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Everything posted by SomeCrazyGuy

  1. ...u_u Mine only reform into "NO", once, I thought I saw an "ON", but sadly, it wasn't so. ;_;
  2. I did search before asking this, just so you know, sorry if this actually was addressed... But can anyone suggest a program that would be good for sig-making (I don't plan to pay major dollars for image creation software when I will probably only use it for sigs)? May be a stupid question, but I honestly don't know what software, or even if I did, the version/edition of software to get. I'd like to make a high-quality custom sig (I don't plan to use video game characters or other internet images), but don't really need it for anything besides that. I can buy software, but I'm leary about a price-point over US$40.00 (Again, sorry, but I'd really like to make a sig of my own, not to question your 1337 sigmanship [or sigwomanship, but it doesn't quite roll off the tongue as well], but I'd like to try my hand at it) liek omg k thnx1
  3. Judgment-O's! Commercial: Screen fades from black to a brightly, happy kitchen table, complete with a bowl of Judgment-O's! Cereal, complete with Crunchy 'NOs'. In the background, you can hear the end of what is assumed to be another Judgment-Os commercial: "For a limited time only, each box of Judgment-O's! comes with a FREE OverClocked voice changer!" Child A > Alright Jimmy! Maybe THIS box has a voice changer! Let's check! After 7 tries, maybe we'll get it this time! Child B >> [Digs deep into the box] Child A > Did you find it? Child B >> [Disappointedly] No- [Voice suddenly changes to a hopeful tone] Wait... [Pulls out a Judgment-O's! voice changer] Yay! We got one! Child A > [Grabs Changer, hands trembling] We finally have one! L-Let's see if it works!!! What should I say first? Child B >> How about... I don't know, just say something. [Anxiously shaking now] Child A > Alright... [Places Voice Changer to lips] Test! Both children await how the voice is going to be changed, shaking with anticipation, they hardly notice the minutes fly by [montage, remember, this is a commercial], occasionally pushing the 'change' button, but not hearing anything... Child B >> Is it broken? Child A > No... It just takes time to process the voice... Yeah, that's it... C'mon... [suddenly] Voice Changer >>> NO [The Voice Changer suddenly spouts a small line of smoke... a self-destruction] Child B >> N-No... That can't be it... Child A > We used so many allowances... Child B >> Ate so much cereal... [both children fall into their chairs, sobbing into their Judgment-O's! cereal] Buy some today!
  4. I don't have a Wii, but I assume from the slew of compliments, this isn't just another Super Mario Sunshine?
  5. Wait... Now we need a reason to do that? When did this happen? But as for the converter, If you don't mind paying for one, this is definitely the one to get: http://www.download.com/Xilisoft-Video-Converter/3000-2200_4-10763924.html?tag=pub Rather pricy, but from from what I, personally, have seen, this is definitely one of the best converters around, making some of the clearest conversions I've ever seen. For freeware, I honestly don't have a clue... You are looking for something that can convert video into a quality that is worth seeing, but from what I've come across, anything worth using is only a trial version, limited either by how many days you may use it, or by how long the video will be converted... as well, anything that is truly free, without any limitation on days, payment, or video segment, are usually of such bad quality that you wouldn't want to use it (IOW, converting clean videos into either foggy messes). So I can't help you there.
