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The Vagrance

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Everything posted by The Vagrance

  1. Not bad, I'm not sold on the bells that come in around 1:00 though or the strings later on. The main thing that you should do though is make those drums dirtier, especially the snare which is way too "snappy".
  2. As much as I like Burial and plenty of "chill" dubstep as it were, I just can't get into James Blake. It reminds me of Eskmo, except instead of raw technicality and production there's just a lot of noise and "minimal" elements. Personal taste thing though, I totally get why people like him (the vocal line in "Wilhelm Scream" is killer) but I can't help but get the feeling that a lot of his stuff is more style than substance, and the substance that does exist could've been done better. As for positivity, Sukh Knight constantly impresses me (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE3Kl-SVu9M). Its never complicated stuff, but he nails the vibe in between the reggae/rap side of dubstep and the more club oriented stuff.
  3. http://soundcloud.com/fli/rabanastre-lowtown-remix First time I've started a VGRemix in a while that wasn't for a project. This is in the early stages but my plan is to keep the length around 3:00, given my tendency to stretch things out to 6:00. EDIT: Source:
  4. Dig the intro, but then it gets really safe and conservative, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as its pretty decently put together from what I can tell on my laptop speakers. Problem is, there's a large number of CT remixes, yet alone "corridor of time" ones so its getting harder and harder to make one that stands out. From 1:02 on though I like what's going on. The transition in between the Zeal theme and main theme is pretty solid and breaking the song down really makes certain elements shine. Maybe try to incorporate this sort of feel more in the song. I like the feel of this at parts though, and if you focus less on obvious elements of the track (arp and melody) and more on some of the overlooked ones (chord progression and atmosphere) you could have a very strong mix on your hands.
  5. I like everything from 0:00-0:38, it creates an interesting mood that isn't present in the original. The choir pad thing is a bit lo-fi but it can work if applied correctly, which you've kind of done. Maybe consider not having it be constantly present, but rather having it drop out at parts then come back in on notes you want to emphasize. The percussion is nice though. Everything after 0:38 just sounds like a MIDI rip though, and the sitar sample kind of sucks. Maybe try playing around with the atmosphere you've created before jumping straight into the melody.
  6. is another good one, as is Percee P - 2 Brothers from the Gutter
  7. Why would you have to be 100% certain? This doesn't have to be an Official OCRemix pack or something like that, and sampling laws are dubious at the moment anyway (do you really think all of the breaks floating around on the internet are licensed?) If the pack is only made up of a few Remixers sharing a few personal samples (For example, I have a fair amount of one-hits I'm willing to share. While there may be a vengeance sample as one of the layers, the kick as a whole was processed by me), then I'm pretty sure that there's enough trust in the community that someone isn't going to just post a bunch of sample CD samples. As for hosting, I don't really have a solution, but honestly if we put it up on mediafire or a free hosting site it'd work. The size of the pack shouldn't be bigger than 100MB ideally.
  8. Well my plan was just to provide a set of high-quality samples to kind of get things started in their collection. I like Yoozer's plan but its very specific to DAW and things get even more convoluted when talking about 3rd party VSTs. I like the idea Fishy kind of mentioned with instructional video though, since it gives an idea of workflow and the actual nitty-gritty of remixing.
  9. If you're looking to plop down the money then Fabfilter's Pro-Q is excellent. Stillwell Audio's plugins are also worth a look-see considering the price (they're donation-based) and the sound.
  10. Good point, just a random idea as I'm treading through my sample library.
  11. I thought it might be a neat idea to make a sample pack for people new to production to download here. I was thinking a few basic breaks (funky drummer, amen, etc.), a handful of free "essential" VSTs, synth patches, and a few custom samples that some of the remixers here have made or found (pad sounds, drum hits, etc.). Would anyone else be interested in doing this?
  12. More or less this. If FFXIII-2 is kinda like Assassin's Creed II was to the first one then I'm all for it.
  13. Lol, thanks, I've been getting a lot of good feedback on that and I'm hoping to do some sets around town now that school's started back up so expect to hear more.
  14. I also just fixed the download link so you don't have to download a wav file.
  15. I can't remember if I posted an early version on this site or not but either way, its done now. http://soundcloud.com/fli/guns-dope
  16. A few dubstep tracks to play at shows, assorted rap beats I've been sending out to people, my roommate's rock demos, my rock demos, and a concept rap album.
  17. To play: If synth doesn't count, then bass To listen to: MF'ing tabla, an experienced tabla player will blow your mind.
  18. I generally name the character the first name I can think up of at the moment, then attempt to play through the game in the same manner I feel like the person named his/her name would. This includes Fifa 11, where I smack talk in a really bad Russian accent when playing as my virtual pro "Vladmir Tolenski".
  19. I wasn't aprticularly impressed by the soundtrack either, it was good and all but it wasn't nearly as good as people make it out to be, and in terms of "normal musicians making film scores" I'd say Trent Reznor (and Atticus Ross) doing The Social Network was way more impressive, not to mention Beck's work on Scott Pilgrim. As for the movie it was pretty decent, but honestly I shouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did. I had no idea what was going on plot-wise and the fight scenes were just ok, yet I still found myself enjoying it. Typical blockbuster with a nerd tint to it.
  20. Right click -> Save as (save link as)
  21. Ableton + APC40. I'm still in the learning process with the thing but I'm digging the live implications with it.
  22. Just got Minecraft because its my Winter Break and I had to leave my recording gear behind, any chance of being whitelisted? Username is reccej
  23. http://soundcloud.com/fli/tryout-dubstep-mix I messed up on a couple of parts but whatever, its definitely listenable. Enjoy.
  24. Flying Lotus, Bersarin Quartett, , Eskmo, and of course staples like and that one Birdy Nam Nam music video.
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