If you asked me have I sat down, of my own volition, and just re-arranged or wrote some music because I wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to say yes for pretty much that whole period 2012-2017. Since I left Uni I had been trying to get my career of the ground and it hasn't really settled until very recently (I'm all good now). I've done the odd project that sounds fun when I've been asked, but even then it's usually been as a favour covering some last minute un-claimed track and I've never really been happy with the results.
However, finally feeling settled at work and home has really freed me up in 2018. Like it really is just the weight off your life's shoulders that can be holding you back sometimes, I dunno. The constant feeling that you should be working towards something better for your life instead of enjoying your spare time gets you the fuck down sometimes. With that gone I've found myself really knuckling down on my hobbies again, so I've actually been playing games and making music.
tl;dr Only recently but yes, look forward to a concept album coming probably 2019, it's dark and depressing and heavy as shit.