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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Love hearing Mega Turrican! I will admit to being wary of the uninspired track title, and I am steeling myself to be critical of the arrangement present, and not just letting the track coast on the strength of the source material. THe initial treatment is solid with a distinct tempo shift and a new style feel, and several initial sections that have some good expansion. The transitions between themes weren't super inspired, but were effective, and the varied sources felt good together, despite not being combined in a more complicated way. I think some blending of themes with each other at the same time would have improved the track as a whole. As is, it's like a short journey through the soundtrack's best, and while a medley style track like this would have difficulty gaining traction at OCR, the expansion of the themes and original writing helped it feel like a speed tour. The sounds used were a bit dated, but fit together well enough as a whole, and it had heart. I liked the dramatic ending, which is a pretty good way to fade a track. It's a close call, but i'm inclined to tip it over the edge. Yes
  2. alright, i'm convinced. Let's hear some more source in the resub, please! No
  3. So this one doesn't stagnate forever, i'm sending it back for some touchups. I personally think the arrangement is excellent, but there are lots of little things to improve to win over some other judges. I hope we hear this one again soon! No
  4. it's like a pizza with the entire menu on it! YUM! Thank you for fixing the timing on the beats. It takes several listens to figure out what the heck is going on, but it's definitely time well spent. I love it. Yes
  5. Definitely a step up in sound quality - I feel that the left hand overall is a bit too aggressive with the volume and toning the velocities down there would feel a lot more natural. It's closer, but I think some smoothing of the sequencing would take this over for me. The arrangement is very good. No, please resubmit
  6. wasn't really feeling the violin sequencing early on, it was really stiff; I think the song would be better cutting that out completely. Once the chips hit, it was smooth and nice with a warm sound. I think the epiano could come down a few DB, and it was smooshing things a bit, but the rest of the mixing was good. The variation on the melodic instruments was really nice, and the transition to the breakdown was good. I enjoyed the modulation on the leads a lot, and the themes chosen worked well together. The intro and ending were the weak points, but the rest of the track made up for it. Yes
  7. Going to agree with Vinnie on this one, the piano is really dry and lacking depth while also sounding pretty robotic. The arrangement I really like, and the dynamics between sections are good. What i'd like to hear is an upgraded sample, as well as some more dynamics and humanization within sections, rather than a specific section being set a narrow velocity range. I think further panning to make it sound like 5 distinctly placed pianos would be nice, rather than only a few hard pans and a barrage of notes. The arrangement of the source is pretty solid, no qualms there, but the sound itself needs another look. I'd love to see this on the front page, so please revisit it! No, please resubmit
  8. I like how the arrangement keeps me on my toes, by never settling into a distinct groove for too long, and always adding cool textures and counter melodies. The ending was a bit underwhelming, considering the care put into the rest of the track, but overall I felt it was a fun ride, and i'm not sure I could think of a better way to end things myself. I think mixing up the tempo and textures a little bit throughout would have helped, with a section that had some pretty chord beds and a melody, but still, as-is, it's pretty nice stuff. Yes
  9. I am feeling the arrangement a bit more than the other judges, but i do think the sequencing needs to be a lot more humanized. I can't say I prefer the new rhythm of the Terra melody, but it's interesting while still being very obvious the source. The mixing was fine, but I think working to get more expression out of your samples is a pretty solid goal. No, please resubmit
  10. I think Deia has covered the most important aspects of the mix that need improvement. There are some really nice arrangement aspects in the first half, but eventually it hits a point that it goes into autopilot with some solos. The most important aspect is to reduce the reverb on the drums and some other elements, as the track is swimming in it. It's fine for the more subdued sections, but the higher energy parts sound really weak because the drums are so far away. The solos are well written but could be tightened up a bit performancewise. Overall It needs a good deal of polish, but shows promise. No, please resubmit
  11. Connor's strong point has always been his passion, and I think the control is starting to get there. Some of the more subdued sections felt not as in control, but the improvement was definitely there on hitting the right note and holding i. The sections where he cranked it up to 11 were great, and the Dickinson style falsettos were pretty solid. I even heard some pretty passable Anselmo phrases in there too, and the harmony rich sections were very compelling. The wide variety of styles vocally make this really fun to listen to, and I really encourage you to further push yourself vocally; there is still a good deal of untapped potential, which is a pretty exciting prospect. The references to several eras of metal vocal history is pretty awesome to me from a fan, and while I don't think most people will 'get it', I appreciate the thought put into it. The guitar compression was a touch heavy, but overall things were clear and balanced. Some of the timing was a little loose, but nothing so far gone that it knocked things off the rails. Pretty excellent upgrade over the previous track; which I really enjoyed. It's not polished to a mirror shine, but it's got a lot of heart, and what is being attempted is pretty damn difficult. Yes cool upgrade, bro!
