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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Sure, you can take those - sorry, I was away at work the whole day, and my daytime will be considerably limited until May for the most part. Just keep in mind the main things in the first post when doing the tracks, and of course register on the project forums!
  2. I mailed out a batch of items today - people from the grab bag, PM me the names & addresses to send to!
  3. I think I know what's wrong - the legs & arms look too thin proportionate to the rest of X. Can you fix that?
  4. For some reason, X looks strange to me - is it just me?
  5. YOU'VE BEEN LIVING A LIE! Can't wait until August
  6. Alright so people - I drew out the gifts, and now it's time to PM me the address so I can send them! It may take me a bit of time since there's a bunch of gifts, and I have to buy extra packaging material.
  7. Read: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27121 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=634678 The only project threads being posted at the moment are those that have been approved.
  8. What, a Cowboys fan? KILL IT WITH FIRE
  9. Wow at the Jets...really nicely done vs San Diego.
  10. Sixto is doing the album art, but I'll welcome banners being done if people want to.
  11. Kinslayer - I already have people in mind for both, so sorry. melody, Dafydd - sure, but I have to approve of the direction the song is being taken in. Edit: This isn't covering the Zero series music unfortunately
  12. I'd avoid Timeshare - I met someone in the past year who did that except went on an all-expense paid cruise, and when it came down to getting the shares, he wasn't interested. Then they started getting aggressive, shutting the door and starting to say stuff like "Look, we paid for this great trip on a cruise, we can't let you leave this room without buying some shares" or something like that, and they were implying that they might've done something if his wife and him kept refusing. Anyway, for shows, we should be able to get group tickets. For 12+ people, there are group discounts for the ~$80 and ~$100 ticket brackets of 15% (minus the live entertainment tax). I personally would love to see all of the Cirque du Soleil shows, but I know it'd probably be too pricey for everyone to do. I certainly would love to see multiple though if possible.
  13. Ha, a lot of us were posting it on facebook/IRC - it disorients me .
  14. I'm personally planning for August 12 - 19. August 7-11th is a bad time for me stress-wise with traveling because it's too close to Otakon if I'm going to that (especially if I want to stay in the Baltimore area for a few days to visit friends/my brother, etc.), and any later would compromise me with the pre-semester TA meetings that go on the Friday before the semester starts (August 23-24), which I absolutely cannot miss a day of. There may be a remote possibility that I can get an RAship for the summer and the professor will let me work around taking 3 consecutive weeks off so I can do things earlier (would save me the cost of a one way flight), but I cannot guarantee things will work out that way. Just laying it out there, but I really like the August 12- 19 set of dates or anywhere in between more than beforehand. About school schedules - there may potentially be a conflict for a few, but most schools start the week my school starts or after. Very few start the middle week of August. Edit: Eh, I guess I can make the 7 - 12 work, maybe longer than that. I'll plan exactly what dates I'll be a little later when I talk with a friend and my brother (both in Baltimore).
  15. Ok and? Let me lay it out - so you decide it's the best thing ever to go ahead and stir stuff up with a tirade with something you really can't draw that conclusion from just because you don't like her thread title and her saying stuff, even though she said absolutely nothing wrong in the thread itself until you spouted out with that post, and then just because you didn't like her thread posting time? Sorry, but your reaction was most certainly not justified there. You can keep denying your pivotal role in how you acted, or you can man up and stop stirring drama. What are you about? Yourself or everyone else here? Seems like you're more interested in demonizing her than you are in keeping this friendly/drama-free. Do you deny this? If you really want to say something to her about how she acted - PM her directly/talk it over with her. But by going on the attack here first without even giving her an opportunity to fix it up or whatever is disgusting, and there's no excuse.
  16. The rest of that post was way out of line though. That's what I was talking about. Jade should apologize after you do, but it's not too hard to see why she acted that way given that post. You can't go on a tirade about something pretty irrelevant on her (and accusations that she hasn't been even given the time and chance to defend against since some of it is vague), and then say it wasn't meant to be an attack. That's a pretty unwarranted attack, no matter how you slice it. That's not an olive branch. Please everyone let's keep this drama to a minimum .
  17. You should hold it back to, because in this thread you were the main one to instigate things too and have been way out of line yourself. I think you owe apologies or at the very least do need to shut up here. Look everyone, as I've and a few other people have said, we need to know more specifics about people coming before we can determine things, but it's perfectly ok if we split off for some things! There's no need to argue when it comes to this! We can still do some stuff together as a big group like shows and some meals, but we shouldn't view this as a "everyone has to do x, then x, and go to x" all in a fixed schedule with people having reservations about doing certain things being "forced" to go or whatever. People need to respect this about some people (and the 18-20 crowd are restricted just by their age anyway). Things need to be fleshed out still. But I'm going to say this - if Nekofrog or anyone else is more interested in stirring stuff up without provocation, then I personally will only be interested in hanging out with a certain small group because some people aren't mature enough to try to have discussions on planning without interjecting with childish one-liners or forceful coercion in trying to get people to do certain things when they don't want to. I've been planning to go to Vegas sometime to hang out with fellow friends on OCR for about 3 years now, ever since Salty and I talked about doing it in #ocremix. The last thing I want is to have plans soured because people want things to be all about how THEY envision it for EVERYONE. Let everyone speak their mind and decide mutually amongst a group how to do things like some of us have said. If you can't add to this, then keep other crap out. If you have something personal against someone, discuss it in private. Don't ruin it for the rest of us.
  18. We can figure some things out when we're there, and maybe do a few things together as a full group like some dinner, shows, etc. - I don't really view it as a huge deal, just some things aren't for everyone, which isn't too surprising considering what Vegas is.
  19. I dunno, I think we'll have a large enough # of people that splitting off is ok for some things, as not everyone is going to be attracted to all of the things Vegas has to offer, like my point about the strip clubs.
  20. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this is done by Disco Dan, with the beats and the more upbeat style. My feel is that the song progresses too slowly, and drags things out quite a bit unnecessarily. Some cool stuff like towards the end, but I feel like this would be a much stronger song if it was condensed more.
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