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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Yeah, sometimes the project just doesn't come at a good time in someone's life for them to hop on board and devote the time needed. Or the music isn't up the artist's alley, or not familiar with the source and don't want to remix music from a game they haven't played. There's a myriad of reasons, and I've gotten lots of nos or non-responses in the past - it happens, so I wouldn't fret too much because there's probably no grudge or anything like that, they just aren't in the position to jump on board.
  2. Glad to see this taking off - Wild Arms has a unique style to the music it seems. Although I haven't gotten to play the original yet, I'm playing through Alter Code F as my first Wild Arms and find some of these songs quite interesting. I am very curious what Jade & Jordan have cooked up so far, but that'll be for them to say .
  3. Basically what Emunator said, although I personally believe it's good to expand your horizons from your normal comfort zone and listening to something from other games.
  4. This sounds incredibly coverish. And at 1:36, there's not really much of an expectation of anything else, which is validated when one listens to the whole thing. I'm surprised this passed the lockdowns to be honest.
  5. I'm not sure what to think about with this mix, excepting the production of course. I'm not familiar with the original source, but I feel like there was a lot lacking in instrumentation, and perhaps it could've been expanded a little more.
  6. So one thing I notice is that the synthesizer is a bit overpowering. The arrangement seems rather simplistic, but some of djp's more interesting works are also fairly simple. I do wish it went a little longer at least though .
  7. This sounds like your generic bad sample trance that you find in some of the older mixes that are on OCR. I feel like more could be going on throughout the song, although it's not an overly terrible framework for a song.
  8. So I wasn't sure what to think of the mix after a few listens, but one thing I noticed was the middle portion of song was pretty muted. In addition, the fade out ending is just ugh - there definitely was room to expand on it or to find a different way to execute it. But man...he definitely came a long way since this mix though.
  9. So one of the first things I noticed was the 2:11 length - as suspected from the length, there wasn't really much substance in this song. It was mostly the same loop playing over and over again with very minor variations, which for 2:11 doesn't cut it. Definitely not a fan .
  10. I had a hard time initially recognizing the themes as well, but eventually I saw the take on it. It's interesting but...just like LuIzA, I felt like it ended too soon. It builds up quickly and then just fades away just as quickly, leaving a little more to be desired .
  11. Yeah, Bardic and I WILL get it done sometime in the next few days!
  12. Haha, I promise I won't head any other projects for a while other than the several I have on my plate...crunchtime for DKC 2 is making me realize that it's a lot of work leading up to the release. I'm willing to help people get theirs started up though and fill out tracks, as I offered to Jade for this one whenever she's interested in making it official. In fact, other than the projects I have conceived/in progress, I actually want to dedicate time to helping others fulfill their projects to completion once I'm fairly confident in the progress of the ones currently going on. PM me sometime Jose with the stuff behind your project and I should be able to help!
  13. I do wish something different was chosen for the backing beat...it makes my head hurt . While this might not actually be trance, as OA mentioned, it does accomplish getting people to zone out. I feel like much more could've been done with this though.
  14. That tune-up at 0:06 was ouch . Production is probably the biggest problem here, and I think Bardic said things best.
  15. Interesting take on the original - probably the thing that bothers me most is that it could've been shortened in its repetitions to keep things more interesting.
  16. I really wish something different was chosen for the instrument for the low-end. That is probably my main gripe about this, and that the arrangement doesn't really develop that much.
  17. The arrangement is ok I guess, although I feel it could be expanded upon and built up more. Instrumentation isn't crisp, but OA covered that already.
  18. Yikes...Wingless, you've done better! The transition at around 1:43 is WTF. But oh well, I guess everyone has said what really needed to be said...it sounds more like a WIP than a finished mix.
  19. I remember not being such a fan of this track back then. I guess I can see where Mazedude was going with this now, but the beginning rubs me off the wrong way - might be the brass samples.
  20. This is one of my favorite djp mixes from back then, so it's a bit surprising to only see 9 reviews of it. Love the pacing though, creepiness & a frantic pace fit perfectly when it comes to the original area the song is used.
  21. This sounds like a lounge jazz backing track with the chocobo theme pasted onto it...bleh.
  22. I remember this mix - things sound really rough here. I feel like the background instrumentation could be brought forward more instead of having the beat so much more in front. Samples could use some upgrading too...can't see myself really listening to this much due to its archaicness in production unfortunately .
  23. Sample quality notwithstanding, this is a nifty mix. Definitely like the percussion like others have stated, as well as the piano and the whole carribean flair going on.
  24. Whoa, I was caught by surprise by this one. Quite a lot going on as OA mentioned for a mix back then. The ethnic sounds and shouts combine for a nice touch...don't know what to say but nice job for back then!
  25. Other than the FL defaults, can't say I was particularly enthralled by the mix. I don't think I have much to add though in terms of comments...
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