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AzureZeal's Achievements

  1. Man, twenty years already. Still remember reading your Twas poems back when I was in high school (which might as well feel like eons ago). As always I've enjoyed reading them around the holidays. And have a Merry Christmas.
  2. I've always enjoyed reading your poems throughout the years you've been doing this. Amazing that it's almost been 20 years you've kept this up. Happy Holidays to you.
  3. I've always enjoyed reading these back in the days of UnMod. Amazing that you've been doing this for nearly 20 years.
  4. Can we go ahead and post our friend codes here? FC: SW-1460-8986-2212 Username is Gila Moo
  5. My local GameStop is hosting a midnight launch party for the Nintendo Switch. Anyone else's?
  6. Not a single mention of how Nintendo Network is going to work on the Switch. I really hope they would at least show it in the coming presentations but them not even talking about it on their biggest presentation is just baffling.
  7. GilaMoo#1175 Still getting the hang of it, but I'm finding Zenyatta to be one of my favorite character to play, especially since a lot of the time nobody chooses a support character at the beginning of the match.
  8. Hello. Would like to add my NNID to the list NNID:GilaMoo Hope to play with some of all in Splatoon.
  9. Got it reserved for Friday. By the way, would it be alright to post our NNID on the 3DS Friend Code thread or make a separate thread for it? I don't think there's a thread dedicated to registering friends on the Wii U yet.
  10. Hey, the new firmware update finally lets us use themes. http://www.nintendo.com/3ds/system-update
  11. So how's the online matches been going for yall. Mines ranges from smooth to barely playable.
  12. Just a few hours in and I've been enjoying this game very much. Add me if you want.
  13. The Bravely Default demo is now up. Gonna try it now.
  14. Hello. Added you for friend safari. If you want to add me my FC is 3222-6417-2886

  15. With the 3DS now updated with Miiverse, I was wondering if we can add our NNID along with our 3DS FC. Here's mine - GilaMoo
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