and less). Actually, you should roll that down on just about everything except maybe the bass guitar; it'll give you more clarity overall. It'll also give you some room eqwise to boost other frequencies to get more of the sound you want. I'm no Yngwie, but the solo is sloppy too. It doesn't help that it is rhythm secion chaos behind it, but from what I can hear, it seems like a random "look what I can do" wank rather than a focused composition. Regardless, write what you want, I'm just sayin, if you want to impress the judges. I'd tone down at least the cymbals 6db in that section at the very least so we can hear the high end. You have some cool arrangement ideas, and you can take this one places, but it's going to take some work. I'm glad to see that instead of getting angry, you get motivated. Keep it up dude. \m/
  5. A decent mix, The harpsichord/piano is kindof piercing, but otherwise its good background material. I think the reason I am lukewarm on this one is the source material. I'm not sure why, but a lot of the capcom fighting game themes seem pretty blah to me. Good mixing, but not a great song, IMO.
  6. This feels to me like one of those long lost tracks that was never included on the OST, but was later uncovered by rom hackers and the like. While the sample quality isn't going to win over anyone except those who played and loved the game, the arrangement is hot as in hot pockets. What that actually means, I have no idea, but the rhythm is sweet, and the mixing is really good. When Terra's theme comes out from around the sides, it's a great effect, and I'm still trying to figure out how it even worked. It sounds like when it comes in, you push the soundfield even wider. Something i have to look into. Anyways, if you don't mind in-game synths (and I don't think you'd be at OCR in the first place if you did), then pick this one up. Very creative and cool.
  7. Very nice panning on the harp, it really holds the mix together throughout. The oboe and flute are both pretty good as well, and Combined with the pizzicato and harp really do give it a fresh, arctic sound. With the source i'd expect something a bit spookier, but this is really pristine. I can imagine some slow camera pans over some snowcapped peaks listening to this. The ending is a bit abrupt, but it doesn't really detract from the mix overall. Recommended and overlooked.
  8. Snappleman's out of tune guitar has never sounded so pristine. It brings a tear to my eye. ;_; The tuning issue isn't the whole thing, just a few of the sections, and it's weird that both mixers didn't seem to notice, but it doesn't break anything. Overall the mix is very good with a lot of cool sections, and a pretty vibrant feel throughout. It's also cool comparing this to more recent works from both mixers, who have grown a ton since this mix. Good work comrades!
  9. I'm going to guess no, but blowing people's minds is a good idea. I'd run with it. I'm going to do life force, and make the pilots of the 2 ships total space hunnies.
  10. I just got back from seeing it, and it was good. *Not enough robot fighting *CG was pretty seamless *The girl was pretty gross for her first few scenes. Tons of makeup + a gallon of fake tanner = no thanks. As the movie went on, even though she started getting caked with dirt, she started to have a normal human complexion where light would actually reflect off her skin. *The masterbation talk was funny I thought. *overall worth my moniez
  11. Go for it; if I can't decide on a signle game, i'll probably do a combo as well.
  12. I think the main issue for me is that every single addon (subtractor, malstrom, redrum, etc.) has a different interface. Not being uniform makes it very intimidating to learn. There is a lot of cool stuff though; The piano roll is pretty ugly visually, but editing velocities is easy and fun. Not being able to zoom more than 100% sucks on my monitor as well. I couldn't find staff notation either, might not have been in the demo. It looks like a super-powerful and sweet program, but I think that I'll pass.
  13. is there an NDA or anything on this? are you guys allowed to post screenshots? I've heard it's a lot cleaner than V3 I ask because I downloaded the demo of V3, and the thing is a total mess to navigate. I like the sounds it can produce, but it's such a pain to navigate i'm not sure I have the patience to drop a year just to learn the interface. Even the video tutorial on their site are only marginally helpful.
  14. That'd be a deal-breaker for me too. No idea what FL does, but garageband's rightclick/leftclick works pretty nice.
  15. Wow, missed this one twice over now, and it seems so has everyone else. The production isn't perfect, but the fact that it is a live performance makes up for it. Stuff like this shows that even the best samples can only go so far, as there is a completely different feel and set of expectations when there is something performed live; Not only live, but triple-live, where the performers have to listen to each other and adapt to each phrase. Even tiny flaws add to something like this. If only it wasn't so short. The underwater theme would have sounded great in this style.
  16. Pretty strange, and not really for me. It does make me wonder though what a "serious" a capella mix would sound like with beat boxing and the like. I bet it would be amazing..
  17. Yeah, there is a good deal of clipping in this, and some of the samples are pretty weak, mainly the trumpet and the harp at the end when it is exposed.. The choir sounds pretty good in most parts,as do the strings; not completely realistic, but very pleasant sounding. Arrangement is good, but everything is super mechanical and quantized, and some of the notes would sound better held out with some rubato. Overall decent, but not as emotive as it should be.
  18. Definitely gets better as it goes on. The string sample at the beginning though was a bit ouch; nice bring in the sound effects to cover the hiss. THe track got better as it got more electronic I think. Not a favorite, but a good, solid track.
  19. not ALL of Konami. ANY of Konami. And retarded? Maybe, we'll have to see how it turns out. The goal was to give some more obscure games a chance, but not make the turnout suck. I still can't decide what I want to do. I was thinking Life Force, or maybe DDR. I checked out the Konami entry on wikipedia and was kindof surprised of some of the games they made. I totally forgot they did Silent Hill or Metal Gear or Suikoden. I guess all I remember them specifically from is Contra or the Ninja Turtles NES games.
  20. Just waitin to see if my theme idea would work, otherwise I have a backup plan. Thanks for the votes, and good work to everyone!
  21. I like the feel this has. I do agree the piano is a little bright, but it fills up the space up there pretty well. Slayer is pretty well hidden until the end, but if you want to replace it with real guitars, there are a ton of guitar players around here; I'd even do it if you wanted. I recommend Fishy though. He was born without the ability to say "no". Combined with his guitar prowess, it makes slayer look extra bad. Anyways, I think you have a good sound, now to flesh out the mix. I think a breakdown with some strings as a lead instrument would be cool, and I suggest processing that vibe counterpoint part in some way; it sounds kindof dry at the moment.
  22. Feel good thread of the year! Best wishes! I can relate especially to trying to beat the game without warping; It's a pretty good challenge. A few of us tried it last weekend and we started running out of gas around the end of world 7, and stopped completely at about 8-2.
  23. happy birthday Taucer, if i had known ahead of time, i would have sent you a bullwhip, but too late now sorry.
  24. i know, i cut and pasted it to make sure you were paying attention
  25. Sounds like a Korean hip hop group. Even though I hate the bubble bobble theme, I can appreciate this sunny, breezy take on the theme. Nice arrangement, too bad it's bubble bobble.
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