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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Oh man!!! Rhapsody of Fire is finally coming back! http://rhapsodyoffire.com/2010/ Check out the two audio samples they have on the site. They're both ridiculously good. It seems to me that there is a cycle that Rhapsody of Fire go through. They release an unbelievable and ground-breaking album, and then they release a album that is quite impressive but not quite as great as the one before it. This will be one of the unbelievable ones yo!
  2. SNAPPLEMAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! I just death growled your name. Happy belated birthday.
  3. I've never played a Lufia title, but that trailer makes it look like a freaking RPG savior. The puzzle aspects that they were showing look excellent. If I had a DS I would want this.
  4. Wait a minute. Blazblue sprites aren't high definition. They're all pixelly like SNK sprites.
  5. Hey guys, Jhawk: Don't worry, I wasn't upset by any of your explanations. You're right. Cody is totally different from Guile. Sologamer: You're right, I was thinking about Charlie, not Cody. Malaki: Yeah, I know they're all a little different, but it's not enough for me. Bleck: Yes, Hakan in all his oily goodness is more unique than all the other characters. Call me old-fashioned, but I kinda hoped they would go 2D with this one. Oh well.
  6. I got one that I was proud of. I cleared the entire game of Alundra and never once looked at a guide or FAQ. It did freaking FOREVER, mind you. But it felt SO epic when I finally finished it after reading on the internet about how that game is so difficult that nobody could do it without a guide. Not that I haven't had any "oh shit" moments, but I don't remember any particular ones because I haven't had any that are as bad as you guys' ones. You guys are downright impressive. Hahaha.
  7. No, I wasn't talking about Street Fighter ripping off other games. That would be better. I meant that the characters are clones of other characters who are IN the game. Now, like I said, I haven't played anything after SF Alpha 2, but I remember there being a Cammy clone, (forgot her name) There's this guy named Cody who's just like Guile, and then there're Ken, Ryu, Akuma, Sagat, Dan, AND Sakura who are all the same! And there seems to be a basic formula that all Street Fighter characters had. Most of them had a forward thrusting or projectile move, a rising anti-air move, and then just one more move. When you think about it, that SHOULD create a perfect balance among the characters. If they haven't changed it up quite a bit from those days, there's no way I could buy this game and be truly satisfied with it. I said all that, but that doesn't mean I can't see the fun in it. I'm still kind of tempted to buy HD Remix.
  8. What do you mean when you say that your FFV went back in time? That sounds awesome!
  9. Yeah, I think I'm with the crowd who doesn't think it will be all that good. In my opinion there are a lot of Street Fighter Characters who lack uniqueness. It seems like everybody is a clone of somebody else. I haven't played any of the games starting from Street Fighter 3, but up to Alpha 2 it felt like that.
  10. I have also been watching this one and I just know it's going to be great. I say, screw FF13. I'll bet this game is WAY more fun. I wonder how long it takes to get a sword that fill the entire screen. If that's a permanent upgrade, it better take freaking FOREVER too make it that big. Since it's made by From Software, I'd like to think there will be some insane customizing and the ability to create items or AREAS from scratch. If they wanted to make it my dream game, they'd have a system where you could build your armor and weapons and home all by yourself by stacking up the blocks in your own way. If not in this game, I hope they make a game like that with the same kind of lego-y look that this game has.
  11. Thanks guys. Would you like to have the sfz and wave file for the bass drum, Snappleman?
  12. http://tv-timewarp.co.uk/midi_files/Walter%20Murphy%20-%20Family%20guy%20theme%20song.mid there's the Family Guy opening theme song. Does that count as big band music?
  13. I agree with people who said that you should just try developing or creating variations on earlier parts. If you find more and more variations, you might arrive at a point where you can think of an entirely new section that it smoothly transitions into. But I think the most important thing to to keep in mind for staying 'unblocky' is really a simple thing. Just don't repeat stuff. My orchestral remix on this site, called "Destroy Movements", while indeed sectiony, doesn't sound 'blocky' in my opinion just because there aren't any repetitions and thus, you don't come out with anything that sounds like A B Chorus A B Chorus C Chorus. Hope that helps.
