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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Do you randomly delete stuff in your steam folder? Cause I have yet to see anyone that has as many errors as you do.
  2. Worst map Ive seen so far for overuse of snipers is pipeline. Usually over half of the red team goes sniper for at least the second part of the map, and very annoying. 2fort is just tradition though.
  3. Hah, CS beta 1 through 5 were fucking hilarious gaming moments on how wrong a mod could be.
  4. Thats why theres a report bug thread in their forums. But when you have 50 posts on first 2 pages of their forums saying "ZOMG ITEMS BROKE FIX NOW" then followed by a 1 paragraph 50 sentence line of bad grammar and spelling saying that they couldn't get it to work, that's not reporting, that's just average internet "I demand perfection" that is very annoying. I'd like to know exactly where and at what point the gaming community shifted from accepting that PC games needed patching and updates to fix things, and that it took a little time, to a "gimme gimmie" demand that is so ridiciulously over the top that I can't help to shake my head at it. Thank god I'm still not on any mod teams or I'd go crazy from idiots by now.
  5. Yeah, you guys are no better than the people at the l4d forums. Patch could be out 10 minutes, but people act like its the end of the gaming world if a few things are not perfect. Seriously, there's other games to play, and if you don't get to play the game exactly how you want to this weekend I'm sure Valve is not gonna close up shop and shut down servers so you can never play again. I myself am going to play FFXI, so there.
  6. Aspergers much? I didn't know Atomic Dog channeled through you. Point being, holiday traveling is retarded with radar. But thanks for going off on a rant there.
  7. Staying at home to avoid any possible law enforcement this weekend.
  8. Not a fan of the new "unlocking" system at all. Comboed with the fact that the "everyone is spy/sniper, I should be pyro" is killing my pyroness
  9. Do you ever quit bitching about me? I think you have some kinda weird thing for me or something.
  10. Im very interested still, pryo though And on that note. CRY SOME MORE
  11. Then why is it when I introduce it to new people they always say that the later reviews are just not as funny as the first ones? It just seems like quality wise, he has sloped some. That's what pressure to do these does to a person though.
  12. 1 pl_goldrush 327:45:26 2 cp_dustbowl 321:28:24 3 pl_badwater 170:45:27 4 ctf_turbine 112:52:01 5 cp_steel 105:32:16 6 cp_gravelpit 112:42:29 7 ctf_2fort 305:22:37 8 cp_granary 199:33:43 9 cp_well 121:47:23 10 tc_hydro 263:01:17 Top ten maps as listed by the stats, and their total play time. Yeah, way too much dustbowl/goldrush/2fort.
  13. Yeah, there are multiple ways to get to the last point in Toy Fort. I took advantage of this many times last night as a pyro, cause I was guarenteed at least 2 or 3 kills no matter which way I went due to the other team fanning out way too much instead of pushing all in one tunnel. Pacman wise, the sentry fighting is stupid in it, the doors suck ass, and its a scout rush most of the time. I'd rather be playing Donkey Kong.
  14. Toy Fort rocks, but you guys are just mad that I would not let the damn map die last night But seriously, let pacman die. Its a fun novelty map, but once you play it for 5 minutes, and some guys set up sentries, its just not fun anymore.
  15. More custom maps = less time play Dustbowl/goldrush/dustbowl/2fort/dustbowl/gravelpit So yes, more customs plz.
  16. I don't mind music that fits the mood, you know. But when someone comes in playing fucking rickroll shit, I kick the fucker immediately.
  17. Ive been kinda disappointed by them lately myself.
  18. Yes, this will be as awesome as Saved By The Bell: The New Class. Oh wait...
  19. Yeah, also theyre not allowed to make real music, thats why there is rap.
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