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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I got my cd today! It sounds great but I was disappointed I did not get a handwritten valentine from Tony. ;_;
  2. The music is the trailer sounds tinny and the snare goes in and out of time on some of the flams. The performance sounds the same as the final version, and the mixing is infinitely better. I stand by my comments based on the trailer, but I think the final soundtrack is much better.
  3. I thought the full track was a little too close to an etude for me to get really invested, but the previews on your bandcamp showed a lot of variety and taste. I definitely am excited to hear this, and I ordered a copy. Sounds like a really solid group! PS. I wanted to read reviews but they are all in italian. Looks like they dig it though!
  4. Pretty solid genre subversion here, it sounds very authentic, with every detail accounted for, the harmonies, the guitar tones, panning, even the whistling. The lyrics are silly, and arrangement-wise, there is a good deal of personalization with the style, and it doesn't overextend the material trying to get additional length out of the track. A few intonation issues in the vocals, specifically trying to hit those high notes where it ends up a few cents flat, but overall it was good enough. Overall it's pretty fun, and I think the fundamentals of the mixing are very solid. I think a little bit of structural deviance would have been ok, but as-is, I think the song is clever and well executed. Yes
  5. This is pretty exciting, though it feels very close to the original's structure. The horns taking the really technical melody are buried and not really distinct at all, and are covered pretty strongly by the percussion. I'm not even sure horn is the best instrument to have that melody, as playing that accurately and crisply on a horn seems near impossible. There is some creative expansion in the percussion, and choir, but beyond that, it is really too close for my comfort level to the original. The ending is also abrupt and even the reverb tail of it is cut prematurely. Balancewise, I feel that the percussion is way louder than everything else and feels like it's in the front of the orchestra instead of behind it. I think there are some good ideas here, but a lot more refinement and personalization needs to go into this before it can pass the judges. No
  6. I think the combination of the two themes was pretty good, and the arrangement had some great points. The sound effects that all Sonic mixes are required to have were tastefully used, and even the ending was decently thought out. The samples throughout are leaving me a little underwhelmed, which I think is the main issue. The piano sounds super thin, and has some nice shimmer, but lacks body. The hihats sound cheap, and the snare is flimsy. I think the synth leads are nice, but would do well with some more prominent delay to help blend them in with the rest of the soundscape. The kick was strong enough, and the bass synths worked, but overall I was left wanting a more lush sound. i think that there is a good foundation here, but the soundscape needs some love to get the track over the bar. I am definitely looking forward to a resub of this, I am excited to hear more material from you. No, please resubmit
  7. Pretty. Damn. Excellent. This arrangement style reminds me a lot of the Terran music from the first Starcraft, which I thought was very well done. The textures were perfect, the part-writing was varied, and slowing the melody down really gives it a dramatic feel that I think really works. There is a lot of personalization put into this, but there is a strong connection throughout. I really enjoyed this one, the style is great and and execution is confident and powerful. Yes
  8. The only part of this that feels weak to me is the transitions between themes, but I think even that is decent enough, and if Wily 1 wasn't so recognizable, it's be even less of an issue. The lyrics are fitting, and the overall sound is really nice. A strong 80's vibe, but with a lot of modern production values. One pitfall of authentic 80's production is that they had so much space all their synthpop tracks, and this sidesteps that nicely while retaining the feel and charm. The arrangement adds a lot of seemingly original melodic writing, which feels natural, but I do feel the Wily 1 theme was altered almost to the breaking point. It's still close enough to make me feel that it's the theme, but dang is it close, and i'm not sure all the judges will feel the same. Overall though, besides the ending being weak, this is a great track that I really enjoyed, and hearing you handle the Wily 1 theme again, and in such a different way, gives people an idea of your overall skill with arranging. I dig it. Yes
  9. Your ReMixer name - CJthemusicdude Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged - Cheetahmen 2 Name of arrangement - Karate Cheater Name of individual song(s) arranged - Level BGM Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) - Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. - http://imgur.com/LC8Eu
  10. Remixer Name: WiiCube64 Real Name: Nathaniel Freed Email: Website: http://daforcefilms.newgrounds.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/DAFORCEFilms?feature=mhee ID: 32565 Game Mixed: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Name of Song Mixed: Aquatic Ruins Additional Info: None Name of Mix: Smooth Ambience Comments: I don't have much to say on this one other than Smooth Jazz... Funk... I dunno. Trumpet sampling took a little while to get in sync with the Keyboard, plus spent a long time ironing out flaws I could get to (I'm not a wizard with audio). And yes, the strings are supposed to sound muffled. Enjoy!
