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Frederic Petitpas

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Everything posted by Frederic Petitpas

  1. When I've seen "that I have saw" I thought my english was about to get kicked in the mouth, but soon realized that I was still okay. Damn Canadians ;P For real I thought Evangelion had a great ending but it's been like 5 years since I watched the series. Is "You can (not) advance" any good ? Capeta was a cool little anime.
  2. You know what's cool, we're early March
  3. Here, we grow a mustache throughout november for the same cause
  4. Get a 1920x1080 monitor. Here's somethin "giant"
  5. I forgot to post this pic a few weeks ago.. I started skyrim and loled http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19040508/Destinated%20to%20Forums/lol.png
  6. Just brought it back so you could talk BONKERS thanks for the info, I didn't know you had to pay fees (selling on iTunes comes to mind). But to who ?
  7. Free audio format... why the fuck bother for a "free" audio format... ? Mp3 is free to me. VBR powa
  8. Is copyright an international law ? Because I see you're from Japan.
  9. I bought a DeWalt jigsaw 2 days ago, but was tempted by Makita and Bosch.
  10. Chill out dude, just say 'subtle' reverb to fill the cracks. And there is reverb on bass with any real prod too.
  11. Bus 1: L100% R100% Balanced Bus 2: L80% R80% Balanced Bus 3: Bus1-2 Balanced + Filters
  12. whoops, hit the wrong button
  13. heating up the chill penguin was the title of my medley I included a fade in and out, and changed the title. No mods to the sound.. I hope this is not what's pushing the date away
  14. That's why I like to work with my GT-10 and my DAW at the same time since you can have 2 channels at the same time; I have my distortion in channel right and the unprocessed signal in channel left (you can have the raw signal coming out from the GT-10). That way, I play with direct monitoring and mute the software monitoring, so I hear the GT-10 without lag and record 2 tracks at the same time; one is what I just heard, the other is the clean signal. With the same setting but the direct monitoring turned off and the software monitoring ON, I have another option for a live use: automate everymotherfuckingthing. I set up a good clean sound rather than an unprocessed one, and keep my distortion on the other channel. I can program things like "Mute clean on bar 17/Unmute Distortion of bar 17" and vice versa. Have my delay stop at 75% of bar 24, the value of the time delay change, put a flanger on the last note of another bar... have my volume fade out here and there, solo boost when needed.. you get the picture If you plan on using the GT-10 with an amp, use the GT-10 as the pre-amp and the amp as a simple power-amp, you do that by using the "4 cable method".
  15. I use the Boss GT-10 and it works for me. If you wanna go crazy: http://www.fractalaudio.com/p-axe-fx-ii-preamp-fx-processor.php
  16. I will have to get used to it I guess, it's just very differant! The fingering must be hard ! It's a very interesting challenge tho. What should I know first ? (And I'll check for tuts on YouTube) I thought I would be able to apply what I know on guitars to violin but that'll be for the linear aspect of a single string only..
  17. I dunno, it would make sens to me if it was DGBE because I'm a guit player and my first 4 strings are tuned dgbe. My mom gave me her violin yesterday.. I really wanna play it.
  18. lol ? Why is it tuned backward ? GDAE, not EADG ? How do you play that ??
  19. Loading time ? Are you still on 56k ? lol really it's REALLY necessary. But I'd agree if you said to limit the video per post. I'd say 2-3 vids per post.
  20. Can't wait to see the trailer.
  21. Yeah well, why isn't available ? Could be pretty cool.
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