  14. (What the title says) http://n-legend.com/metaldrums.mp3 I'd like to hear advice or comments on the quality of this set which is mostly from Sonar's Session Drummer 2. But I used a bass drum from EDIROL. It's my favorite bass drum so far so I'd like to use it with these other drums if possible. http://n-legend.com/happysong.mp3 Now here's the full EDIROL drumset. (It's an entire song. Sorry.)It's of lesser quality but I love the snare despite being not as realistic-sounding as the other one. My opinion and hope is that I can use my not-so-realistic-yet-sweet-sounding bass and snare from EDIROL with the really nice cymbals in Session Drummer. What do you guys think? Thank you very much in advance for your time.
  15. I think you guys are both wrong. There is no "tried and true" formula that FF games conform to. They do different things in every game. They just also have recurring themes such as airships, moogles, and being an RPG. There is no FF game that is less of an FF game than any other. If you guys believe there is a formula, then I'd like to hear exactly what it is. I don't think having a good story and character development counts as a formula. By the way, FF8 and FF12 both rock, and battles systems can be understandable if you try to understand them. EDIT: Here's some additional information about FF13. There are six whole copies of the game sitting at my local used media shop.
  16. Oh! I can do it with just one MIDI track? That's awesome. I'll get on it after work today. Thank you.
  17. OK. I got Sonar Studio Edition and have been enjoying unbearable frustration ever since, from not being able to buy the 8.5 update from the Cakewalk Store for some reason to customer support ignoring my email about the problem to not getting the sound I was hoping for out of the bass drums in Session Drummer 2. Yay, Sonar! Anyway, I do have a question. I am trying to rectify the bass drum thing, and to do so I'll need to do some EQing. but I can't figure out how to add some Sonitus EQ to JUST the bass drum. Have every part of the drum set on a different midi channel. do I need a separate synth track for EVERY part as well? Is there any help or tutorial you guys can offer me. Thanks again. You guys are the best. Living in your world of music production is freaking hard though. Hahaha.
  18. How about looking for a big band midi and opening it in a DAW program to see what they did?
  19. Buy a Nikon. I hear they rock from like EVERYONE out here. Hahaha.
  20. I agree that this is a freaking flawless COVER of the FF Prelude. I freaking love the chorus part near the end. But I DO wonder if this would pass arrangement aspect of the judgement. I know there are some songs out there that keep the same form as the originals but I just don't know. However, it seems like EVERYONE here thinks it belongs on the site as is, so maybe you've got a winner. Submit and see what the judgement is.
  21. It all depends on HOW exactly you'd like to make the music. In my case, I was first introduced to Cakewalk by a friend and writing out the notes one-by-one on a music staff was just the thing for me. However, if you don't know how to use a staff, then you'll need another way. A lot of videos I've seen on youtube and stuff show people who know how to use a keyboard writing songs with the "piano roll" interface. You can use that not just for piano, but drums and any other sound as well. If you play an instrument and want to do some live recording, then you'll need a program that can do that. I'm a Sonar guy myself and all of those methods mentioned above are available to me. I haven't used any other programs but I think you can do all these things in Reason and Cubase as well. Anyway, the key question is; HOW do you want to make music? Try watching some videos of people making music with different programs.
  22. Does this game have tons or story and/or tons of items with tons of interesting descriptive text? Because it's been sitting at the store that's RIGHT next to my house, but it would be all in Japanese, and I don't know if I'm up for that study session. It does look awesome though. I still haven't played a From Software game that I didn't like yet. I really want to get it when I finish my other games.
  23. Oh crap. I just noticed that it says the offer is not valid in Japan. I just ordered it a few hours ago. I ordered the American one though. Well, we'll see what happens I guess. Even if I can't get the free upgrade, buying on the Cakewalk shop along witht the main program from Amazon still ends up being cheaper. Plus I can use it in English instead of Japanese. I hope it arrives soon enough so I can at least TRY to get the free upgrade.
  24. Is my local store trying to rip me off? It costs 500 bucks for Sonar Studio 8.5 But I can buy Sonar Studio 8 for just 300. I thought that if you buy 8, you are granted 8.5 as a download free of charge. I just want to make sure, before I buy this thing on Amazon.
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