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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Hey guess what? PC games offer gamepad support. BE AMAZED!!!!
  2. Just for the record NJ, I bought L4D at launch. It's not my fault you didn't look around for deals on it. In fact, I bought it the day after launch, so PWNT. That and you bought it for 360. A system where most DLC is costly. Plus, most of valve's stuff is kinda crappily implemented anyway. How was that TF2 stuff for the 360 version? Oh wait, yeah.
  3. Ok, so you guys that are arguing this are still avoiding the Unreal gaming series, Quake series, etc references here as a point of "paying full price for an update" kinda setup here. I paid full price for UT 2004, but owned the other UT games, and there was less stuff added to it than L4D2, but the butthurt over that was nothing compared to the pansy sissy fits being thrown over L4D.
  4. So dell and hp computers will have starter? Hmm. I figured they would premium on some, cause I know the dell I have now has vista premium on it.
  5. First off, I didn't pay "60" bucks for L4D. I got it for pc, you know, a gaming system that the game is made for, unlike some crappy 360 bastardization of a fps. I bought l4d new for 34 bucks at target. I played the crap out of it, and got my moneys worth. So you honestly can't sit there and try to tell us all how L4D was a rip off, cause it sure wasn't for me, and I know others that feel the same way. L4D2 director is also different, if you had paid attention to the info. Not only is it tweaked, it also can change enviroment now too. So yeah, a map can be altered, pathes changed, etc etc. If that doesn't add some replayability to the game I don't know what would. Plus, there are 3 new special infected, one of them being the Charger shown in the video. Chargers make it able for the breaking up of "corner campers" and shit like that. 5 new campaigns, one interview saying one WILL BE A MALL CAMPAIGN, one yet unannounced game mode, and developer interviews are saying that L4D2 will be the platform for them to expand on now, but also doing more addons to L4D1, including new 4vs4 matchmaking improvements and community map packs announced possibly later this week. So if you really want to bitch about that, you are a retard.
  6. I started playing FFXI after they added level syncing, and apparently that changed the system greatly. Everyone I've talked to that has played it and other MMOs seems to say that WoW is the most grinding tedious MMO around though.
  7. Yeah, but you still have to pay the monthly fee, which to a lot of people is like paying for Live Gold. Plus as far as people have told me, the 360 version of FFXI doesn't require xbox live gold, but its still kinda considered a lower tier MMO to most groups. Unforunately I'm on the Odin server, which is packed full to the point that they offer world transfers monthly. I considered doing it, but unforunately I'd have to transfer my wife, and her mother and brother both play too, so its just a big mess.
  8. Yeah, for fuck sake people you bitch about as much as the people on the Steam forums. Wah wah valve didn't give me free shit on this game, wah wah. You know, go back to the days of quake, quake 2, HL1, etc. Did you get free shit then? Yeah, by mod teams. You're lucky that Valve even does free stuff with TF2, mainly cause they are not entitled to do dick for it. You people have been fed from a silver spoon and god forbid someone hand you something in a bronze one or you'll cry.
  9. I play FFXI myself, with my wife. Great game and I'm excited about this. Just have to wait for the PC version.
  10. Im seriously tired of people getting so butt hurt over valve. They give us plenty of free shit through TF2 and L4D, yet its never enough. I'll enjoy the hell out of L4D2 whenever it comes out though, cause we all know it won't come out on the date annouced probably, but when it's done it's done.
  11. If someone is trying to get inside your house by presenting a fake search warrant, Im pretty sure that would be considered breaking and entering, or at the very least forgery of official documents.
  12. Here lately it seems like dustbowl and badwater pop up way more than every 3+ hours though. But thats just from rtving. You could probably take badwater and dustbowl completely out of rotation and it would still get played just as much.
  13. I had about 10 years of free subscriptions from a site before EGM died, damn I wish I could get those back if they bring it back
  14. Ehhh, I'll have to give a big no thanks to this. I remember all my usernames and passes.
  15. It sucks that he was naive enough to let them in, but since he had been served court orders earlier about the sites, and if someone showed up with a legal mess of paperwork saying they were from the courts, you can't really blame him too much for panicing and letting them have access though. Hopefully some legal action will happen to this group though.
  16. If you have never played MGS at all, just buy the Essentials set for ps2. It comes with MGS 1 for psx, MGS2 substance, and MGS 3 Subsistence. I got mine off amazon.com for 29 bucks, and it was a badass deal for that.
  17. It doesn't work if you make it about yourself.
  18. I kinda hope they do ditch milestones every time there is an update for a class, just for a week or two. That cuts back on how many retards run around as said class just to farm like morons.
  19. Full list: Added Sniper/Spy milestone achievements as an additional way players can get the new unlockables Arena Mode Added tf_arena_use_queue server convar. Turn this on to get the old queue behavior. Default is off Added tf_arena_round_time to set a timelimit on the round Added the userid of the player who built the teleporter to the "player_teleported" event Fixed player killed event causing server crash Fixed Spies not being telefragged when standing on an enemy teleporter exit with the Dead Ringer enabled Fixed attackers seeing the mini-crit particle effect for full crits if the victim has the Jarate effect enabled Fixed the Ambassador not doing damage to buildings Fixed Spies disguised as their own team not drawing blood effects Fixed players killed by flaming arrows not showing the appropriate death icon
  20. Some images from me. 3 armed pyro! CRY SOME MORE?!?! I'd run from Rambo if I were you. Yeah, you're boned.
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