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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. no idea, though i've put a ton of hours into the game. I haven't bee playing randoms online because my internet is bad, and I am bad too.
  2. Actually seems pretty unique, i'm interested to learn more.
  3. It's a step in the right direction, but the reverb on what sounds like just about everything is really holding this back. Instead of being tight and punchy, it's like it's glazed over with a cloudy film. There may be more issues than that, but i seriously can't hear them through all the reverb. The playing and programming seems ok, but I can't be certain until the reverb is toned down and resubmited, please. No, please resubmit
  4. yeah, this is really nicely done; it takes a beautifully colored original and adds a lush backing, some nice arrangement touches (especially that bass writing during the solo), a few different moods, and finishes with style. The lead synth has some great character and expression, and this clicks on just about every front. I do think the drums could be pumped up a bit more, but otherwise, this is what I love hearing. Nice work! Yes
  5. I'm gonna side with the judges who aren't really sold on the production. SOme of the stuff really works despite being unnatural, like the piano sounds, but the high synth is super piercing, and there is a lot of mud. I think some smoother sequencing with the orchestra sections would really help this out. I think the samples are fine for OCR-level stuff, but it needs to have a little more life to it. Strong resub candidate, IMO. No, please resubmit
  6. I gotta agree, this is super close, it just needs some minor tweaks and it's ready to rock. No, please resubmit
  7. Larry has some pretty solid crits, and this could probably pass with another take on the production. It's sat long enough in limbo, so I'm closing it out so updates can potentially be made. Sorry for the long wait, guys.
  8. Put me in the group who loves the track, but is not hearing enough connection to the source. This is really cool and super creative, with very slick sounds, and a very strong flow. I love the percussion and the sound effects. Unfortunately, I am really not hearing much dominant source for a good deal of the track. I can tell this took a long time and had a lot of care put in it, but it's just not recognizable enough for me, after several listens. :/ Sorry, gotta NO it.
  9. As a former garageband user, I recognize a lot of the limitations you have to deal with here, and I think you've done a pretty good job with a lot of them. The synth still doesn't have much modulation, though the portamento helps. The piano sequencing is super stiff, and the section where it has some crazy run was way too exposed to sound so mechanical. I think the plinking here and there throughout the track can work being mechanical, but for the run, you gotta massage those velocity levels. Drums sound better for sure, and the overall production is improved, but the details on the synth and piano need to be addressed, and the noodled sections get really far from the heart of the source, I feel. You are moving in the right direction, but still have a ways to go. No, please resubmit
  10. The level of work required by the conditional's here makes me comfortable enough to have this be a NO (Resub) overall. Make the changes, send it back, and we'll fast track this one!
  11. That intentional clipping isn't really doing it for me. I do think it's pretty creative, but not something I would want to listen to. The source itself is pretty much a chord progression and a great beat, making it hard for me to really see much more going on than a chance to throw down some effects on a beat and progression. Overall, I feel this is creative, but I don't think the production style of all the distortion is working for me, and the plain source isn't giving me much to latch onto. Sorry bro, gonna have to go NO on this.
  12. a tournament would be pretty sweet. Is it possible to have people watch matches that are going on if they are in the same fighting room?
  13. Been playing this a good deal working on my skills. I've been doing mostly quickplay to get the titles, and just have a few of the higher A ranked ones defeat, some of which are completely brutal, especially the alpha Patroklos ones. Whew! Online is fun, and I've made several custom characters that are pretty sweet, including several past and present OCR judges. Now I can finally battle Deia and DJ Zircon! Also, if anyone is up for some xbox live battles, let me know, and we can throw down!
  14. looks sickkkkkk Proto Dome is WRONG about the logo, it fits the game perfectly. Music sounded like it was clipping in spots, but i am assuming that is the youtubes compression. The manliness and sweet action looks great!
  15. Pretty tasteful work here, with some nice arrangement choices. I do think the mixing could be improved slightly balancewise, but I think it's good enough to pass. Yes
  16. I have it now too and have finished story mode and played 3 matches with Bardic. Seems pretty decent, though it's been awhile so I need to find a character that fits with my style. Netcode seemed really solid, and the background art is excellent.
