this is great, is there a chance that you could make this more dramatic ? Cuz I remember the mines being a lot more well, not as happy ^^ lol. Mind you, this is a remix sooo...guess it doesn't really matter. Good job.
remix Tyrano iiiiit!!! This is nice btw
Guitar work, piano are dope and that wah wah FX is sexy. The synthy things are also yummy...percussion is nice and variety driven. I being a nub cannot detect any compositional issues here...and production seems to be fine, though I'm sure that it prob needs to be tweaked here and there. Good work man.
okay, just one problem - I did most of the drums on FPC, so you'll need to download the FPC presets: "GM Kit 1" and "Real Drums 10". The kick and first snare are separate tracks though, so those'll be easy to edit
lol, I figured that it was kinda loud..I almost deafened myself as I was messing around with the flp. Guess I'd better reduce all the volumes once more.
I have a lot of external samples, so...I could send you a .rar with them in it along with the flp if you still want to tinker with my song. And yeah I was being random with the crashes, I'll take note of that...only on the beat ><.
Hey guys check out what I pulled from outta my ass in less than 24 hours
Thing is REALLY needs a good bass T_T, any tips for how to do that + anything else would be coo. Enjoy.
Wow...this feels like FFXII's attempt to be all epic and whatnot, except that it pulls it off reaal well , I'm digging this a lot Nutricious.
Why aren't you posted yet!! lol
I don't know Jahan lol, guess I'm retarded that way. Anyways, as for the "making" part, I only use a keyboard yet, and I use the copy/paste feature a lot for drums - maybe a little too much :S.
Thanks Alexhhhh never thought I'd hear a comment such as that from you, heh.
Anyways, I'll try and do what you said Tweak - I've decided to change my drum roll and I've fixed the volumes, tweaked some channels, EQ'd etc. I'll send an update soon...I got a virus on my comp so, hopefully I can fix it before I have to resort to plan B: reformat
alright here's my newest rendition of Schala yet again...I know its overcompressed at parts and I'm stumped as to how to reduce it.
I agree with Rho here; I think the bass sample sounds a little too click-y at parts IMO, but your compositional skills aren't bad, its just the drums kinda drag em down - I suffer from the same problem so it's not uncommon