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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. And then there's the Illuminati, HARP, chemtrails, Oprah Winfrey, NCIS & SARS to worry about. I know my priorities of worrying about stuff Glad I didn't have to see what you did, otherwise I'd be real messed up. EDIT that .GIF in your signature is tripping me out lmao - it's even funnier when inebriated
  2. Too lazy to post in that thread =p Anyhoo, it's not about being afraid of violence per se, it's about the psychological effects that occur after seeing something traumatic/disturbing. Albeit, I'll admit that personally some horror & thriller movies affect me far more than any videogames ever had...minus the ones I've listed beforehand. Actually, I guess Mad World's is pretty fakie so it wasn't as bad as Manhunt lol. On a side note...for the movie 3:10 to Yuma, when Russel Crowe smashes the big police man's throat in with a rock, I actually had recurring images during the next day and I was subconsciously grasping at my throat =/. Idk, maybe some people are more susceptible to fake violence than others, but it fucked me up >.< Sometimes, I just get caught off guard by violent things I see in TV and games and get affected by it. So, yeah not every1 is like you Brandon, where they can detach themselves from what they're seeing & console themselves saying that it's fake. It seems pretty fucking real with modern affects nowadays, unless you've seen true, unfettered violence right before you and can say pffft that's totally fake, the inside of a chest cavity doesn't even come close to that IRL. In the end though...I have to admit that it's stupid to say let's just ban stuff that makes *some* people uncomfortable - it's all about the viewer's discretion in the end. Whew...feels good to get that off my chest finally EDIT I apolagize ahead of time if I seem a bit combative, wasn't aiming to put the blame on you >.< just this stupid, hypocritical society of ours in general.
  3. Wait...Rozo isn't me and Archangel's 'Where Angels Fear to Tread' collab done?? I thought you were satisfied with what Archangel did
  4. So are you doing this to seem like a bad ass or are you just trolling? This made me shake my head either way...you're better than this brah.
  5. I think I've addressed all of the issues you've brought up here and thank you VERY much for taking the time to give me some feedback, Gario.
  6. Hmm, I can think of 2 games off the top of my head that made me a tad squeemish: Manhunt and Mad World (Wii) - to semi-quote Zircon, I don't like games that glorify violence just for the sake of violence.
  7. I think the pads have a weird dissonance at the beginning. But from a glance, it seems like the primary chord used is E, G, B So I'm guessing it's mostly in E and occasionally switches to G (such as 0:33 to 0:53). EDIT Seeing that C, E, G, B, D# all can work together tone-wise and are seen primarily through the chords (maybe the main melody is dissonant??), the composition seems to interchange between them throughout. NVM checked it out, the notes are prettty dissonant when lumped together and yet you see them playing together in the song at parts - this is confusing!
  8. YESS finally a source I can rly sink my teeth into. You can def. expect me to remix this one
  9. That's not a bad track actually maybe I will remix it
  10. I kinda groaned at first at the thought of Christmas already being so close, but hey, I love this compo stuff mang!! Count me in =D Uh...and now to think of which track/game to do. Any suggestions?
  11. Hey sry for the pms stuff Bunda, I pm'd Rama about getting my acc password earlier but no response yet. I rly wish that there is a way to edit one's email info at ThaSauce... Also, good compo guys and nice surprise to see 2 other submissions at the last minute Albeit, I still feel that the percussion one shoulda won...q.q EDIT oh snap, forgot to mention that I used the percussion samples from the Secret of Mana sound chip =p (handy little soundfont I picked up lol)
  12. Draft Ver 1.5 Meat and Potatoes OCR AKA... MnP-OCR MISSION STATEMENT The goal of MnP-OCR is to promote the conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. A modicum of originality is recommended, but not required. MnP OCR Instructions 1. Slight alterations of the source are encouraged, but not required. 2. Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. 3. Stay relatively close to the source's mood and notation. Refer to the example tracks for reference. 4. Any genre is acceptable, so long as it doesn't affect point #3 too much. 5. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with PRC's file size). Example Tracks: Remix: http://ocr.blueblue.fr/files/music/remixes/Final_Fantasy_7_Red_XIII_Redux_OC_ReMix.mp3 source: Remix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGZDEfcz0vA source: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/Anything_But_Tangerines.mid Remix: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/bal5vl7asoqrrac/HoboKa_PRC233_EnigmaOfABrokenSoul2.mp3 Source Remix: http://ocr.blueblue.fr/files/music/remixes/Final_Fantasy_7_Son_of_Chaos_OC_ReMix.mp3 Source: Remix: http://ocr.blueblue.fr/files/music/remixes/Super_Mario_World_Monstrous_Turtles_OC_ReMix.mp3 Source: Remix: http://ocr.blueblue.fr/files/music/remixes/Hitman_Codename_47_Contract_Cleaner_OC_ReMix.mp3 Source: All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within Darkesword's competition conduct: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40864 Voting System - For those of you who're familiar with PRC (People's Remix Compo) you'll know exactly how it works. - Anyone, including the contestants and host may vote. - Host's vote = 1 point, contestants and general public = 1 point, previous winner's vote = 2 points. - winner picks the next round's track. MISC/TIPS - Midi Rips are a good starting point. - Don't be afraid to collaborate - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as you aren't going overboard with 'em - *Some* source tunes don't have drums or percussion for a reason. So keeping it that way may be the easiest way to retain much of the original feel. Ex) FF7 'Aerith's theme' & Terranigma 'Sad' This is not a requirement, but just a suggestion
  13. http://www.mediafire.com/listen/lx1asakvnoodq7q/SH3_DanceWithNightWind.mp3 Ok, so I've added some more interesting percussion elements, gave the piano a bit more humanization and volume variation, as well as 'fixed' the transition.
  14. Yeah um, I know this is somewhat out of custom for this compo, but if no1 else submits a track then I would like DZComposer to win by default - the level of effort between our 2 projects is far enough between that I *know* mine should not be able to trump his, unless there was some serious nepotism going on, and that wouldn't sit well with me q.q
  15. Holy &%*$&$^T~ 800+ views!! Anyways, I haven't forgotten about this thang, I'll be getting you guys an update *very* soon, so...d/w =p
  16. ...true Japanese culture is def. fucked up that way. I think that Spoony touched up on that too, in his FFX review/rant. =p
  17. They'd make so much more money if they actually had nude scenes too rofl *perv grin*
  18. Maybe they were 2 afraid that her boobs would pop out if she took a more 'active' roll.
  19. But...Tidus is more of a leader-hose wearing twat than a hero. Auron should've been the main character damnit!!
  20. Excellent! I'm liking most of these suggestions already. I feel more inclined to work on it further now...hopefully I will inspire more to OCR ppl to enjoy/appreciate the Silent Hill Series...it's sort of a shame that VGmusic doesn't have many MIDIs for 2 and 3 for the melodious tracks. Woah didn't see your response until after I replied to No Escape lmao. Ofc its always the drums that need more phatness Looking forward to the feedback
  21. Oh and random fact: coincidentally Diamond Dust is a move that the summon 'Shiva' uses in Final Fantasy 6,7,8,10 and perhaps onward. Maybe even earlier
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