  12. In addition to the production crits, I feel that the arrangement could be personalized a bit more with extra harmonies. I think the stuff at the end with the additional harmonies was really nice, so having that sort of expansion a little more throughout the track would be great. I really enjoyed the style, and I definitely think this has the potential to get on the front page, just polish it up a bit more! No, please resubmit
  13. Great details like the funky beat and the delay washes on the epiano. The mood felt really nice, and the live instrument add an additional layer of polish to an already solid track. I think the lead volume at :18 is fine, it's audible and leads up to different leads; it's a cool way continue a crescendo while maintaining a solid groove. I think the main issue Wes is having is that the high end seems a little toned down; definitely not an issue for me anyways. I love how intricate the rhythm parts are, with great textures. Yes
  14. I think elliptical is fine- Andy is tracking his heartrate which is the important part for cardio. Everyone has a personal preference. I run and do elliptical, and of the two, i definitely enjoy a high resistance elliptical more. Heart rate is the main goal though, so keep rockin.
  15. Wes has some pretty good advice. I suggest just building strength and lifting as heavy as you safely can. Unless you are taking in a ton of extra calories, you will not get massive, so if that is your concern, don't worry. You will want to mix up your exercises and do some low rep, heavy weights, to challenge your body. High rep stuff is good too, especially for building a foundation. I am 5'9 and 160lb btw Work hard, lift heavy + average calories = cut Work hard, lift heavy + tons of calories = bulk
  16. i dunno dude, from the way you looked last time i saw you i have a feeling you could probably just straight up bench press any of us. regardless it'll be fun!
  17. double post because I can beat any of the mods here at arm wrestling if they don't like it! how many people here are headed to magfest? I wa wondering if we had enough to play some pushup poker. It's like regular poker, but currency is pushups its pretty fun and a great way to get some extra reps in!
  18. 1. give it time to heal more 2. start going VERY EASY and working your back to strengthen it so it can withstand more stuff, start with extensions and just stretching. 3. other stuff you can do is arm or isolated leg stuff 4. any sort of cardio; walking, jogging, eliptical, etc
  19. Thin Crust, there is no way to 'spot remove' excess fat. Basically by doing any cardio or weightlifting, if you are eating pretty well, your stomach will get a reduction in weight. The body is a pretty sweet machine and it is all connected, so even if you lift a ton of heavy weights with your arms or (especially) your legs, if you are using more calories than you take in, it's overall fat stores are depleted. The good news is you don't need to annihilate your core to lose weight, just do a good all-around program, don't eat crazily, and (most important) be consistent!
  20. Radiowar this was my entry for zircon's FF6 contest from last month. did not seem to make much of an impression on people buuut i still like it ! inspired by the opening credits from Drive source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6O7yw0tmOY
  21. Contact Information ReMixer Name: McTricky Real Name: Jeremiah George Website: http://3lancepro.wordpress.com/ UserID: 49821 Submission Information Games Arranged: The Legend of Dragoon Name of Arrangement: Dragon Rave Individual Song Arranged: Battle 1 This would be my first proper video game remix. Upon playing Legend of Dragoon again, I realize that whilst the first battle theme is rather simple, it's still a more fitting track to use as a battle theme compared to the others in the game, and this one was played the LEAST. That said, I decided to incorparate my personal style into this track and arrange it a little bit to make this remix. The remix starts off rather slow, with lush strings that slightly foreshadow the melody of the original source to open the piece. After about 40 seconds is where the magic begins where I decided to see what I could do with the track's main bassline. At 1:47 I decided add in an original part from me, that still took cues from the original piece, such as the occasional harps that play. This ReMix was made in the intention to make you sub-conciously nod your head to its ryhthm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWYH5s0X7Tk
  22. Remixer Name - Dan Andromeda Real Name - Dan Freeman Email - Website - http://www.youtube.com/user/DanAndromedaMusic Userid - 49218 SUBMISSION INFORMATION Name of Game Arranged - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Name of Arrangement - Awake In Torvus Name of Individual song - Torvus Bog Own Comments - I decided that I would do a remix from Metroid, which is my favourite game series, as my first submission to OverClocked Remix. I thought about potential songs that I could arrange, and Torvus Bog seemed the one that I favoured most. I called it "Awake in Torvus," due to the fact that I had dream about the place. I decided to stick to my Ambient roots, using Logic Pro 8 over the space of a week. I started by playing the song by ear on piano, creating some interesting sub melodies by improvising, after that I moved production over to my Mac. During the break down brief elements of Ice Vally can be heard, I played this on the piano. Overall I am quite pleased on how the remix turned out, but I will leave it to you to decide if it is worthy of a place on OCR.
  23. No live drummer due to logistics and gear transportation. The ReMix-o-Tron 5000 gets it done though. Less ego too!
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