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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. that was my main goal...trying to rid myself of the "nonsensical-ness"...ug I hate that word...makes me sound like some elitist douche bag...*glances towards OCR*
  2. Update. http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/EWJ_Use_your_Tangerines_A5.mp3
  3. Alright, guess I'll be doing that too. Oy, the things I do for OCR
  4. And my reverb is 75% wet there Gario...not much else I can do, unless you guys want a mud-fest =l
  5. Nope. Can't make the bass the focus of this mix, cuz then it'd push back the other channels too much. I CAN change up the bass samples and make them a little more prominent, but the bass won't be the focus. That's not my intent for this remix; it's a liberal one, you see...trying to stray from that conservatism stuff without going all nonsensical (too much so, anyways)
  6. Well then...back to the drawing boards...and less energy drinks Thx for the input guys...better this then being shot down in the J panel.
  7. Well, go and host it on tindeck, mediafire or fileupyours, then Cuz the sound quality for youtube is ass.
  8. http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/SooooonicVer2.mp3 This is a remix of Emerald Zone, insofar, a collaber and I are gonna add in Casino Zone and Metropolis Zone...once he gets his ass in gear that is. Damn lazy Americans... and yes, we're gonna get a real guitarist to replace my horrible shitty midi guitars =p
  9. So, you don't mind if I submit it then? (good to know it's almost done =p)
  10. rawr...so,...many varied opinions on this track. I've spammed a ton of other ppl with this track on IM's and so forth, and most say it's a real improvement for me, but then there's production issues and so forth as well T-T It'd help if I had better stuff than fucking soundfonts...of course, little hard to do when I'm broke. As for the sustained synth, that's actually a different sample than the original one you hear at the start =p It's a distorted Pan flute and a vox layered together. Everyone else didn't complain about it, so I'm not too worried about it. I agree wtih the bass thing, gotta re-master that part and probably change the samples again. I'll see what I can do with the other critiques as well. And Hewo, I want this to be repetitive - that's the whole idea for this piece. Because I find that when I try to change things up too much, it gets outta hand. At least, until I can get down the basics of melodic phrases down pat.
  11. Well, couldn't wait for the next batch of crits, so I updated it anyway. http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/EWJ_Use_your_Tangerines_A3.mp3 Feedback from anyone, savvy in music or not is welcome.
  12. Mmmm nice starting there Rozo...I love atmospheric pads Then those bass drum samples Nice touch. I'm not sure if this is just me, but I think there's some dissonance between the percussives and the organ, but it doesn't occur very often. To be honest though, I was hoping for a bigger build up...haha y'know what Rozo?? This is somewhat like my own composing =p, minus the fact that your melodies are sensical, it's just, it seems to meander until about 3:45 and up. But you've already been posted so I've faith in you Keep at it Rozo Joe.
  13. Well, I'm going back to a summer semester of college...doubt I could pull that off anyways.
  14. wow I feel dumb for missing that thread. Thanks Txai.
  15. hehe, thanks guys. I feel old now
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0VppuyWGMk&feature=channel_page
  17. Update on first post. added drums, edited some EQ changed bass patch some random small tweaks here and there. Sorry about the awful piano reverb effect. It'll be fixed along with all the other edits for Ver.3...just waiting to hear the next batch of critiques. And thanks for taking the time for criting me Tensei and Rozo.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i85PRLPhiag Here ye go bro. I've read the critiques from both of you and I'm working on the update now.
  19. Okay, this time, I made an effort to simplify my melodies and I hopefully made their phrases more coherent than my usual works. May come off as being repetitive though...unsure, cuz I'm suffering from ear fatigue at the time being lol. It's a remix of EWJ - Use your head; the bassline/lead is essentially the same in this track, however, I had pushed that lead back and made it more a background thing. http://www.mediafire.com/?znlwl1zmymj UPDATE 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?oznvyftnjln UPDATE 2: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/EWJ_Use_your_Tangerines_A3.mp3 UPDATE 3/4/5: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/EWJ_Use_your_Tangerines_A5.mp3 ...don't ask.
  20. Man, remixing David Wise stuff isn't easy to do =p So grats for having the nerve for trying hehe. Anyhoo, this track feels a bit mild for me, I think it suffers from a lack of energy; like varying up the dynamics could help there, as well as boosting the over-all volume a bit. Oh and compressing/distorting helps a lot. On the composition side, it seems pretty dang solid, nothing really stuck out as awkward or random to me.
  21. As sweet as ever Mr. Nase. Interesting bassline, I agree that you should turn it into Pendulum style =p
  22. Okay, listening. Wow, nice starting, has quite a bit of that epic factor going on there. Nice piano and bassline, the plucked instrument is also a nice touch. Sweet African-esque vocals you got going on And a nice ambient touch all around. So, over all, this mix is pretty good, not sure how to crit the production, because to me it sounds fine, but we'll see if anyone else will take the time to check this wip out and see if there's any issues.
  23. Yeah I agree with you there Rozo...shoulda read the posts before I put in any comments hehe.
  24. ZMG it's Wintermute!! I thought you died or something =p Great to see you back in the game...too bad things've changed a lot at OCR...some of which not for the best... ANYHOO, this is really awesome; however, the problem with sad music is that drums often take away from the sad factor. Perhaps if you made the drums much softer and push them back a bit, it wouldn't detract from the sad feeling as much. OR you could reduce the tempo of the drums to half time, which is very effective in rock songs, not so sure with a pop/rap beat, but you never know Then again, if you're not going for complete sadness, then I suppose this'd work just fine. Hope to see you on further works Wintermutey
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