  6. Hope this isn't disected, because I certainly am not an expert by any measure... But I'll put in my two cents: I have been waiting for this since I heard the first part of the series, and it does not disappoint my high hopes from the last one for the most part, but I couldn't really bring myself to say it is an equal of the first. With all the things I am about to say, don't forget that I still very much like this song, but even a fan can have a thing or two to say about things they may dislike about that which they adore. From the start, it worked very well for me, but with each second, without directly noticing it, I felt something was gradually shifting in a negative direction, not ot say bad, but at the start, I thought the song was awesome, but was degrading into being merely great. In fact I'm listening to this song whilst typing (5th listen), and was typing descriptions every 10 seconds... This was the basic idea of it: Voices seem a bit choppy, I can tell where the pre-created sylables/portions start and end, it still sounds quite good, but the general silence at the start makes this very evident, so the orchestra and other such sounds are understandable when thinking about how loud they are in relation to the voices, since most choral songs I've listened to try to keep the choir in the foreground, yes, keeping the orchestal noticed, but not the primary focus... Here, it is made pretty much an equal to the choir. I have to agree, though, this song does sound quite 'muddy', at points, especially in the latter half, there is simply too much going on (So many different voices saying so many different things while so many instruments do the same), so much, in fact, that it can be described as an unintelligable mess... The artist tried to add too many concepts and ideas at one time, and in the end, there was so much piled on that the original message was lost. It is nice to say 'It is a reflection of the twisted and malevolent mind of Kefka', but it didn't come out that way... Honestly, and please don't take it wrong, because the analogy is far worse than that which I describe (Seriously, it sounds horrible the way I describe it, but the analogy seems to fit the basic idea the best, but just to a much higher degree), it comes across to me as something an 'abstract artist' would say, about their piece, which is just a tin garbage can overfilled with trash, saying "This piece is a reflection of the horrid state of our society". Not to say this is an overflowing grabage pile, far from it, but it is still flawed in the same sense that while the analogy is solid, it just isn't expressed in a way that fits (But hey, I'm not at all a fan of abstract art, so take it for what you will). Of course, I have listened to this song about 7 times over already, and it still hasn't lost its initial shine. As a whole, the song was designed very well, is an incredibly good listen, was certainly worth the wait and didn't disappoint! While what I said doesn't sound too logical given how critical I was before, it is the honest truth... I love it! (Don't think I'm just trying to cover my ass, either, if I didn't love the song, and had only negative things to say with an analogy like the one I used, I would never think to post a review... I can't say this enough, but I love this song, please don't be too offended!)
  7. This game certainly has a lot of potential with a few songs, of course, not all the songs are pure gold, but it is worth a look.
  8. How did I NOT hear about Zero Punctuation?! Pure awesome.
  9. Sorry if this has been said or if this is too easy to argue against, but I want to put in my two cents. I can hear a similarity, and though a different background may have suited it a bit better, but after so many songs have been made, what portion of any music doesn't sound similar to another song, however original it is? Hell, if I were to try to make an original song right now, about or to the theme of anything, I bet there'd be at least a small group of people who'd claim I was ripping SOMETHING off or taking liberties with something to the point where they think I should give some recognition to the song they are referencing. We could probably take every song on this site and say its ripping off a part of some other song (not the song that is being remixed), be it how the background of the song is arranged, or how a certain segment sounds suspiciously like another song... You get the idea. However, as I said before, the part you are saying is being sampled doesn't seem to fit the song, really, and another arrangement could easily have been better, but this doesn't necessarily mean it is sampled intentionally or inspired by/from it.
  10. Sorry, but I'm afraid they're right. ONLY Final Fantasy 7, and even then, only Aeris theme, JENOVA, and One-Winged Angel even have a chance... Not to mention a minimum of 5 World-Class opera singers, 20 25-year experienced choir singers and 200-person symphony (Oh, and pixietricks has to be part of that choir, FYI). And if you had to ask such a question, it's obvious you aren't a critically-acclaimed director, so really, you have no chance... That is... Unless I overblew an obvious joke, in which case you probably shouldn't have any trouble getting a good-quality mix accepted if it is within standards.
  11. Thanks. Originally, I was going to just put a basic timeline and a header of 'I don't feel like storytelling right now, so here's the basic gist of it'... Before I knew it, that's what I ended up with, and just as a smack in the face, I just now realized the the timeline I put at the end of the post was pretty much what I was going to do in the first place. Nostalgia does things to you. n_n;
  12. I'd like to see either Shamwood Palace, Desert Theme, or Mammon's Boss Theme get remixed... Truly underrated game, with a very overlooked soundtrack.
