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Frederic Petitpas

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Everything posted by Frederic Petitpas

  1. Best discount was when I upgraded my Reason 4.0 + Record 1.0 to the full Reason 6.0 for 20$. I could have choosen to give only 1$ since the promo was "pay what you want", for the owners of Reason and Record. That company is simply awesome and the support is great. It's well worth the full price, if you ask me it's already a discount.
  2. Nice website for headphones specs! Does this mean my headphones aren't reliable ? (blue line)
  3. Can you draw your home with a pencil or do you need an architect's ? Sure the architect's pen will be more precise, reliable, ... but still.
  4. Isn't supposed to be Megaman ? Megaman is motherfucking BLUE. there you go:
  5. Linux is free and Reaper works great with Wine too (this is a free solution). Reaper is fully functionnal even if you don't buy it (but it'll pop up a 'buy me?' when you start it for a few seconds). Try it out now, it's only a few Mb. www.ubuntu.com (Linux Ubuntu, a great free OS, easy to install and super stable) www.reaper.fm
  6. Remember that old thing ? Some of you might be too young to know, but there was a game with 110 games in it back in the 80s and they didn't sell it very long. I don't even know if it was sold in stores... You could play pac-man, city connection, donkey kong, karate kids, ... and like 106 others. I'm actually looking for the title of one of those games. You started as some sort of transformer plane in the desert and I think you transformed into a robot or something at the end of the stage. Wutizit?
  7. I got FF1. I felt that I needed to play the 1st mofo.
  8. What's up with the shuffle, hop in a shuttle bubble turtle.
  9. I love the radio TuneIn let me reach radios from all over the world and discover music. The dude a few post above, I dunno how you could only listen to game remixes, I would go insane and be sad. What I hate tho, is the whole new wave of AutoTune in every techno songs. I'm lucky tho, I'm not really listening to techno so I skip the station. But there's an overdose of that, they all use it and they all sound the same and I'd punch them in the fuckin face if I could to apeas emy ears and my wrath. Also, the lack of originality which pisses me off. The 80s had its wave of styles too, and funny thing, you love it 30 years later. Music will keep on changing
  10. I've probably written over 800 midis in the last decade so I don't really feel noob to get a .mid directly rip off a Snes cartridge. It's not like I couldn't write em, but that is when I wanna be close to the source and not forget anything. However, I think that writing by ear is a lot easier and leads to great creativity.
  11. http://www.vgmusic.com/* http://www.youtube.com/ http://thepiratebay.org/ * I use the FireFox extension 'DownThemAll' to get all the .mid of a page in a few seconds.
  12. Thank you Wes! Sorry Brandom, my spelling sucks. Also, your sig is absorbing.
  13. Yeha but tagged with their real names, and I think I only know the real names of 3 people on this forum. Brendon (obviously!) melody and bahamut. Also, Liontamer and Zircon. and a dude named Stevo (only know this half) lol
  14. what are the forum nicks of the crew there ? I think could name Bahamut, Zircon and his woman, DjBretzel, DrakeSword, i think theshaggyfreak (mm9 t-st-shirt?), dave mustain/he-man (or Eth Ledger [whatever the spelling is]) and brendon strader. Wondering if some people I didn't name are frequently posting on this forum. also, where's the maverick rising announcement if there's any ? (video)
  15. Yeah well it's what, around 300$ at my job. My colleague told me he could separate the instruments and have them sound individually (but I was very sceptical). thanks for the info !
  16. I don't do games that I don't know or don't like the OST to begin with. I'm a guy of the 80s so I know a shitload of the best games from the NES/Snes/N64 (and a few Genesis), the best games.. those I used to rent for the weekends when I was young and when emulators didn't exist; wel I'm pretty much only interested by those. I think the nostalgia drives me a bit.
  17. That program looks fantastic and useful. I'm wondering if you can use it to export .wav songs into .mid ?
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