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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. The arrangement was fine overall, but I felt that the production was lacking a few key spots. Some of the lead guitar playing was really messy in terms of hitting extra notes, and the soundscape felt thin to me in a lot of areas, with some panning choices that didn't quite fill things out. I did enjoy the layered percussion, and there were some nice subtle touches through out with little chords and washes of sound. The ending was not good. The sudden halt ruined the mood for me. For as much care that was put in the rest of the arrangement, it struck me as losing interest in the song to not see it through. I think this has a lot of potential, but i'd like to hear the soundscape filled out a bit and I think the ending needs to be tweaked. It's close for me, but doesn't quite get there. No, please resubmit
  2. Adding a note here that the source files were lost and this cannot be re-encoded at a higher bitrate. Let's move it forward as-is.
  3. both the performance and the song are great. nice work, pianoguys!
  4. That voice? Those caliente dance moves? Consider me smitten.
  5. wow these look really nice and your model is really hot too! *I think I will support this seller with my American currency and mayeb you guys should too!*
  6. Happy birthday dave, i will see you in a few days and by you a birthday shot.
  7. Melodically and structurally this doesn't veer at all from the source, but It really expands harmonically and tonally. The frame drum sounded like it was tuned to a different key to the song, which was a bit distracting, but it was pitched low enough to not sound super off. I think the production is great and the mood set is excellent, and though the arrangement is a bit on the conservative, I think the feel and personalization help it skim the bar, barely. Yes
  8. This feels pretty nice, but I think the solo violin is a little too dry and the sequencing is stiff and fake sounding. The backing strings and effects sounded really nice. The instrumentation didn't stray much from the original of being piano and strings, and that's fine, though I don't think a lot of melodic expansion happened, and maybe it should. Overall there are some nice elements here, but the soundscape needs to sound more natural throughout, so adjust those lead sounds to fit better with everything else and sound smoother. No, please resubmit
  9. oh man, those vocal clips are so cheese. Overall a lot of elements feel a little dry, specifically the vocal clips and some of the piano. Everything else feels pretty good. I liked the brass. Soundscape needs to be a little more developed, with less super dry elements. I think the structure is pretty similar, and maybe some additional expansion on the themes would help make this even more personalized. It is definitely a solid foundation, but I feel that the sounds arent quite meshing, and the arrangement should be expanded slightly. I really do like where it's going though. No, please resubmit
  10. the arrangement here is a cool shift in sound, giving it a sortof nostalgic vibe with the epiano and sampled bits. I don't feel the structure or a lot of other things were really altered, though there are some distinct transitions and such that were added. The beats are good and varied, and the sound is balanced, but i feel there is a lot of needless repetition and identical sections. A little of that would be fine, but it seems excessive. The ending is also really curt, and doesn't feel good to me at all. The upsides are pretty apparent though, it has a very 'official arrange' feel to it, and the song is engaging despite the repetition. I think it's above the bar. Yes
  11. Game: Donkey Kong Country Title: Sexy K Original song title: King K. Rool (Gangplank Galleon) Original Composers: Dave Wise, Robin Beanland, Eveline Fischer Additional Info: This tune was made with sex appeal, entirely in Reason. A good electronica remix of this song was well overdue, so I took it upon myself to beat the crap out of some sounds until it did what I wanted it to do. Enjoy. ReMixer name: Enemy Onion Real name: Shane Mesa Email: Web site: soundcloud.com/shanemesa User ID: EnemyOnion NOTE: If you make this available for download, please use my soundcloud link above ONLY. -shane
  12. Hello, I'm a long time fan of OCRemix, and a longtime composer. I made a remix of the T. Hawk theme from Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers for the 25th Anniversary of Street Fighter, and I thought I should send it to you guys. My arrangement is called "The Legendary Tomahawk". My remixer name is UncleBibby. The original T. Hawk theme is supposedly called Eye of the Eagle, but I suppose you guys would call it "T. Hawk Stage" My real name is Peter Locke. My blog is at www.petermobeter.com, but my soundcloud accounts are http://soundcloud.com/unclebibby and http://soundcloud.com/unclebibby47 I hope you like it, I tried to take the theme and make it more epic and dance-able instead of just generically Mexican. I made it in Pro Tools 10. Sincerely, Peter "UncleBibby" Locke