  17. This is totally awesome! Thanks so much for enjoying the song, and congratulations! :-)
  18. Remixer name - Theory of N Real name - Dustin Lagaly userID - 19501 Game remixed: Final Fantasy XII Songs remixed: Rabanastre Lowtown/Royal Capital Rabanastre City Remix name: RabaNasty Hey there. Don't mind me. Just brushing up on my killer studio chops. MAGFest X, although sad that it's over, left me super motivated to make more remixes. The first of which, completed only one day after returning home, is this neato Rabanastre remix done in a much different style than the originals. As tedious as it was (I enter everything by hand/point and click since I don't own a keyboard), I had ton of fun making this song. Lots of synthy solos, chip interjections, and various random shimmery things. I hope you guys have as much fun listening as I had creating. Enjoy! -ToN Source 1 Source 2
  19. Remixer Name - WillRock, Remix Name: Bleets of Lightning Game: Mega Man, Mega Man 10 Sources: Elec Man - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns0NSzqnjvA Sheep Man - So, the second round of the GRMRB. This was the point I was almost defeated, and it was rather... stressful? Yeah sure it was. Ok, so I put up some rather standard 80's synth fair with rock influences, and my opponent put up something that sounded like it was made by the shadows. So yeah, I almost got my ass kicked, but thankfully, my mix won favor thanks to some loopholes with people not voting in all the rounds etc. Was one of the most interesting match-ups in the whole compo imo. Anyway, this is more 80's chiptune synthy rocky rubbish that you'll all either love or hate. For some random banter, on the week I did this mix, I got epically fraped by my sister, and thus my facebook not only had a picture of a sheep on it, but it also had a me listed as a liking sheep, reading sheep books, listening to sheep music, even being put into a relationship with a sheep. Probably the most annoying frape of all time, it literally took me a few months to get rid of it all because I kept finding new things to get rid of a month later or something... For the record, I got rid of most of the sheep fair, but I changed my profile pic to sheep man. Baaaaaah humbug.
  20. Your ReMixer name - CJthemusicdude Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged - Ninja Gaiden (Nes). Sonic the Hedgehog 3. American Gladiators. (Snes) Name of arrangement - Chromatic Cold Combatants Name of individual song(s) arranged - "The Decision" - Ninja Gaiden. Ice Cap Zone 1 - Sonic The hedgehog 3. "Title Screen" - American Gladiators. Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) - The Decision - (Starting around :22) American Gladiators: Title Screen - Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. This mix is sort of a branch off of "Chromatic Warriors" a remix I submitted a while back. I didn't list this as a resub though because I changed a lot and I added Ice Cap as a source into the mix. The reason I combined these three sources was because at some point they all share the same i VII VI V progression and I thought the themes meshed together well. I made a little video to go with this remix as well . I made the video for fun and also it sort of outlines the source usage. Check it out if you want.
  21. Remixer: HoboKa Composer: David Wise Source tune: Bramble Scramble Remix: Brambly Gates Link: Description: Made a light, airy remix of the source tune, and tried pretty hard to get the cleanest sound I could, out of the drums, I'm still working on my EQ skills, so it might still need some work, idk. Hopefully, it's OCR-worthy arrangement wise too. Cheers
  22. Your ReMixer name: BONKERS Your real name: Nicholas Steven Perry Your website:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1310105117 Your userid:31818 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Thunder Force IV, Phantasy Star Online, Castlevania Bloodlines Name of arrangement: Not Another Metal Squad!(N-A-FM-S) Name of individual song(s) arranged: Metal Squad, Can still see the light, Requiem For The Nameless Victim. Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: I'll be short with this one as my intentions are simple. I've never heard an arrangement of Metal Squad that did the Heavy original justice! Official arrangements always had the guitar played an octave up and made the song seem more like an 80's Rock song rather than a heavy Metal rock fest. I've always wanted to do this song justice! But up until recently I never believed I possessed the skill to make a worthy version! Come Christmas Eve I decdied "fuck it, i'm gonna make this song in a week for MAGFest X! and make it with FM Synth+Moog Bass! It's gonna be a heavy Metal FM tribute!" So I did. However, I did turmoil with the song structure. The way the original song is done , I find to be so perfect and it has a great feeling to the whole thing. I didn't want to change that too much, but I still wanted to find my middle ground as always. I found that by changing up the end of the first chorus and the second intro into variations/harmonized/new lines it helped keep the feeling of the original structure of the piece while striking some middle ground. And then there is the break down sections which are all love love love tributes to the Sega Genesis's FM sound. It started as just the one section of the first verse into it. But then I found Requiem of a nameless victim would be PERFECT to add into it without dragging Metal squad on too long. But then I also had before remembered a melody that went perfect with the section. BUT I COULDN'T REMEMBER WHAT GAME IT WAS FROM. So I sat and sat thinking of what it was and then it hit me it was Phantasy Star Online. So I found which song and poof there it was! and it was only a key a Half step away from what I remembered. I tried to play all the guitar lines as physically possible without cheating. As you'll see in the intro, I just couldn't do that part accurately/fast enough. I could play it perfectly @ 75% speed but my picking hand just can't keep up. I'm a little ashamed of that haha. I also did something I've never done before. Both on purpose and as an experiment, I programmed the bass with a FM patch from the DX7 layered on a sub bass sound from a Minimoog. I think the result is REALLY FREAKIN COOL. I can't state how much I LOOOOVE Moog and FM Synth basses. I really wanted to try something different rather than an electric bass to stay true to Metal Squad's FM roots! I hope you guys enjoy this! I had a blast creating it! The last day I worked on it for nearly 24hours straight to finish it! ~BONKERS Also, i'd like the game to listed under "Thunder Force IV" if it is accepted! Link to the original soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yhi_bK1bH4U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmav-Zjj2_E
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