Man, twenty years already. Still remember reading your Twas poems back when I was in high school (which might as well feel like eons ago). As always I've enjoyed reading them around the holidays. And have a Merry Christmas.
I've always enjoyed reading your poems throughout the years you've been doing this. Amazing that it's almost been 20 years you've kept this up. Happy Holidays to you.
Not a single mention of how Nintendo Network is going to work on the Switch. I really hope they would at least show it in the coming presentations but them not even talking about it on their biggest presentation is just baffling.
Still getting the hang of it, but I'm finding Zenyatta to be one of my favorite character to play, especially since a lot of the time nobody chooses a support character at the beginning of the match.
Got it reserved for Friday. By the way, would it be alright to post our NNID on the 3DS Friend Code thread or make a separate thread for it? I don't think there's a thread dedicated to registering friends on the Wii U yet.