  13. I think it's time we ready. The firehose, bro!
  14. Right away I can hear a bit step up in your actual sequencing on this; i'm not sure what you did, but more of that, please! I agre with Emu that more velocity on the string stabs would be nice, but the rest I was really feeling. The story of the mix is really good, and the way you arranged the source is true to the theme. The piano sound I thought was fine in context, it just sounds like it was EQ'd to stand out and fit. THe horn attack was a little bit slow, but didn't wreck the part of the song, just something to be mindful of in the future. often when i am sequencing brass, i'll move the midi data forward 1/32 a measure in the track, so the attacks sound more on beat; that may be something you will want to try too. I think a huge chord at the end along with the SFX would have been better, but overall I really enoyed this! Yes
  15. There are a lot of really nice aspects to this; the reverb on everything really gives a great dreamy feeling, and there is a ton of variation throughout, making it feel constantly evolving. The synths are tastefully used, and all gel together well. The only issue I really have soundwise is I feel the snare gets lost in the busier section. Some of the instruments I feel come in and drop out too soon, but really it's picking nits. There are some definite flashes of brilliance on this, and I can hear your growth as an arranger and producer. I do think you have a lot of road in front of you to continue to improve, but I feel this track is definitely above the bar. Yes
  16. Very cool obscure source! The mixing is a little unbalanced at the beginning, with the strings not being prominent enough to support the harpsichord. The reverb levels are a bit much as well throughout, making things sound muddy and indistinct. The guitar is decently sequenced by is still a bit fake sounding. I think adding some rhythm guitar playing underneath the lead would help gel that section together. The arrangement itself is very nice, though definitely on the short side. I'd love to hear some additional expansion. I think this is a very good start, but additional material should be added, and the production needs refinement. Keep at it! No, please resubmit
  17. This is really awesome, but that snare is completely weak and underwhelming for a good deal of the song. I love the arrangement and pretty much everything else, though I think the leads could use a touch of stereo delay to sweeten the sound a bit. I do think the snare is problematic enough to warrant a resub, but I think swapping it out for something beefy would be a straight up YES from me, and the other judges may not care as much. No, please resub that snare
  18. I am a big fan of this too, though I felt things got a little crowded in the low mids in spots. The main snare was a bit weak as well, but otherwise I am completely on board; you've used some very intelligent ideas to get the various sources to play off of each other. There are a ton of different original melodies, but the arrangement blends them very well, so while the source may shift between sections, an element or idea is continued from the previous theme in some way. Very nice. Yes
  19. A lot of similarities in synth design for this remix, but there are enough differences that it doesn't feel like an exact copy. There isn't a lot of melodic or hamonic expansion, but a lot of the textures are altered, and a few new things are added to make it stand out from the original. Structure-wise it is pretty expanded, with some broken down sections and a wider view of the source track, including a pretty extended build that was well executed and led to an insane drop. I was actually disappointed that it ended the track there instead of one more go through the chorus, but i can respect the choice made. Overall this is very competently constructed, and there is expansion, but I am having a hard time deciding if it does enough beyond the source to warrant inclusion to the site. The beats throughout are near identical, as is a lot of the treatment and soundscape, even the panning on the hi hats. The crescendo at the end it's masterfully done, but it's the only thing that really sets this apart from the original. I think it needs a lot more personalization for me to sign off on, but it is quite obvious you have the skill to make it happen if it is something you would want to do. No, please resubmit
  20. happy birthday dude, i hope you have an awesome day!
  21. First thing i noticed is that the drums are feeling flimsy. There is some sort of presence to the kick, but it's backloaded and doesn't feel powerful at all. The snare is lacking a peak and is more of a dull thud. A lot of the synths themselves feel pretty thin and basic as well as a bit muddy, when they should be dynamic and exciting. The soundscape actually feels smaller here than the original, and for trance to be effective, your space you are dealing with has to feel absolutely massive. The arrangement is personalized a bit, but could definitley use a bit more expansion. THis needs a lot of work, especially in the production area. I think hitting up the WIP forum and getting some extra tips and some specific advice would be a good move to improve! No
  22. lol @ the song title. The arrangement is excellent; taking turns decontructing and then expanding upon the source thrack. The chip sound is a little weird at first, as it sounds like you just took the source and added stuff, but it's actually way cleaner sounding chips than the original, and there are plenty of spatial effects added, similar to Halc, or his alter ego, Benny Briggz would do. The beat foundation is a little repetitive, but a lot of little bits get added on to keep it from getting too stale. Production is solid throughout, with good panning and the flow the track is solid as well. This is really nice, definitely would like to hear more work by you. Yes
  23. the main thing i notice is how repetitive the kick and clap are, and while a lot of the synths are interesting, like the gated one, Productionwise, there is a ton of pumping that is very distracting, you need to adjust the EQ on the kick. I guess reading over the judge votes already in place, i'd pretty much just be repeating what they said, so I think you should take their advice and also work on the ending, as the sudden end isn't really cutting it. I am down with J_SWZL being in the house, but this track needs a little more polish before we let it in. I am looking forward to an update. No, please resubmit
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