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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. This is sounding pretty solid! A few minor things I think would improve it. One, a suspended cymbal lead into the drums would help them not be as surprising of an entrance when they come in the first time. Most of the articulations sound pretty good, though some of the faster ones like the passage at 1:57 could have a little harder of an attack. The guitar arpeggios at 2:09 should be a little more humanized. They have a little bit of variation, but they should have even more. A stronger velocity downbeat with lighter top notes, or a lighter downbeat with an accent in one of the other three, but of the 4 notes in the arpeggio, one should have an accent. Speaking of 2:09, it feels a little empty, and could use more cello/low strings to fill out a bit. you don't need to add any extra texture, just double some violin stuff down an octave and see how that sounds. I enjoyed the nostalgic RPG sounding drum parts a lot, and i think the beat variety was good, but I feel a few additional fills sprinkled throughout would improve the song. THe one fill at 4:27 was exciting, and while not all of them have to be that amped, having some more would be good. The drums at the end definitely felt the most inspired, and I feel the end section was really working, though the horn attack is way too slow. You'll definitely need to adjust that; I can promise Larry would NO this just based on that (probably Deia too). Overall this is feeling much better to me, and I hope to hear a finished and polished version in the inbox soon!
  2. happy birthday, even if you are too busy to come to the site and read this!
  3. The slow parts were just kindof treading water for me and not doing anything very interesting. I couldn't help but wonder when it was going to pick up again each time. I really liked the sections where the splash woman A section was playing; that part was very good, but the rest felt like bland and plodding background music that didn't really go anywhere or say anything. The intro didn't feel very solid, with no real instrument taking the forefront. Overall I don;t really know about this one, as it is pretty blocky as far as the chords, with not much going on in passing tones. I think overall this needs a lot more interest and energy for me to give it the nod. No, please resubmit
  4. I agree with Larry in that i'm just not feeling the beat of the track. It feels somewhat jazzy when it should be more bold and powerful. The drums dont really drive the song, they actually make it feel less energetic somehow. Like it's a huge chore to get through it. Even when the energy picks up at 3:11, the bass is playing a different pattern than the drums, and it is less effective than it could be, and isn't clicking. The guitars and bass sound a lot more on as far as performance, but the dragging drums are even more prominent now. I think re-doing the drums do be more energetic would be good, and easing up on the compressor a bit. No, please resubmit
  5. I agree with Larry that this is really close but not quite making it. I think the top end is being hurt by the track being pushed so hard through the compressor. The rhythm tone is nice and beefy, but the drums are falling a little flat, and I think the lead sound is a little over-treated. I think the drums and over-compression are the main issues here. the drums need to crack, and bringing things back will help that. Make some adjustments and then PM me and I can help to make sure this gets through. No, please resubmit
  6. This is moving in the right direction, though Larry has done a good job of outlining what still remains in the track; There is just a sense that things aren't quite gelling, sound-wise. The arrangement I think is really solid, and I think once all the balance issues are ironed out, even Larry will hear how good it is. No, please resubmit
  7. I think Deia handled this one pretty well, there is a bit of low end mud that needs to be cleaned up, and the arrangement could use some additional personalization. The more synth focused breakdown part felt good as-is, probably because of the lack of kick and bass at the same time. The percussion felt very strong to me, and was one of my favorite parts, with good drive and interesting parts. Overall I think this is a really good start that just needs a little bit of eqing on the low end, and a touch more personalization. No, please resubmit
  8. pretty exciting work, cool synth work, nice half time switches, and overall a good track. I do think the percussive patterns were the weak part, but the rest was very fun to listen to. Overall i am quite alright with this. Yes
  9. I think this has a really strong intro, It was exciting immediately. Some of the transitions were really awkward though. Deia mentioned the one at 1:35 and I definitely agree, that needs to be re-evaluated and adjusted to flow better. I do think having a more sturdy beat would help with timing as well. The beat is interesting right now, but a section where it is slightly more straightforward and driving would help anchor a section. Overall I feel this is pretty close, It has a lot of great elements and just needs some detail polish. I think a stronger ending would also help, it currently sounds a bit too abrupt. Definite promise here though, I encourage you to give it another go. No, please resubmit