  11. Remixer: chaos_Leader Game: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Original Piece: Stone Tower theme Remix Title: Stone Tower Ascent This piece is in two parts: one which stays very close to the feel of the original source material, staying close to the rhythms and structure of the original, and another part that really plays with the rhythms and melodic/harmonics of the piece, resulting in a piece with a somewhat funkier, almost reggae-like feel (or so I've been told by those who've listened to it). My idea was to use almost exclusively Asian/Mid-East instruments, with vocals, all overlaid on top of a constant howl of wind in the background. The aim, especially in the first part, is to preserve much of the mystic feel of the original, but updated with more realistic instrumentation. Doumbek. Thank you for your consideration. I hope to hear back soon.
  12. Original Decision ReMixer name : Night Garden Real name : Vincent Desdevises Email adress : Website : http://nightgarden.bandcamp.com User ID on OCR forums : 29775 Submission Information Name of game arranged : Final Fantasy 7 Name of individual song arranged : Farm Boy Composer : Nobuo Uematsu Comments : Almost three years after I sent the first submission of this remix, I finally found some time to try to work on the valuable pieces of advice you gave me at that time (by the way, THANK YOU !!). So, to sum up, here are the main things that had to be corrected/improved, and what I did (or did not) consequently : 1/ The strings sound fake YES !! I couldn't agree more... That's why I've just deleted them. Instead, I have made a new intro with acoustic guitars and an ocarina (which gave me the opportunity to learn how to play it !). The strings in the middle have also been deleted, and replaced with the ocarina and an electric guitar. 2/ The backing track is too constant / Lack of variation Instead of bringing the two backing guitar tracks together right after the intro, I only put one at first, and brought the second one on the second part. However, I've decided to change neither the rhythm nor the lead guitar part, because I think it would be contrary to the "indie rock" style I want the remix to have. Personal choice ! But to compensate, I've added some new guitar riff near the end. 3/ The production is sort of muted Indeed ! I've increased the high-frequencies to make it clearer. 4/ Fadeout at the end ... no more fadeout ! And some kind of outro with a few voices. 5/ The lead guitar slightly out of tune Well, that may be the only point where I do not agree. I tune each guitar before recording. Plus I have checked on a pitch graphic (don't know how to call that exactly in English, sorry !), and it's not out of tune at all. I sincerely hope that you will notice and (why not) appreciate the changes. If not, once again, please tell what's still wrong, so I can work on that in three years !
  13. there is other stuff that needs to be fixed, but sure, Dave has plenty of time to listen to this.
  14. pretty weaksauce, but leave it to Zircon to really turn this into a shitstorm with his half-baked conspiracy theories and wild rantings. Troll more, bro.
  15. really close vote that split the panel pretty well here - I think in the end, it's very close, but in the end, none of the Yes votes were really strongly in favor, and everyone had some manner of crits. I think a little bit of additional polish on this will make it a stronger contender, and I personally am looking forward to hearing it even better. Closing this one out.
  16. Nice attention to detail here, the sound is really warm, and the key clicks make it feel very intimate. The arrangement starts out simply enough with the melody handed back between low reed instruments, and it plays it pretty close to the original, but it doesn't take long to start to branch out into new arrangement territory, and I felt that the ideas presented were a pretty natural fit. The counterpoint and modulation ideas were excellent, and the expansive sections never strayed too far from the source. Some section required a bit more mental work to make connection to, but I felt things checked out pretty well. The ending was the most liberal aspect of the mix, but still had a variation on the melody with the oboes. IT felt a little short, but I think it was pretty solid. Yes
  17. I think it has a very unique character and the sparseness doesn't bother me. i'm totally fine with how this one ended up. Yes
  18. The sequencing and sample use on this track sounds great to me, and for a medley with a lot (LOT) of parts, it feels very cohesive and a lot like film cues, though it is one theme after another. That being said, there isn't much expansion on the themes beyond what has been interpreted. The some arranging is very well done, but the themes are all so brief that there isn't additional expansion after. The themes are organized in an intelligent manner, and there is a good tension and release dynamic. The transitions were pretty clean overall though, and tied sections together well. straight-up Overall this is a really tough vote for me, as it walks the line so close to straight-up medley territory. Some of the transitions were seamless, and some were good but not transparent, but overall between the pretty solid sequencing and very nice (but woodwind-light) arranging, I am inclined to tap this one over to the YES side of things. You have some great chops, so if you consider submitting some other stuff to us, i'd love to hear a single track arranged and expanded upon as opposed to a medley. Yes
  19. Some weird minor phasing when the guitars and synth double each other, mainly because i personally feel that the guitar should be louder than the synth, but otherwise this is pretty solid. Good energy, very interpretive arrangement that feels cohesive, and man, those drums sound like POWER. The rhythm tone is great, and I think all of the sounds are gelling pretty well. Yes
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