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Everything posted by LuigiFan

  1. I'm not going to lie, I haven't been a huge fan of ilp0. Not to say that his stuff isn't good, it's just never "struck a chord" with me as it were. That being said, I want to say that I absolutely love this ReMix. I love the sounds and the way you blended them together - overall it sounds very nice and together. I'm not familiar with the source but this song is definitely evoking some cool, futuristic cowboy imagery for me, and it does it very well. I want to hear more like this.
  2. Much much better than the Portal one. I thoroughly enjoyed this arrangement.
  3. My favorite stage from this game, it screams to be ReMixed in my opinion. I'd do it myself, but I don't have the equipment. Here's a link to the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2020vi7_IN8 - Act 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab6RUMoOyiU&feature=related - Act 2
  4. I'm liking this a lot - the DeDeDe theme really works well here, and I'm glad you made the connection. The only issue for me is the transition into 6/8 - it never sat well with me, and I can't really figure out why, I just don't like it very much. Regardless, this is still an excellent mix, and I totally agree about the Virtual Console thing. Keep up the great work!
  5. Not gonna lie, this mix is darned funky! I really enjoy it, just like I do all of Morse's stuff. One thing that I'm not sure whether it's good or bad but I have to say it - I kinda forgot halfway through that I was listening to an Ice Cap ReMix. I don't know if that means it's too drastically different from the source, or if that means your reinterpretation of it is so good that it doesn't matter. At any rate, it's still an excellent song!
  6. TOO SHORT That's my only criticism - this brings the funk big time! Keep it up!
  7. I downloaded this album right when it was released, and to be quite honest with you did not care too much for it. Sure, there were some great tracks, and the quality is great as always, but I wasn't familiar with the source material, having never played FFIV, and so the songs were just that - songs that were okay, but I didn't feel like the album made that much of an impact on me. HOWEVER... I just recently finished playing through FFIV (on the GBA port). I finished the game, and suddenly remembered that this album existed, so I gave it another listen. IT'S SO MUCH BETTER. Seriously, not only do I know the source material now, but I know the story, which really ties the whole album together. I realize that the focus of the album was to tell the story with the music, and really, you did - I can see that now that I know what the story is. This album is crafted incredibly well - props to the project directors for envisioning it and to the artists for following that vision. Also, my two favorites are Fighting for Tomorrow and In the Land of Dwarves. Fantastic.
  8. My favorite track off of the album - a most excellent job sir!
  9. I don't have a clue about working with sample libraries or whatnot, but I must say this emulates electric rhythm quite well. The mix is great too - well arranged and makes a great use of the library. Nothing to me will ever replace an authentic Sixto mix though. (Oh, and I totally laughed at "Duduk, Where's My Car")
  10. HOLY BUCKETS THAT'S LOUD But good. Loud but good. I love it.
  11. *tries to gather his melted face in a vessel*
  12. Well this blows my jazz arrangement of this theme completely out of the water. (Which is probably a good thing, seeing as how I was most likely never going to finish it.) What can I say? I gave it a standing ovation.
  13. I'm diggin this - It was great happy dance music for when the Phillies smacked them Yanks around. In all seriousness, this is really cool. I prefer it to some of the other chiptuney stuff we've got on here - not to say that that stuff is bad, but the overall sound that this track has is more appealing to me. Whatever you did to "enhance" it, I love it. Keep up the good work. Nice choice of source tune too.
  14. Problems: It's too short and I don't like your brass samples. Now that that's out of the way, the arrangement is SICK and I absolutely love this piece. Keep up the great work dude - I want to hear more.
  15. My first thought when I saw the e-mail about the new album was, "Already? They just released one!" Then I got around to listening to it, and I can definitely tell that a lot of work went into this album. My opinion? This blows both Summoning and Echoes out of the water. I'm not very familiar with the source (I know, cardinal sin, right? I'll get around to playing it eventually), but this album is absolutely beautiful. The Humans disc is emotionally moving and comforting, and the Gears disc is hardcore and cold, and I think this album balances them both very nicely. Excellent job to all of those involved - keep up the most awesome work! I will be playing this for weeks!
  16. I say meh. Aesthetically I'm not impressed (and I know you're working on this but the characters that haven't been changed yet really bug). I personally like the sidebar, but I think it's okay without it. It just doesn't "wow" me I guess is what I'm trying to say.
  17. This was such a great game, and such a difficult boss fight compared to the rest! You really nailed it, dude - I love the overall feel this mix has. Definitely hardcore awesome and evil. Keep it up! (I especially love the last bit!)
  18. I realize that the source tune for this has been done, done, and redone, but Bloody Tears remains one of my favorite Castlevania songs to date, and so I got super excited when I saw Sixto's name. Great stuff as always - what really made this stand out for me was that nice little piano break in the middle - brought some nice flavor which was then added to by a return to more RAWK!! The ending chord progression reminds me of the intro to "Metamorphic Rock" - probably wasn't intentional, but I liked it anyway. Most excellent!
  19. Oh man, I miss Super Mario Land - was one of my first games for the Game Boy as well (along with Donkey Kong Land and Game and Watch Gallery). This is a great, relaxing take on the theme - I seriously love the interwoven textures that you two managed to fit in there. It's a little quiet for me, but it definitely sounds great in the headphones. Keep up the fantastic work!
  20. I'm going to go listen to the music from Animal Crossing now - my soul needs its happy back.
  21. Much improved over the first time I heard it. The levels on the piano are a lot better, and that new violin sound fits in with the rest of the instruments a lot more. I like the different textures you added in - the overall feel of this track is a lot better. I've run out of things to criticize from my end - very nice track.
  22. If OCReMix gave a type of Grammy every year, you'd have the category for best female vocalist hands down IMO. This is the single greatest vocal ReMix on this site TO DATE. I am absolutely in love with it (it also helps that FFIX is one of my favorites). I proceeded over to YouTube and subscribed - you are definitely amazing and I can't wait to hear more from you.
  23. Nice and smooth - this song makes me feel good. I dig pretty much everything about it. Highlights for me are the nice bass groove you've got going and the arrangement in general. I'm not too familiar with the source material but you've definitely got an excellent piece here. Keep it up - I want to hear more!
  24. Incredible. I totally have to agree with what djp said - it's awesome to see a band director loving VGM! I wish mine did. And also, he's spot on with the Elsa's Procession vibe - I definitely pick up a Wagner feel. The arrangement of this is so great that I really don't care about any sort of production issues - nothing distracted me from the piece too much. Excellent stuff - I would love to hear more.
  25. This is some excellent stuff here. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of this - you really nailed the espionage feel of it. I can't really find much to critique about it, it's such an excellent piece. I'd be really interested in any tribute album you released!
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