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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Glad to see this pass, Trism. Jorito is a wise pick to collaborate with. Dude is killing it at OCR, making the rest of us look like lazy slouches (maybe I should mooch off him too lmao). Though you know I always love your music no matter what. Come back to MnP & PRC. We miss youuuu (But I digress...) "Royd Rage" is awesome. Great drive, nice Cyberpunky FX. Great dynamics, like at 3:00. I always love me some ambient break downs. This theme so befits Royd, especially with consideration that it's in a technological era and he's on a mission to avenge a friend AND save the world from annihilation. Spoilers, I know. I loved that part of the game so much and Royd Rage captures the moment perfectly. Nice work dude. Hope that didn't come off as too hammy.
  2. Voted. Let's just say there was at least one big surprise. SOMEONE here has evolved a ton. I shan't name 'em till the voting is done
  3. A Freshly Baked Remixer Challenge throwback?? You guys gotta let @Ramaniscence in on this gig. If we roll that direction
  4. Well, we got 3 entries. So voter bonus time...in 4 hours. Thanks guys! edit Now we got 4. Awesome
  5. @BundeslangSpecial Anniversary round huh? Compoverse now has a Discord. We could do a kind of Live-Listen to kick off the voting stage. Maybe we could do a "Spin the Wheel" type idea, where you pick a game, kinda like when you picked SONIC for previous round. --OR-- Do what I did for round 100 MnP and hand-pick the most recently active participants to select their own tunes and "pool in" all the souces as a list to choose from... doesn't need to be OLR-themed, obviously.
  6. Submitted my BONUS. Still don't know what I wanna do for OCR X-MAS. Got some serious malaise due to Methotrexate for my psoriasis...and sleep schedule is off for it. Bleghhh I hate Winter time.
  7. Indeed. BTW, you should [edit] acquire some fancier sample libraries, I think you could go pretty far.
  8. Lmao. I guess they are kinda gross. But I can't eat cheese so it limits my choice of chips. Stupid lactose intolerance.
  9. (Sorry big edits...apologies on the 20+... Trying to discombobulate my brain-fog-riddled thoughts) Oh shit! Context fail, sorry! Older remixes of mine ventured TOO far apparently, and some of them were pretty avant-garde (the first few sucked pretty bad production and composition, so I'd be disingenuous if I said they deserved to be passed), this Umaro Remix was probably a bad example, just pointing out that this remix was the last that I really tried to innovate big time... There was a non-extended version of this remix that was just not up to snuff production wise and it was NO'd. And I agreed with the consensus with the J's. Anyways, thanks for listening to my rambles. Thankfully, we still hear a lot of good music passing the gate, so... IDK. Just get good production, THEN try to innovate (that's my takeaway) because irrc, production was also a huge barrier. The other platitude is don't submit and just do your own thing. No one is forcing us to. Haha. Maybe I'll PM you my 'better' contentious entries.
  10. Sad story to relate. Back in 2009-2012 I submitted stuff to you-know-where, I got labeled as meandering and directionless, so I took less risks and went for more conservative approaches to remixing. This one from 2014 may be the riskiest. Source: Maybe on the Terranigma project and Bad Ass Vol 2, I went more dangerous?? Not sure. What about you Trism?
  11. Fisted with a fist full of salt and vinegar chips.
  12. And that's why she shouldn't fuck Ugandan Knuckles.
  13. I hope that shit-show doesn't deter you from doing more remixes. Sorry about causing a disturbance.
  14. You'd think I'd already know that, after 108 rounds of MnP. Got caught in the emotion of the moment. You should've seen my OCR-Bad rant in 2016. And the other more unhinged rants before that. Cocaine is a helluva drug. And by cocaine, I mean Aspergers. Yeah, you nailed it. Lapse of judgement. AT THE MOMENT, it felt like a "Damned if I do, or damned if I don't".
  15. Yikes. Sounds heavy. Alright man, take care of yourself. All the best to ya.
  16. Hey, I remember being pissed off a ton for losing rounds at PRC years back. Then I learned to stop caring and enjoy it - cuz at end of the day, you still have a cool tune that you've made to show all your friends. Winning is just an added bonus. The feedback is still handy and no one is shy to give it here.
  17. I see. Well, everyone's vote could be faulted for not being the most objective here. I was approached by someone who felt they were given a raw deal, so I did my best to convey it. Granted, it wasn't really asked of me to do so. It's just sad to see them go. And sorry for throwing Bundeslang under the bus. Still appreciate the Bunda for hosting.
  18. Well, I didn't really want to raise this issue, because stirring the pot usually gets me in hot water, but I feel this issue must be raised. So, someone raised a pretty good issue with me via PM. There were at least two votes that were overly subjective. As a caveat, I've definitely cocked it up majorly on some of my votes too, but aim to shoot straighter on that front. But I digress... Bundeslang's entry was basically a MIDI rip without any of the MIDI controllers removed, so it caused a ton of clipping. It's great that he's participating again, but people shouldn't feel the need to put him in one of the 3 slots simply because he's the host. And two people gave him a slot, when there were 5 other (yeah, we're not counting mine) that were easily more deserving of a spot. Now I remember why I used to prefer submitting as a BONUS at MnP. I should probably return to that M.O. Except for Howlowe'en I can see why nobody really raises a stink, due to the spotty participation rate, but I stress that we be a bit more careful going forward. Also, it's a good thing that someone finally raised the issue to me. Last thing we want to do is spurn away new people. Lord knows, I already do that enough with my stupid comments.
  19. Yep downgrades are good, so long as the source is recognizable and the mood isn't altered too much.
  20. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) MIDI: https://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP108_gba_sa2_icep2.mid Deadline: Dec 29th Sun @ 1 PM Vote Ends: Dec 31st Tues @ 1 PM MnP ARCHIVE - made by Trism submit: https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP108 MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required. MnP Instructions/Guidelines Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. Most or all of the source notes must be present (but not necessarily in the exact same order), secondly the mood (energy, pacing, feelings being conveyed etc) should also be retained. For example, a source tune that is fast-paced and energetic that's remixed into a mellow/chill-out theme would be a hard sell. If you decide to do a genre swap (i.e. symphonic to techno), make sure that the conditions of #2 are met. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. Please don't make any comments about people's entries - including your own - until the Voting process is concluded. BONUS entries are exempt of this rule. Same rules for PRC voting Stage: don't vote for yourself, be considerate and try to give reasonable feedback as to why you liked X or Y entry. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
  21. No, seems to be a new feature. I wonder if that means that the dark theme is on its way. RIP my thread formatting lmao.
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