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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Man...this white background and that wall of text (that is small for an old fart like me) is making it very hard for me to focus. ....Right imma go copy and paste that into a word doc. Might I suggest that you color-code certain parts to emphasize the most pertinent points? Maybe rely on bullet points etc. Or maybe I'm just retarded. Anyways..... (edit) No seriously, go do as I suggested. Might garner an extra look-see or two that way. Heard tell that they were gonna do a dark-theme for the forums. But it's not here yet.
  2. That's right. May 21st 2020. Now I get to sit back and do fuck all for almost a whole year. edit Ok, fixed it.
  3. Gotta snort blow fast!! Sonic 2020. Or maybe 2006? The latter makes more sense. I'm afraid, I don't get it Captain...
  4. Welcome to the Voting Stage! There are 3 entries this round. There is 1 Bonus entry this round There IS a voter bonus this round. TheVideoGamer has a vote worth 2x. Like a bauss. Don't vote for Bonus entries please. Participants may not vote for themselves. Vote ends Oct 31st 11PM Vote here https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP106 (Dunno why never thought to do this ^ before. Probably laziness. ((edit))How come no one raised this issue to me and it had to occur to me at over 100 rounds? T_T)
  5. Aren't those always a pain? Hey, that's cool that you found the hardware/software for MP.
  6. Ooo-oooooh make it an OLR-throwback round I gotta have muh parody remixes. Cool source btw.
  7. One day, maybe TVG. Salt & Vinegar is good stuff >:3
  8. Thanks for participating Billy Bob Jr. <3 Congrats NPD. Fun round.
  9. Reviews...vivisection** (not vasectomy...actually, that's a procedure that I need yesterday. TMI? Too bad!)...dissections...post-mortem analysis? [edit] I already got a review from Rozovian. Just want a few secondary opinions before I crack my knuckles and get to work. Thanks!
  10. Some of the samples (i.e. the jazz trumpets) and drum writing/snares samples etc were done by Sir Jordanius. And most of the transitional FX were his too. Though I guess my sound library is better these days. Speaking of...I could use better jazz samples. But sure, a collab would be cool.
  11. Oh, your take is nowhere near being non-conservative, don't worry. Being non-conservative in the MnP books is altering the source material too much, rearranging a shit-ton...reducing or increasing the tempo way beyond. Altering the mood too much. OFC...exceptions are for Howlowe'en and December, b/c they are more thematic - and sometimes the source material doesn't always fit the theme of those holiday specials. I'll give you an example of as "liberal" an approach as I can tolerate in MnP... https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP12 Skoshu's entry.
  12. Wow. I was asleep on the wheel of that transaction. Glad to know that ThaSauce didn't give you any trouble Seth my man. Guess I spent TOO much time on Newgrounds... Dat technological knowledge of sound chips and stuff. It's on my to-do list to read up on. Mmmm chips. And yeah, qualitative remarks we generally do *after* the voting process and obviously we put comments down when we vote. No harm done though. Sometimes we drop qualitative stuff in the comments section of our submitted tracks b/c reasons. Though it's best to avoid, if you don't wanna poison your chances at getting a vote in your favor >: 3 If you got any other questions, feel free to ask me, Mr. Seth Skoda (edit over9000) And thanks Dex and TVG for doing my job for me. Saved me a lot of awkwardness and derp. Well. Some of it anyways.
  13. Speaking of suspense. There is yet to be a Results post from our good host.
  14. ver5 sure is sexy. Those adaptive waaoooohhh FX work really well, least for me. That's cool that you've sampled the sounds from the actual game. This is incredible work!
  15. This creepy tune is what all true warrior's strive for!! Hmm...I wonder what's for DINNER.
  16. Pad quality is dope. Love the swoll swelling. Synthwork is cool. Arps sound dope. Square-lead/support is sexy. Overall good. One gripe... I think the snare samples can be reduced by 1.4 db or something. They falcon-punch through the mix* a LITTLE too loud, especially for this genre of music imo. Good shtuff otherwise. Oh and the cymbol hit is a bit too loud too.
  17. Oh well. Price reduction time. (edit) Yep, all original. Nevertheless...it's important to gain an audience. I'll try and set those accounts up asap. Gotta hit the hay now though. Thanks for feedback and stuff Oh and thanks for taking the time to listen!
  18. That almost inspires me to do that too. Could be an idea for a new album lol. Anyways...the hard work shows. The Ladder Effect, you say? No obvious reference to obvious movies. I promise. Kinda interested to know though.
  19. Semantic nonsense. *takes a look at Grammy Awards* Oh. Ohhhhh. I see. Still don't get what you mean... Funny that I happened to like the same tunes that you preferred yourself. I guess Gas Man's weakness is Pepto Power.
  20. Story of my life too. Only recently acquired studio quality stuff. I was running on cheap wavetable synths, pretty much, beforehand. Except for maybe Kore Player, but they stopped supporting it T_T And it's my pleasure. Pretty sure I downloaded "Acid Rain" too. For research purposes. AKA listening in my car. (edit: yup I did)
  21. Yeah, none of my comments are *really* there, like no one is able to see them or comment on them - or if they are, their responses are buried too (who knows? The algorithm is weird). Also, a few months back, I uploaded videos with all the proper remix tags. You'd think that titles like 'metroid' and 'soulblazer' would be a big hit, but nada. I'd rather YT just outright ban me than play those kinds of games. But I digress. RIP NSFW content all across the board. Those damn NPCs are driving me mad lol. Maybe the CCP has something to do with it *shrug*. But I digress again. Nice, I might have a few tunes I'd be willing to "donate" to NG...didn't think of that before asking (edit2: Or just share my album there, maybe disable download and link to Bandcamp or something). But it's good to know you're a vet of sorts (edit and to have as my "in"). Didn't know the process was that layered, but it's probably a necessity. By the by, have you participated in the Compo Scene here before? We got PRC, MnP and Robots vs Knights might be doing something too. Still got *10 days* for the current MnP round *wink wink*
  22. Man this is chill as f*ck. Perfect for listening to whilst doing a hobby. Kinda reminds me of Nujabes. Real swag samples and the crunchy textures really help with the chill effect. Btw dood, Is Newgrounds a good venue to get exposure? (I can't use YT, because they have shadow-banned me for making topkek comments)
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