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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Welcome, guys! I've been doing deloading after hitting my squat goal for the year, and blowing away my deadlift goal. I guess i should recalibrate,since my goals were not set high enough. I am also in a bulk phase, which is surprisingly difficultfor me. Eating way over limit is tough, and i cant wait to get backto cutting. Ill be starting that in a few months, so i am all ready for summer.
  2. Oh yeah, OverClocked University will be playing a set at JAMSPACE! Sunday at 1pm! See the concert, then haul ass to the OCR panel at 2!
  3. We're gonna take the MAX beast to the AXE meat
  4. this thread is now about licking hot basses. Also hearing Light in the Fortress live was awesome, one of my favorite guitar solos ever.
  5. This was super good live, and Tony is the second hottest bass player I know.
  6. There were some pretty cool parts, but that chromatic ascension during the first chorus killed me. Sorry, but that part specifically was definitely not working. I'd take another listen to the parts where you deviate from the key of the vocals and get that back in line.
  7. Nice solos, and a good vibe overall in this track, the soundscape is really good, and the instrumentation fits the source well in an unexpected way. The shift to making it more organic and a little calmer. I think melodically and harmonically it was very coverish, but the extended solo section and ad libbing throughout along with the instrumentation and live performances helped it feel very personalized. Mixing was good, and the performances all clicked well together. I do hope that in future subs a little additional expansion of melodic and harmonic elements happens, but you guys are a tight group, and I think this one clears the bar. Yes
  8. DAT DRAMA. I love how the track slow burns, and keeps inching the tension up, bit by bit, and then eases back in the midpoint, keeping it really moody. This sound is pretty much exactly what I think a 'classic final fantasy' sound is. I am a little surprised that Uematsu didn't compose this track, but Mizuta does a very convincing impression. I really like the careful attention to detail in the auxiliary percussion rhythms that help drive the track, I think the dynamics are very effectively used, and I just about flipped the table when I heard that weaksauce fade out. Duuude Arrangement-wise this is definitely more of an expansion rather than a complete re-imagining, as it stays very similar in regards to overall structure, but with all the additions and the excellent feel added, it sounds a lot more dramatic and heroic than the original. The second half is excellent, and the pacing overall is great. Even breaking my heart via that fadeout, this is still an easy call for me. Yes Hope you submit more, I've missed hearing your stuff <3
  9. The mood set by this track is excellent, it's very pleasant and welcoming. I am definitely hearing the timing issues that Wes brought up as well, especially the end, where it just doesn't gel together. I think a few mixing aspects could be improved as well, such as the 16th notes played in the intro coming down in velocity or volume, so they aren't as overpowering. I really enjoyed the bass part, and helped give the track a lot of character. I think some other instruments are a bit loud too in spots, like the accordion and bass at the end. I also agree that for the length of the track, it feels underdeveloped. Almost 1/5 of it is the drone intro, which while I feel it's length is fine as-is, the rest of the track is too short, and with several different themes, some additional interpretation would be welcome. I really, really like the mood and arrangement style of this song, I just think it needs to be tightened up and expanded on further. I'd love to hear a resub! No, please resubmit
  10. Pretty solid groove on this, and I like the sounds chosen. The vocal samples were fine, but seemed a touch dry. Not a huge deal, since clarity is important. The variety is pretty good with sections, though I felt the beats got to be a bit autopilot at times. I think enough is going on otherwise to keep things interesting, and they are complex enough and switch patterns just enough for it to be acceptable. There are a few transitions that are pretty fun, like the kick leading up to the vocal sample, but the ending itself felt a bit like a cop out. The vocal sample and delay treatment made it sound somewhat planned, but it could have been stronger. Overall I think it's a pretty grooving take on the theme. Yes
  11. here's a version with a slightly better kick. It's still not awesome, but I feel it's better.
