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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. This is a pretty solid song - drums carry it a lot, but this is still pretty sweet in other ways as well. Production seems tight for the most part, and I am pretty happy with how things go arrangement-wise in a pretty original approach to an oft-rearranged track.
  2. Eh, more than one person can do a track - for example there are two claims on Blizzard Buffalo, and I can pretty much assure you that they'll be two quite different takes on it.
  3. So just a note, I'd like to see people post WIPs often throughout the period - I promise to be on the ball in giving critiques! I have a link to the project forums in the first post, so register and tell me so I can add you to the secret forums!
  4. I thought I commented on this? I guess not. I'm not familiar with the Sonic 3D soundtrack, but this is a pretty nice track. It has a groove yet manages to be gentle - I've listened to it on loop for a couple of hours now, and I can't really see much that I'd change other than maybe adding another instrument for a fuller sound. It's pretty well arranged though, and I don't think I'd want to see anything changed with what's already there except for potentially minor tweaks in production.
  5. I've held off on starting any more! I'll only help people co-direct (I did promise a few when their time comes around), but I'm not going to be the impetus for starting any more projects since I'd like to see existing ones get done & have helped some of them get more people on board. That said, this one has been in the works for a while .
  6. This is something I've thought as well too - I'd like to see more people try to dedicate their efforts towards some existing projects, as the increase in projects is more prone to creating burnout in some people, as well as endangering most projects into collapse due to taking people and throwing priorities out of sync. (Just a side note about the MMX series one - I had that started several months ago, and asked probably over 50 people in getting it started, mostly people not involved with many other projects & even outside the normal OCR community proper) For the record, I do want to help existing projects with whatever I can and do try in some ways most don't see, and probably will try to spend more time doing so once I get more on top of my existing ones in the next few days. But one thing I wanted to comment on here and I think it's worth addressing since I've heard a lot of displeasure with this announcement while at MAGFest - Oinkness as the one heading such a massive project. There's a bunch of people I've heard express a lot of skepticism about it being done right, and some even outright refusing to join it run by just him. Perhaps if something like this is to continue with the bar desired from something like this, it would be good to have a co-director who can help ensure things are run at a high level. I'm not nominating myself mind you, although I did express a desire to run an FF9 project about a half a year ago while I was playing the game, but I think it's a point worth addressing after known events that have happened to earn people's distrust.
  7. This is a pretty daring take IMO since the original source is so emotive due to the strings, and that element is lost with this interpretation. I feel like some of the production could use some improvement here, as the sound doesn't really come across to me as full - having more going on at once would do this wonders I think in terms of overall feel. The base arrangement is solid though, and provides a good foundation for the song.
  8. I remember hearing various WIPs of this I *think* on VGMix 2. It certainly improved since those various WIPs there. One thing I always had a problem with though was that I don't really recognize the source material here. The sound also seems a bit thin overall in that I feel like there should maybe something else going on in the background to keep things more spiced up. Otherwise, this isn't too shabby, the things in place are solid.
  9. So aside from the outdated samples, this sounds pretty quaint. I don't really have much to comment other than it seems arranged well in bringing out that quaint sound, including the instrumentation and their implementation.
  10. Final, although to be honest, in all likelihood that probably won't be met and I'll have to push things back - at the very least so I can critique songs subbed at the last minute and let people update what they might've thought were final versions.
  11. I guess this song fits the bill if you're a stoner...but this song seems too repetitive for me. I guess that's probably the thing that sticks out the most here - this song probably doesn't do too shabby in the background, but otherwise eh.
  12. Considering what source material is worked with here, this is pretty cool - wish the production was more up to date, but eh, this is an old song.
  13. One thing that really stuck out is how obviously sequenced the piano is - it sounds kind of harsh here combined with that other sample in the beginning and throughout the song. The song also feels somewhat repetitive - perhaps a break in the drumming at some point to accentuate the mysterious atmosphere with a drawn out portion would have been nice here. Do like the drums though, and it does its job in some form of mysticness here.
  14. So other than some production aspects, this song is just too short. Just when I expect it to build into something more, the song undergoes a fadeout .
  15. This is a pretty happy sounding song. On first listen, I felt like this song was pretty repetitive from about 0:33 and on. I know the variation is more subtle in the song, but perhaps the volume on some of those aspects should have been brought out a tad more for the perfect balance the way it's arranged. It's certainly not your everyday song to appear on OCR though, that's for sure!
  16. I liked this song, but there are a few areas of repetition I felt could be cut out. The kids playing around in the background of the song about 2/3rds through is an interesting touch, as the song title suggests a desolate environment, yet there is an element of hope embedded there. The end in particular also adds some flavor to the piece since the style seems to bring to mind a sort of resignation/acceptance. Of course all of this is made possible by the aggressiveness of the earlier portion of the song, but I think it could've used some heavier rhythm guitars, or at least more in front, to underscore the desolate mood. All in all, pretty good, but would've loved to see a few things tweaked to tighten it up.
  17. Man I wish I didn't miss the OneUps playing .
  18. Some highlight pics: TF2ers will understand the above pic - Garian sent out the above pokemon. Protricity and Monobrow! Nekofrog with quite a look We own this restaurant (the Subway) What's a MAGFest without SnappleMan? (or Prince of Darkness) OCR panel! The other half! (sorry Brush) Taucer looks pretty creepy here Just a fraction of the maybe 25 people we had at Friday's Djp doing his best Bill O'Reilly impersonation The Xenotones in Jamspace (sorry Lukas, you're hidden behind Harmony) Abadoss assaulting Prophet of Mephisto AeroZ waiting for the right moment to strike Prophet of Mephisto looks like he's ready to enjoy it I have nothing And yet again... OA has a brand new hat! Smash Brothers concert! OA all chill after he found out he won the DoD MAGFest month Starla as Mia Fey And lastly... A lobby shot You can find more on the aforementioned links I posted - I hope more people come out and post their pics soon!
  19. Pics! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2231632&id=8105472&l=7b91e0b1a0 (everyone can click that) Edit: Album #2! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2231637&id=8105472&l=f960ea98f9 (everyone can click this too)
  20. Alright, signups are closed - the final list! Bonzai Rambo Scytheful Nekofrog Ashamee Prot Monobrow Liz Halt Newt Arrow Vimk DrumUltimA nonsensicalexis Cyril the Wolf Brushfire Dhsu diotrans Xerol Level 99 q-pa kiyo-chan Broken Sporknight Palpable Josh Whelchel joe_cam OverCoat Walan OA Moguta Audio Fidelity BGC In a few days, I'll pick out the stuff and prepare to mail them out - around then I'll ask for addresses to send the stuff to. Just as an extra thing I should mention, there may potentially be cases where the person doesn't want the item that they're receiving - don't be afraid to trade with someone else!
  21. But who wants to go to St. Louis?
  22. Free stuff from me - basically I'll randomly pick items for people and mail them out.
  23. I'm gonna guess that recording for Rhapsody of Fire is what got him to do this - cool man!
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