  13. Gaming since 1992 (Age 6) Watched cousin play Harvest Moon (SNES) at age 11, finding and playing this mysterious game became my motivation, since that day, I was a gamer, through and through. Age 13, I just got Christmas gift money, $50, I was the king of the world... We went to spend it, but my brother had priority choice of the first place we'd go, so, we went to Toys r' Us, I reluctantly went with them (I thought I was too old...u_u;)... It was there, and only there, that I have ever seen a copy of Harvest Moon 64, which had that all-too-familiar sign logo that the SNES version had. I knew this was for N64 and that was for SNES, but I HAD to buy it, even IF it was $40, and I would only have $50 once a year... So this was an incredibly strange and risky choice for me, who was normally very cautious. But this ended up being a godsend, since this, as I said before, is the only time I have ever seen a real copy of the game, AND that HM64 is supposedly the best game of the series (I agree). Age 17, I found vgmusic.com... This was a dream come true, as I could listen to songs I once played to in the past (NES was sold, much to my dismay, because 'We have a Nintendo 64, why would we keep the older Nintendo?'). I was overjoyed with the amazing MIDIs... what a gift! Age 17 (and a half), I came across LegendaryFrog's FFVII RoboVoice flash video, he linked to this site, but ended looking for only one thing: Harvest Moon and Quest 64 remixes (Yes, I liked and still like Quest 64, in fact, I have one of the longest running topic series on GameFAQs on that board, just recently passing it's 5th year anniversary)... Neither, sadly, was to be found, so I left the site and didn't look back. Age 18, I was linked to this site by a friend who thought I should listen to one of the songs here (I forget which one), and found it quite good, THEN realizing that this was the site I abandoned, I sort of got mad at myself for being so stupid. I never left since then. IOW (Note that ages and dates may not be perfect, I didn't keep notes on this): 1992: Gaming 1997: Gamer 2000: Harvest Moon fan 2004: VGMusic.com 2004(later): OCRemix.org, but didn't have Harvest Moon or Quest 64 remixes, I leave. 2005: OCRemix.org, I see the light, I worship.
  14. After hearing the AMV for one of the Sonic songs, I take back what I said about 'feeling your pain'... That song was torture, worse than all the songs on Nintedno - WKS, COMBINED... Excuse me while I drain the blood coming out of my ears.
  15. Yeah, it alone is driving me away from the game... It may sound like a stupid thing to complain about, but the lag is just so bad that I don't like the game because of it. I had high hopes, too. u_u;
  16. Done! (though, in all honesty, I don't like such basic surveys if they are used for critical analysis.)
  17. I bought the "Nintendo - White Knuckle Scorin'" CD from eBay after seeing a flash animation in line with the song 'Ignorance is Bliss' on NewGrounds... It was pure crap, in fact, only 2 of the 10 songs on the CD were worth listening to (Ignorance is Bliss and Iron Hand). The other 8 were either horrible 90's style songs, horrible amateur singing, or just simply genreless ear-death. None of the songs had any noticable segue or relation between them, and had to have a completely arbitrary story (that came inside the CD case) to try to fix this... It didn't work. It was obvious that most of the songs weren't even made for the CD, and were just thrown in to cash in on the success of the Nintendo (If they WERE made for it, it's hard to tell, really... Except 'Ignorance is Bliss', the first song, which uses names from the Super Mario series). So I feel your pain, except I paid over $20 for this... u_u;
  18. Much like how cars probably only cost $1000 to make, but charge 10,000-20,000 new? Also, the same can easily be said of videogames, except now they charge $50 for the disk, rather than just $20. Oh, how about with most BASIC LIFE NECCESITIES that probably profit twice the production value? By your logic you seem to think that if they overcharge someone else for something, you say that's enough to legitimize not paying for the product yourself. Pretending EVERY one of them is the 'douchebag' you make them out to be, you are still stealing, making up excuses doesn't change the fact that you are obtaining a product someone worked for the purpose of selling... Doesn't matter if its food, a video game, music, movies, etc., it is stealing. But I suppose this is a matter, not of whether or not it is stealing, but of what is more just: To be injusticed by unneccesarily high prices to obtain art, or to injustice the artist by accepting the art without having paid the artist for their work. Or, easier said: Is it more moral to be ripped off $20 for a $5 disk, or Is it more moral to rip off the artist by getting what was on the $5 disk for free?
