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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. At least someone is a voice of reason from there. Besides the usual "HUR ATMUH IS FUNNY U GUYS SUX" comments we usually get.
  2. I'd be in on that, if it happens. Even though I don't care for the deFy players I played around before.
  3. I don't like the lag i seem to get in greek. Packet loss out the ass for some reason.
  4. So far the only people that have told me they liked the movie are people that A) are such hugh jackman fanboys they'll go see anything with him in it, or people that know jackshit about the comic books or just enough to know that Wolverine was in x-men and maybe who gambit was.
  5. You're a pretty asian girl. Short story. I have a few names, ones here being RealEyesRealizeRealLies and Heliotropic Daylight. TenTonHammer or TenTonHammer23 on SA and XBL EdgeCrusher36 on forums where EdgeCrusher is taken. Kabukiqf on older stuff like hotmail, etc.
  6. I must say, the boss fight for gambit in the game is epic. Best fight Ive had in years.
  7. I find some at gamestop very rarely. If any of you live around TN, check into a store called Mckays used books/dvd/cds. They have stores in chattanooga, knoxville, and near nashville. Best thing about this store is they have a "very scratched" section for games, which they sell games for 4.95. Thing is, their definition of "very scratched" is finger prints and such. Even games that do have some scratches on them can be buffed out. Also you can check the discs before you buy to see what they look like. I walked out with army of two for 360, and star ocean TTEOT and Grandia 2 recently, all 5 bucks each, all work great.
  8. I hope it happens soon, just for clearance deals. But right now my collection is growing just from going to used game stores that are locally owned, non chain, and getting discs for 5 bucks or so.
  9. Problem is, A) discrimination laws are ok, to some extend. A woman shouldn't be on a construction site, or a game store, simple fact. hiring by appearence is a great way to for a lawsuit due to sexual harrassment, or overall amount of people hanging around for said attraction, not buying product, and C) my example of the gamecube controller is from a girl that has been there 6 monthes at least. 6 fucking monthes. I don't go to a hospital and try to be a doctor, cause I don't know shit about it, the girl shouldn't be there at the store trying to sell me video games and accessories when she can't even figure out what controller is what.
  10. I have asked for a "new sealed" copy of a game before, but unforunately due to most gamestops being holes in the wall here, IE in a mall, small store in a strip mall, etc, they only have brand new release games in the back still sealed. If you go pick a random game off the shelf in "new" section, likelyhoodness of you getting a sealed one is slim to none. And why do gamestops have to hire the one or two retarded girls that are just eye candy to work there? They are dumb as a fucking brick, and if you ask them anything game related, even the simplest of questions ("do you have gamecube controllers still?" as an example) they have to call the manager or knowledgable person to answer it. I'm seriously surprised some of these women can even operate a cash register and/or car.
  11. Used game/dvd store here sells used dreamcasts for 24 bucks. I should buy me another one.
  12. Unforunately the stuff wes has released as projects are in no way very demonstrating of his abilities. If you ever seen him live though, he is a very skilled guitarist, as with covers of songs and such, plus some random jams. I have yet to really understand why he doesn't showcase it in any of the bands he's been a part of.
  13. Except that Super Shredder was the wrestler Kevin Nash, aka Diesel.
  14. If more people used goozex.com instead of gamestop, this wouldn't be a problem. But nooooooooooooooooooo. Also the whole "game behind the counter" thing, some stores have some kind of reasoning behind it, as it kills theft. The gamestop here in oak ridge had to start doing it to PC games due to people stealing discs and keys out of the boxes. But in turn, this makes all games technically used to me, cause I like to open the box, and have everything there. Only time I buy new games from gamestop is in the rare case of preordering, and I only do that for awesome bonuses.
  15. Probably could cross post this with http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23144
  16. Fuck the movie, but get the game. Best semi movie tie in game ever made. Fact. If you like god of war, you will love this. Download the demo on live or psn.
  17. Brush can't play the tf2s still verizon fixes itself, which last time he said anything about it in IRC, is never.
  18. I really like the demo, but I can't wait to see how the actual SP game is.
  19. Wes is a great guitar player, but he really should have done better than BigDumbFace and Black Light Burns or whatever that last band was.
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