  12. This really is solidly produced, great full sounds and clear soundscape. Some power and a lot of interesting textures and synths. Unfortunately, I have to agree with my comrades, I am not hearing enough dominant Halo source in here. Maybe a 4th judge can swoop in and show us the source we may be missing, but I have a feeling that it's just a bit too liberal for the site. No
  13. Damn, this is super good. I love the arrangement, the performance, the solos, the textures, and the energy. I think the power behind the kick isnt' there, though, and I am really debating if it's for the good of the song to ship it back to you to get a stronger kick. I also think there should be a huge crash cymbal at the very end when it climaxes, before the bitcrushed ending. I am going to vote Yes on this, but will hit up DaMonz and see if I can get a new version with a punchier kick. I think this has the potential to be incredible, but it needs that kick.
  14. it's on mac, I would be pretty interested in this. Multiplayer Sim City is something i've always wanted. OCRville sounds like a totally cool idea.
  15. after Brandon linked me the announcement that eventually the VC games are playable on the tablet controller, I am now strongly considering the system, since that is pretty much what i'd spend 90% of my time doing. You guys gotta be COOL BROS and tell me when those updates this via PM, so I can go buy the system as soon as it is live.
  16. There are some obvious render issue on this, and I think more of a room sound would be good, but damn, DAT ARRANGEMENT. Please fix this up and resubmit, because it is really well arranged; exciting, dynamic, and with a lot of great hidden surprises. No, please resubmit
  17. I really think this is a cool arrangement and a really solid foundation, but there are a few things holding it back for me. One, the drums need to be punchier and a little more exciting; the cymbals and hi hat sounds fine, but the snare needs more high end crack. The bass sound pretty cheapy, and very tiny. I recommend bring the volume up and rolling of more of the high end, or maybe pick up shreddage bass, which would sound very very good in this style music. A bit of EQ on the rhythm guitars would be good too, so they didnt get into as much of the space with the lead guitars and synths as well. I'd push down a little at 1-2k to help give them more of a sonic identity. The arrangement is very cool and pretty solid, though it felt to me like too many sections were just coasting on the chord progression, and there wasn't much going on melodically. I think the alterations to the melody were good, but maybe have a more straightforward rendition of the melody appear in some of the sections that are a bit more empty right now. I am definitely cool with some sections that just jam on the chords for a bit, but right now, it feels like that type of section is over-represented. If you want some personal help, hit me up via PM, i'd be glad to get more granular with you on getting this piece up to the site standards! No, please resubmit
  18. Besides the opening lead synth feeling a little bit brittle to me, I was pretty hype about this mix. The energy is great, and the shifts between the filtered riffs was FUN and COOL. The meshing of the character themes was solid, and the only real wish I have for the song is more beater in the kick, so it cuts more. I AM HYPE YES
  19. This is pretty nice stuff, and while the actual source usage is literally right o the edge, the original material feels like an extension of it, rather than a complementing part. I am somewhat disappointed you didn't use more themes, but I do have to say what is here is really well done; you guys work very well together. I love the electronic textures with the piano, and the percussion is very tasteful and well suited to creating a solid mood. The storm sound effects were subtle and helped deepen the mood, and overall it felt pretty cohesive. I am impressed two of you worked on this, as I can't really hear any obvious seams. The string sample was a touch dry and could have been pushed back a little bit, but otherwise I think this was really solid. More source would have been nice, but I am very comfortable passing this as-is. Yes
  20. I have to agree with Deia here, between the somewhat conservative arrangement (more on this later) and the stiffness of the string articulations, it's not quite meeting the bar. The samples themselves seem to pass muster, but you will need to really dig in and humanize things. The fact that you are taking the same basic instrumentation is totally fine, but reducing the elements and making them that much more exposed is causing the stiff sequencing to be extra pronounced. One issue with using the same instrumentation is also that your decent-but-not-astounding samples pale in comparison to a real orchestra. I suggest adding a few additional instruments to help mask direct comparisons. Maybe a nylon string guitar or a live lead instrument would help. The concept of your mix is really nice, and it definitely feels like a poetic and tragic goodbye, and with some polish, will really shine. Adding more pronounced dynamics to it will also help it breathe a lot more. I think taking this to the WIP forums and getting more advice on revisions would be a great idea; I hope to hear this updated! No, please resubmit
  21. I am somewhat fortunate in that at my gym, people look at the squat rack like it is a demonic portal straight to hell. Unless there is a PT is doing their own workout, it's always free.
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