  19. I've no doubt in my mind, but there really wasn't any excuse for my rude words. ATHF, FTW!
  20. You know, I was going to play along and reply with a long-winded rant about how I don't overreact, but I'm just too tired... Meh... May as well try. Argh! I am angry, MAD even! Er... YEAH! Y-you'd better watch yourself, or I'll... I'll... Ummm... I'll glare at you in a menacing fashion! You have been warned. Grr, or something. (Wait... I only have 42 posts, are my tendencies of immaturity and asinine behavior THAT obvious?) *Minutes later, having read all his past messages* (I suppose I have a certain tendency, but not so great that it should be obvious THIS soon... Maybe my sanity is that much more fleeting? Meh, Honestly, I don't care, I need some sleep)
  21. (Haell yeah! May not be as big as everyone elses, and I don't wanna brag, but I DO get a lot of people telling me to trim and/or shave it. Yeah, they're jealous. But... I wish I had known about this earlier, so I could take my almighty n00b powers and smite the evil theives!!! A mispeling here, 1337 |-|4><()rz there, and soon, evrybudy s ded... Yeah, beware the bearded n00b, ye posters! the h4x that pwn, the gramer that sux! Bewarg teh low post count, and phear teh farcical fallacy-chucks!) Honestly, I wish I could have done SOMETHING to have combated this... This, as well as all the other projects were the products of months of hard work, coordination, and leadership, and for someone to come along and slap their name and fancy new cover art on it and call it all their own with mere minutes of effort is more than the word 'offensive' could EVER cover! He doesn't deserve to have gotten this much slack... It's just not right! If words could describe the outrage I feel, I would speak them, but there are no such words, so let that be all... I can only imagine what most of the artists of this and other projects must be feeling.
  22. That is usually what I think as well, since it seems to be the major flaw of the idea of trying to find a favorite series, since there is usually a noticable few games in a series that even hardcore fans have a hard time accepting. It is best to look for games based on quality, and since it is too hard to trust in the biased ratings often given to series games, look for quality games outside a series... Though, and this is why I started this topic, sometimes people like so many games in a series that they can't help but find loyalties to that series, or to be so good that they can help denying their talents. So when I say that the Harvest Moon series is my favorite, that isn't to say that I don't abhore A Wonderful Life, or will play only Harvest Moon games, it's just the series I've come to like most of all... I try finding good games, but always keeping in mind that 'obscure' doesn't always mean 'good'.
  23. Well, you are doing a good job, considering how you showed me how foolish my last screen name was, thereby making my trust in others that much less, but that is less to do with you than with my hate for 'people'. Thanks though. You'll probably be a major help to OCR... But for me, I don't think I would have time for anything more than side-line support, cheering the judges on, in a few weeks... As it is, I also have other obligations to another website I need to prioritize as well.
  24. Ah, so few replies, yet so much diversity! So far: Harvest Moon Super Mario Mega Man Half-Life 2 Ace Combat Lufia Pokemon Zelda Final Fantasy Star Ocean 10 Different series in less than two pages of posts... Very nice, I was merely expecting varying reasons for liking 3 or 4 series, which'd be just fine, but this is definitely better. n_n Yay, and no flames! [insert Annoying Dancing Smiley Here (because SCG refuses to do so)]
  25. Oh well, if this is modded, then shame on me for my n00b reflex... But in my defense, I DID read the description underneath the 'Community' title before posting this: 'main forum; discussion of ocremix, games, music, anime, and related topics' How was I to know that a topic in the line of games would be off topic in a board where games are one of the main points of focus, albeit a 'favorites' topic, the idea of it being off-topic didn't even come to mind. But again, that's newb logic, so I'll just take my 'STFU n()()b1' and be on my way. *A few minutes later* ...I've been on many different boards for years now, and really, I should have gotten into some sort of habit of at least looking through the topics for newbs by now... Meh, usually, they only have 'This is how you post an image' or 'These are the rules' threads that only go over the stuff that ANYONE who goes to boards for any amount of time should know already... They never usually go over the exact topics you should avoid creating (Though, I suppose it is also true that insults and idiocy runs rampant in most of those). So much for past experiences.
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