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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Sounds like some of my problems with FF7's OST .
  2. While I liked Seymour Battle, my favorite has to be To Zanarkand, as simple as it is.
  3. Well my problem is that even if you grind, it still becomes a game of luck because your adversaries also become even more increasingly strong in some instances.
  4. Gonna have to disagree with 7th Saga - don't touch this game, to beat the game you need luck on your side...literally.
  5. Well I mentioned my thoughts in the poll comments, but I do not like those dates because 1 takes away being able to spend time with other friends (and unlike some, I like to keep a diverse social circle), and the other is just flat out impossible. The ideal date would be the weekend in between but it NEVER gets discussed as a possibility or even as a desirable date, which makes me very unhappy .
  6. For Chrono Trigger - might as well get the DS version.
  7. You can help out with album art for Lufia if you like, but not sure if that's what you want. Got a few more people I'll probably be announcing on board soon, so bystanders prepare .
  8. Tetris Attack Kirby Super Star Secret of Mana Secret of Evermore Actraiser I & II Axelay (? It has that one awesome song that keeps getting done) TMNT 4: Turtles in Time Lufia 2 (don't need to play 1 to know what this one is like, 2 is the prequel) Earthbound Breath of Fire 1 & 2
  9. Sixto is doing the artwork - he beat everyone to it a while ago actually by asking me several months ago heh.
  10. Welcome DJ SymBiotiX, Arrow, and BONKERS on board, as well as Monobrow, pu_freak, Cerrax, TheKrow, DCT, Hitori, and Torzelan since I opened this up! Loving the excitement I'm seeing from people, and everyone on the same page here. Got some more people on board that should get people excited as well, but I'll wait until they claim tracks before announcing them. I'll say this though - you all are going to be getting an album more cohesive than most OCR albums.
  11. I can't identify these songs...wish you luck in figuring them out though!
  12. I like how the Ravens almost exclusively ran the ball and the Patriots still couldn't do much about it.
  13. Got some potential very sexy stuff for this project so far! Still recruiting, get in while it's hot! For those who are on board - check out that aforementioned thread on the project forum again. Going to try to get this special thing going!
  14. She absolutely had no clue - she went by weight, and thought heavy = better.
  15. Not quite holiday sale, but Serious Sam HD is currently $6.80 on Steam.
  16. So Nekofrog, Ashamee, Monobrow, and Prot are currently sleeping downstairs in my house! Earlier I let them grab from the grab bag...Monobrow was the first one to go, and she had no clue what was in there, but she went for the heaviest thing. What she ended up getting was a brand new light blue DSi! It sure has some wacky image distortion features in it! Prot was the next one to go and he pulled out the biggest item in the bag: http://www.amazon.com/Super-Mario-Bros-Wii-Special-Nintendo/dp/B002UVG722/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1263065919&sr=8-2 - Neko will get another chance to be an asshole at NSMB Wii! Then it was Ashamee who went and pulled out Ender's Game (the book) - a great read! And lastly, Nekofrog pulled out this CD: http://www.amazon.com/Wild-Frontier-Gary-Moore/dp/B000093OU8/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1263066420&sr=8-4 - definitely a favorite of mine! There's more nice items in here, although admittedly Monobrow grabbed the best of them by sheer luck - perhaps I should've found something really heavy to throw people off, but glad to see her get to enjoy it, as neither her or Prot have a DS. After they all leave probably tomorrow, I will start doing the randomization and then start sending PMs for addresses so I can send them out for everyone's enjoyment! Edit: I'll take on *one* extra person for the bag who was at MAGFest!
  17. I think he actually did sing in one song on the Symphony of Enchanted Lands II album, The Magic of the Wizard's Dream
  18. No clue about FFIV, but supposedly he saw a VotL shirt at a signing thing, pointed at it and said "That's awesome!" I'll just say this - if there wasn't originality, then there would be no video game music by people like Uematsu or Mitsuda. Originality drives the creation of music like this, not conservatism.
  19. CD printing will come after - there's no particular rush for that at the moment, but it will get done at some point in the next month or two likely.
  20. Just a note - I'm not afraid of dropping people if they don't make the deadline, or even before the deadline, so I better be seeing a lot of consistent progress throughout the scope of the project. If I haven't heard from you for a week for example, don't be surprised to see me looking into it and messaging you about it. I am going to take a heavyhanded role here, so be prepared to expend the effort if you're on. If not, you're going to find yourself out of it in a short period of time.
  21. Changed the deadlines - get cracking people!
  22. I don't have the final wav yet, but he is indeed done. He just needs to link it, as it's already on some webserver somewhere.
  23. Calling all who can shred (and then some) - I posted a thread that's a big deal in the project forum, challenging all of you out there! If you're not on the project or the project forum, then you better get to it and talk to me .
  24. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaambooooooooooooooooooo
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