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Everything posted by Z

  1. Never played ffvii and i still like the soundtrack a lot...er at least most of it.Good job guys and gals.My favorite happens to be the redxiii mix.That guitar simply rocks. Pixies vocal remixes are also worth noting. Good job putting it all together for us zirc.
  2. good job huntz.Hope it gets past the judges
  3. Z

    sonic piano

    Here's a location for the sonic midi. http://www.teamartail.com/midi/
  4. Z

    sonic piano

    why not create a solo piano version of sonic 1 labyrinth zone. That zone had a nice tune to it. Although i wouldint mind if it was done in jazz/funk or with some other instruments, just a good musical remix of it would be nice. http://www.teamartail.com/midi/
  5. didint really get into the game of soul edge,althou i did really like soul calibur,so i dont recal the original song.However i think you got a nice quality mix going, almost theatrical.
  6. any updates on this
  7. there are some live sax players around here,the prophet of maphisto is one i think.If you dont mind my saying,i personally enjoy some jazz arangements that incorporate a guitar solo in addition to the other solos that you might be planning in your mixes. Regardless of what you decide i look forward to hereing future updates.
  8. just wanted to give some support this mix, which sounds wrather nice even though i would like to hear it smoothed out a bit and with alittle more originality added to it.
  9. sounds nice so far.I'm a decent fan of the resident evil series and their music.Hope to see more remixes around here. Keep at it man.
  10. sounds good,but yeah it is a bit slow.Would like to hear some drums and such come in at about the time where the song is about to cut off in order to pick-up the pace of the song.Unless of course you want this piece to be slow.
  11. liking the ska sanc remix idea so far.Looking forward to its completion. The addition of live guitars should sound really nice when they're implimented. Could turn out to be a nice fun melodic rock remix.
  12. this is probably the best death egg remix i've heard thus far. You can actually here the death egg theme in it, and its kinda groovy.
  13. personally i like the openning section of the song, the part at about 0.50 - 1.22 sec. into the song, the most as it sounds the most dramatic.Can you add that portion of the mix to end the song but perhaps with something extra to it to make it a definitive ending?
  14. song was done pretty nicely.Now if we could get a starlight zone remix of this calibur.
  15. A few questions and suggestions.When a remixer wants to remix a song thats taken,why not have the two duel over it.This way if one of them drops the song or the remixer gets dropped,you still have another remixer working on the same song? Also,has anyone considderred doing a rock style remix of the sonic one boss theme,sinse all the sonic 3 boss themes were remixed in rock already(except for the 1st act s&k boss theme)?
  16. At first when listenning to the song you dont know what to expect considerring the vocals in the background,but then you start to slowly get into the mix when the music actually starts.It's wrather settel though but it's pretty neet.I would have better liked an instrumental intro, suchas a sax intro, in pref. to the vocals. If it does get rejected by the judges I would suggest getting a stronger lead instrument suchas the sax player to sound more-so into the foreground because almost all the instruments sound pushed into the background.A dominate lead instrument could better encourage listenning and bringout the depth of the song.As it stands it's more casuall and a listenners attention sort of nods in and out.However all in all, good job guys.You should do an album of sega remixes, or something, utilising your instrumentall skills. You could turn into the next oneup studios
  17. try streets of rage.Id love to hear a funky instrumental of that game particularly sor 2. If you decide to do it you might want a live drummer to go with you and your guitarists skills.
  18. Has anyone considdered a sonic and knuckles rock style remix of the act1 boss theme for the Dr. Robotnick remix,or a rock style remix of the sonic 1 final zone/boss remix.Is that possible for this project? Also,I think it's a good idea to have a genre for all remixers to adhere to,because when you have multiple genres of music on one album,it makes the album sound like a mixed bag of musi imo.Rock seems to be wrather popular around ocr these days so why not have a primarolly rock album on ocr for once.
  19. Z

    death egg rock

    I think someone made a death egg remix called "theory of the death egg" but I dont know where or whether it was a sonic 2 or 3 remix. Has anyone heard of it or have a link to it?
  20. I played sonic 3d blast and could identify the lava valley addition to the ice cap remix(but i wonder why there was no refernce to the sonic3d ice stage as that would have tied probably better to the snow theme of ice cap.In fact i wonder why it was added to a project that was supposed to be exclusivelly inspired by sonic 3). Nonetheless, launch base,ice cap,lava reef,and death egg, all are themes that many of us listeners find hard to make out.Many of us struggled before we could hear the source tune. Not saying they were bad, just hard to identify. Also while I myself am a fan of live music and especially the piano,I too felt the ice cap and lava reef themes should have incorporated more instruments than solo piano so that we could here all of the background themes of those original stages only redone.An orchestra for the ice cap including a solo piano piece,or jazz/orchestra for lava reef including the piano,or something ellse.Ice cap and lava reef were my favorite tunes as well in the original game,so I can pretty much understand where the guy above(sweedumz)is coming from.
  21. I enjoy listenning to orchestral remixes.This is a pretty catchy mix,but I would really like to hear way more originallity out of it.Maybe if you combind various megaman themes along with dramatic film style high points and low points throwing your imaginative ideas into the mix while keeping this theme music as your primary source tune to return to...or something like that.Turn the volume up a bit if you can cause its kinda low. Go the distance man. Oh and maybe you should consider joining the megaman project( if you havent already ) cause you got skillz
  22. hey kanjika.Are you gonna finish your credits arrangement? It sounds good in wip form.We'd just like to hear more of it.
  23. Listening to project chaos got me thinking.What if there was a rock style remix of the death egg zone from sonic 3 with live guitars, drums, and maybe even a live piano. But maybe its just me wanting more sonic. Anyway Thanks.
  24. if you're still taking on new bosses might I request the streets of rage 2 boss theme.Maybe in a funky style or something. Oh and congrats on making it to gen disc.
  25. If you're looking for ideas for the album title of your project, here are a few titles I came up with. Chronicals Of Phantasy Star or Phantasy Star Chronicals Phantasy Star Symphonic Theatre Visions Of Phantasy Star Phantasy Star: Symphonic Star Never played the game so I don't know if the feedback is of any help.Never the less there it is.
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