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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. According to Dictionary.com, "ock" is the right way.
  2. Bump, updated the first post a little and posted another suggestion (ice skating @ Rockefeller Center)
  3. I've heard people saying they liked their version - I think either would be fine.
  4. He just wanted to increase his post count. For shame. What will we ever do?
  5. As soon as I saw the thread title I was like . My guess is that provolone cheese would work well too. Maybe Monterey Jack or pepperjack cheese too?
  6. They need to put up Super Tennis, king of tennis games.
  7. Didn't Capcom axe the studio that made Okami?
  8. Nah, I was just thinking of the Nintendo World store (I need to snag a Classic controller for the Wii, and possibly something else), and there's the Virgin Megastore, where I almost always buy a CD if I go in because I want to support the artists I like on the labels I like with sales.
  9. Did you beat it? First room: Hey this aint so bad. Second room: Why the hell did I stay in the corner? It doesn't really get bad until you have to fight two The Creatures at once - that is when it starts to get really painful. I'd recommend just going with PoR first. While all of the Castlevanias are pretty much related in plot, Dawn of Sorrow sort of ends the Castlevania saga. Also, PoR sort of makes things easier, and doesn't have the shitty stylus usage that the first DS one did.
  10. I'm not sure about the do so much more part - I mean, sure, they have better graphical capabilities at the moment, but the PS3 and XBox 360 are capable of so much more than what they do now so at the moment, one could argue that they are more powerful than PCs. It's more about how it is being utilized. Also, while PCs have some serious graphical power, the game market is far more limited for PCs than consoles - you have your handful collection of western RPGs, your typical FPS/tactical FPS game, and your RTS, and that's about it for the most part, while consoles offer so much more variety such as rhythm games (i.e. DDR & Guitar Hero), adventure games (i.e. Zelda), fighting games (i.e. Street Fighter, Super Smash Bros.), eastern RPGs (i.e. Final Fantasy, Tales), strategy RPGs (i.e. Fire Emblem, the godfather of the series), and other quirky variety such as the Wario Ware games. Also, the control mechanism for console games is more natural & intuitive than PC games in general, the most notable exception being the RTS genre, despite its roots on console games (Herzog Zwei). The large problem is that the PC gaming base is generally limited to those who think of themselves as hardcore. Few companies have attempted to expand this market, and many of those attempts end in failure, excepting a few notables such as EA's The Sims. This market is growing increasingly limited while many developers are able to expand on consoles due to the encouragement of making your product stand out with the deluge of clones and done-thats. This is probably why the PC gaming market has been dying in terms of sales.
  11. So it looks like we have a potential 20 people for the meetup, with possibly more to come. And I have a feeling that I am going to spend a lot on this day .
  12. Honestly, I think you're overestimating what it costs to make a PC as powerful as a 360. For example, I haven't even spent close to $3000 (under $1500 in fact) on my PC that I built nearly 4 years ago, and Oblivion looks better on it than it does on 360 (and even better, there are mods for Oblivion that give you even higher res textures for PC). Also, I have my PC hooked up to my TV and surround system. If it were easier to use a mouse/keyboard on my couch, I'd probably never use my monitor again. However, I can agree that a lot of people would rather just spend $400 than learn how to upgrade their PC. Well, PCs are just about to get a kick up in expense with Windows Vista, and for many it will even require new equipment such as video cards. The PC game industry is in transition characteristic of the console industry thanks to Microsoft's new plan, which might become standard.
  13. 28th...nintendo world Are they going to horde classic controllers for sale on the meetup day? dude...they have TONS of all the controllers Oh sweet!
  14. 28th...nintendo world Are they going to horde classic controllers for sale on the meetup day?
  15. Yeah, I want to buy the classic controller but I can't find it anywhere. I guess I can wait though.
  16. Even worse: http://www.gametab.com/news/768728/
  17. You live near the Bronx Little Italy? I think my father used to have a store near there almost 2 decades ago. Oh man, Little Italy would be great for dinner though - I haven't been to the Midtown one, and considering it's in Midtown, it has to be good.
  18. 81 games, jeez. I did it in like 7 or so.
  19. Damn, I was awake that early but decided I valued my sleep more than the money. Looks like I should've chosen the money.
  20. I wouldn't put the blame on the wiimote - it does just fine in Zelda. Maybe Nintendo was just lazy? Oh and tennis is easy to get pro - maybe it's because I've played tennis for 18 years.
  21. They can steal your life - they obviously stole yours .
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