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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. I sent you the 35 dollars for the Pirates trilogy. Did you receive it? And thank you. Not that it's my business, but is selling your personal posessions really gonna get you out of your economic crisis? I hope so, but at the same time I feel guilty to get such a good deal (even though it's something I've always wanted) from someone who's in need.
  2. Hey guys. This is CHIPP Damage FINALLY making the debut release of his band: THE LEGENDARY ADVENTURES OF ZOLTAN . . . Or just ZOLTAN for short. It's called Riff Legends. It's an instrumental collection consisting of powerful heavy riffs, Awesome twin guitar harmonies, and a few beautiful solos. You can listen to samples of each individual track and/or buy the album at: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/zoltan12 You can also here the preview track that I put together right here: It's only $5 for 40 minutes of elegant metal riffage. So if you have the slightest interest in metal or electric guitars, check it out!
  3. I don't think there will ever be such a thing as a bullshit spin-off created by Hideo Kojima. He (or someone) mentioned that Metal Gear Rising would star Raiden and that it would be lightning speed sword action and I think it's an excellent idea, especially when I look at Zone of the Enders. It's gonna be sweet.
  4. They could simply leave it 2D. They don't need to switch it to 3D but just have the paintings that we run through be HD. That should be easy and that's what they should do. God,, I can't wait until they do SOMETHING to make the old games look sweet on a PS3. Anything they can do to make PS1 and 2 games look nicer on HD TVs would be awesome to me. Come to think of it. Since Xenogears has a lot of fans out there, too, you don't suppose there are any nice looking hacks like the Quimm stuff for it as well, do you?
  5. Upon listening to the demo track, I don't feel like I'd like to use the music in a movie I would make as much as make a movie to go with all this awesome music. The heavy chorus is totally my type.
  6. I THINK I have done everything correctly to get my album properly uploaded. So now... what? They don't really do a good job of telling you exactly the steps you need to take to do things. I assume that I just need to wait for them to do their encoding, etc. but they don't even give you a message on the screen that tells you that's what's happening. I just hope I don't wait for a week and then realize that there was another step I needed to take care of before they could get it set up. Ugh. On the plus side, if I have gotten everything done correctly, this looks like it's gonna be really promising. I'm starting to get excited over here.
  7. Are WAVEs really the way to go? Because they're huge, the customers will take a long time download won't they? If only SOME people prefer FLACs to WAVEs then I'll totally agree with you. I was just able to fix the flac problem I was having by downloading winamp.
  8. AARRRGH! I hate computers! I started setting up a song to be released on cd baby, I made a mistake, and I just want to cancel what I've got going so far and start over. But there's no obvious way of how to do that? I haven't finalized it yet. I click the View/edit link on the track on the dashboard, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get back to clean slate. The interesting thing is that you have to commit to the credit card payment before it gets finalized. But whatever. Losing 9 bucks doesn't bother that much if it's for the sake of the learning curve. The thing that really bothers me is that I CAN'T MAKE A SIMPLE DELETION! And I had another problem, but I can't remember it now. Anyway, does anyone know what to press to remove stuff? The contract says that I need to send them a withdrawal notice, but it's not even finalized and posted. I don't know. Edit: I remember the other thing that was on my mind. CDBaby suggests flac files because of its lossless quality. Do you know where I can get a codec or a player for flac files? I've got them in the form of flac files but now I can't listen to them. Hahaha. A couple things I downloaded SHOULD have given me flac support on Windows Media Player, but it still won't play them. Thanks in advance for all of your help.
  9. You guys are awesome. I wish I was as helpful to you as you are to me. I was sort of hoping to, in the future, "get" Europe. In other words, I was hoping to sell a lot in the future. The exposure aspect of CDBaby is quite appealing as well. But I guess I should look into bandcamp and tunecore as well. As for SGX's label, doesn't it specialize in Electronica? I'm not sure my album would fit in there. Ugh. I can't stand doing businessy stuff.
  10. Dope indeed. And the album cover calls to me like no other! Did you paint that picture, Ran? One question, though. Can we really sell albums that use this much sampled music?
  11. Thanks guys. I'm thinking of taking the CD Baby approach that Sole Signal recommended. I'll let everyone know when everything's ready.
  12. I'm asking for advice. I just finished an 8-song instrumental metal album that I want to sell on the internet as a downloadable album. I've been researching tons of different ways but before computer illiterate CHIPP Damage commits to a method, I'd like to hear what you all suggest. Thanks. I can't wait to get everything set up so I can start formally announcing the release!
  13. I didn't read everything either but they said that this emulator would work on every PS3 no matter the model. Sweet, yeah! I hate to be unhelpful but you are a funny guy, Mr. 99. I have no idea how many games Sony's original PS2 emulator supports, nor do I know how many games this home made one supports. It sounds like it would support all games, though. It's just so funny to me that you would ask a total stranger to make a pie chart of something for you. Hahaha. The thing that gets me most excited about this is the difference in picture quality. Even if you already own a backwards compatible PS3, it doesn't look as nuts as that attached picture, right? I would LOVE to play Xenogears or Xenosaga like that!
  14. Because it just seems to good to be true! I saw the following at http://www.ps3news.com/forums/playstation-3-news/ps2-slim-ps3-110872.html. It's post #5 on the page. Go look at it so you can see the two images. I would be awe-struck if this ever really happened. However, I'd like to point out that myself and refraction (both of us of the PCSX2 team) have talked about the concept of porting our emulator to the PS3 should the ability to run homebrew become available. Our intention is to provide whatSony promised and failed to deliver on: full software emulation of the PS2 on ALL PS3's. Just to show the difference in picture quality between launch PS3's and our emulator, here's a comparison shot. Attached Images File Type: jpg FFX on PCSX2.jpg (393.9 KB, 111 views) File Type: jpg FFX on PS3.jpg (327.9 KB, 110 views) Reply With Quote Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/forums/playstation-3-news/ps2-slim-ps3-110872.html#ixzz0oqaQoCQ2
  15. I've played it. I meant the time you spend actually pushing buttons and controlling the characters. But even with all the cut scenes, depending on how complete you want to be, I think Xenosaga can be more than 50% battling. Especially, if you're the grindy type.
  16. Nice. !HOWEVER! How much of the playing time is in battle?
  17. I don't think any of you guys have really made Bleck eat his hat yet. He asked for JRPGs in which the battle system ISN'T the main thing. Xenosaga, Wild Arms, and all those that were mentioned all revolve around the battle system, yo. Even if the story seems bigger than the battle system, practically the ONLY way to improve your characters is battles in those games. Unfortunately, I agree with Arek. I WANT to like it. I've played about 20 hours but I just can't get into it. Recently I got Valkyria Chronicles in the mail and now I don't know if I'll EVER go back to FF13. And now I'm all worried that Versus 13 and Agito might be similar. Don't know what to do at all.
  18. That trailer had the perfect atmosphere and Trejo is so damn cool!
  19. That is AWESOME! Although the genre is totally different, you're living my dream as I too hope to tour Sweden with my band someday. Sweet sweet sweet!
  20. What? It's free? In the past, didn't you have to buy Mech Warrior games? I wonder why they made it free. Anyway, congratulations to those who were waiting for this. Sounds awesome.
  21. IS GTA 4 the greatest game ever? I have it but I don't really have as much fun with it as I did in San Andreas. Getting back on topic, yeah, this game is gonna rock.
  22. It looks so cool to me and after hearing you guys talk about the difficulty and strategy involved, I want it more than ever. ...But it's only on Wii!!! I wish they'd hurry up and bring one to the PS3 along with a Dragon Quest game while they're at it.
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