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Everything posted by LuigiFan

  1. Funny I was just talking about this last night. Ever since I've been here I've always wanted there to be a search by genre feature. However, at first I saw some problems, the main one being it would be a heck of a lot of work for djpretzel to go back and label every single mix as a specific genre, plus there would be ReMixers who aren't around anymore and/or don't want to classify their ReMixes as a specific genre. However, I think we could make it work. I know I would be a willing volunteer to help with this, and we could have an "Unspecified" category for those who can't specify/don't want to. People are saying that classifying by genre will limit people to searching only for their favorite genres. While this is true in some cases, it won't be for all, and I really think if they listen to enough of their favorite genre they'll think, "Well, maybe this whole website is great!" and will search for others. That's what I did. I fully support this idea and hope others do as well.
  2. You know, it hasn't been until very recently that I've been appreciating vocal ReMixes - I used to be of an obstinate position that vocals did not belong in video game music, remixed or otherwise. However, over the last few months I've been coming closer to the realization that well, they're not all that bad. Especially this one, which is amazing. The lyrics are nice, you have a great voice, and that's a kick butt recorder solo. The only thing is that it becomes slightly repetitive after a while, but I can get past that. I definitely love it, keep up the good work!
  3. I liked it. This might be what I can finally use to convince my mother that I'm not crazy, there are other people like me out there...
  4. It is unfortunate that I had not really heard Reuben's music before I heard of his passing - he had a great talent and I wish I had known of his songs earlier. I wish to offer my sincere condolences to you, and I will pray for you that your sorrows might be eased. God bless you.
  5. Just wanted to let you know that this ReMix impressed me so much that I actually bothered coming to the review topic to say how much I actually liked it. It rocked dude, and so did your stuff on the album - I'm really looking forward to hearing more from you in the future.
  6. I'm definitely wanting to do this, my mp3 player has been almost nothing but VotL lately. Question though - what exactly is defined as "extreme violence?" I've got a great idea for Full Frontal Assault but I need to know how far I can go...
  7. Okay, so I'm trying to torrent Voices of the Lifestream, right? This isn't the first album I've done - I also torrented Chrono Symphonic and Project: Chaos. So I didn't think this would be a problem. Well, every time I try to start, I get this error message. Has anyone seen this before, and does anyone know what I can do to fix it?
  8. Yes, there was a remix called "Vanilla Extract." I still have it somewhere...
  9. I'm giving this my support. This will help to avoid a lot of confusion. I can think of a few times in which people I know use things from outside sources and don't give credit for them at all, and the reason is that those sources don't have policies like this. This is definitely a good move on the site's part.
  10. I don't visit the forums often, just the main site. And, when I checked, I didn't see any request threads pertaining to this game. Sorry. At any rate, glad to see some names I recognize in that list.
  11. Seriously, every day I come here hoping for a TP ReMix. And EVERY DAY my hopes are dashed upon the rocks. Why has this not happened? Have they all been turned down by the judges or something? Seriously, I want to see something from this game. The Hidden Village, maybe, or the boss battle with Morpheel. Or Gerudo Desert. Or...SOMETHING!
  12. As of right now my technology is insufficient to ReMix, but I've been hoping for a Fire Emblem ReMix for a long time now, and since I can't do one, I thought I'd post a request. Any of the tracks will do, some particular standouts are Together, We Ride! (the one that everybody knows from SSBM), A Knight's Oath, Unshakable Faith, and The Grieving Heart (#s 46, 47, 75, and 77 in the sound room, respectively). If someone does do one, many thanks!
  13. ^^Don't worry, I liked 'em both too. Welcome. ^You too buddy. Welcome.
  14. How odd, I'm a found, found soul with a normal, normal mind. How happy. Anyways, welcome. (I know, I'm new too, but I figured I'm a nice guy, so I'll say hello.) Hello as well to RetroTech, Neotails, and hackabusa.
  15. Hehe, Underdog FTW. I'll save 'em both on the computer. Thanks a bunch.
  16. Yeah, as you can see, I have a sig, but it's...okay. I'd like a new one, so for all the creative types (yes I'm a newbie so I don't know who) could you please make one with Luigi being the main theme, with my username "LuigiFan." Do whatever you like as long as it's Luigi. Thanks.
  17. I'm your average guy, 15, who absolutely loves video game music!! I have many OCRemixes already on my MP3 player, and I figured it's about time I started joining in the fun. I play the trombone, so that may show up in some of my mixes too. Well, yeah, that's about it, so see ya! ^Did that sound too weird to you? I don't know, it did to me. Maybe I'm just imagining things...
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