  10. This has a very nice vocal performance and a solid backing track. I think the arrangement was the strong point, and the production was good, if a bit predictable. Still, there's nothing wrong with familiarity, and the quality of the production felt high enough to be at the OSV or official arrange level. I felt the arrangement went a little long, but otherwise it was very nice, I am definitely excited to hear more from both of you. Yes
  11. Deia is quite correct here, the intro takes forever, and a lot of sections don't feel cohesive with each other. The individual elements contained within are fine, but the overall track feels like a bunch of ideas taped together rather than a planned out experience. I think taking some of the elements and building around them rather than throwing everything into the blender and seeing what happens would be a better way to approach this. Sorry, but I think this still needs a lot of work from a structure standpoint. No
  12. It is definitely pushed a bit hard, though I am really feeling the arrangement on it. I'll send the request for tonight the compression down so we can get a better gauge of the track. I would love to have this on the frontpage, so please bring the levels back a little. No please resubmit
  13. I think it works well enough, soundscape was solid and the arrangement was close but personalized enough. Nice textures and a good sonic palate. Yes
  14. I think there are some really nice elements to this, but the sequenced parts are feeling tacked on, sound-wise, with the soundscapes not really matching. The guitars have a nice room sound, but the rest is very dry. Overall the ideas are good, but it's very repetitive and get's old after the Nth repetition. THere are some arrangement builds that work pretty well, but it needs to do a little bit more. No
  15. Pretty unique arrangement that despite being somewhat minimal was very interesting and cohesive. The soundscape was really deep and interesting, and the use of different elements was very intelligent and well-planned. I especially enjoyed the excellent panning, and the percussion was perfect. Definitely not something i'd normally listen to, but you made a believer out of me. I love it. Yes
  16. I think there are some strong elements in this mix, but I think a lot of the sections are somewhat stitched together, with somewhat flimsy transitions, and that the dynamic range feels very subdued. What really should be exciting crescendos feel half-hearted, and despite instruments coming, and going, there isn't any huge swells that really feel dramatic to me. The breakdown with the bells was a step in the right direction, but a lot of the velocities felt very static even there, and it didn't feel like it was breathing deeply enough. The tempo increase out of it was very good, but then the hits didn't feel as they impacted as they should. The repeated section at the end didn't feel like the drama was building in the repeated part at all, and it was the main aspect that was heard. The drum increase in intensity was fine. but the repeated motif should crescendo too. Some good ideas, but more polish and stronger sequencing is needed. Some additional arrangement spice would be nice too, with more excitement. No, please resubmit
  17. its been almost a year. If things are going to be fixed up, it can be resubbed at this point. Closing this out.
  18. It definitely came together at the solo, and I agree with the other judges that while the song isn't 100% solid for the entire duration, it's a good mix and sounds above the bar. I think the mallet angle is pretty fresh and works together well. There is a smooth enough ramp into the heavier sections to make it not feel like 2 separate songs, and it's an interesting combination. The energy was good, and you are progressing pretty well as a mixer. Yes
  19. I'm going to have to agree with the other judges. I think the sounds used themselves are fine, but there is a lot of bleeding in between sections that needs to be addressed, so the parts are more distinct. I'd prefer a bit more crack in the snare are well. It seems like it isn't really driving anything at the moment. Arrangement is interesting, but the production is what needs the polish. No, please resubmit
  20. I do think this is an overall improvement in the mixing and balance, but as Deia mentioned, there are still a few issues, and the better balance is allowing us to hear some things that weren't as apparent before. The snare sound is missing a solid crack that really lets it cut through, and some of the synths are sounding very repetitive. I think Deia's suggestion of mixing them up for a few sections would help the track feel fresher. Once everything is going full bore, it feels like there is no room to expand and you don't really cut back. I think adding some additional modulation to some of the sequencing would help this feel more polished, and EQing them so there is a bit more separation would be good too. I personally don't really think the simple drum pattern is that effective, but that is more of a personal preference I think. It's closer but needs another pass, I feel. No, please resubmit
  21. also, if you want to rock, this was a great month for DoD http://dwellingofduels.net/duel.php?dir=09-03-Ys_Month&month=ys&img=ys
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