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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. How much for Capcom Vs. SNK 2, Beyond Good and Evil, and Dark Cloud 2? Oh and Smoke just wanted to make the new thread.
  2. The TP Link is more traditional in look, so I prefer that one obviously. It just is a more fitting look.
  3. Well, it seems like only two of us have Wiis (Athair and I) who are staying overnight, so that's not a problem (since we live so close to zircon).
  4. Wanna hear something silly? I liked that part. It seems no one else did and it's kinda funny since I liked the game a lot less than most people that I really liked the part that no one else did. It really wasn't that annoying at all. The game got you used to simple, fairly linear dungeons and then that comes and you're like WOAH.
  5. So, I am up to the 8th dungeon. Update so far:
  6. The first form isn't a problem at all - I figured out exactly what do to there. It's after.
  7. I'm actually going to bring my laptop too, mainly because it's a nice portable Macbook...and plus it's a nice way to conceal stuff. (bump in disguise)
  8. I sucked ass, dunno why I chose to play at that moment .
  9. The spinny thingy is easy....just follow the instructions and do them in a continuous motion (think hadoken).
  10. So, I'm almost complete with a normal mode file - got 1000%, got 1 enemy left to find (that I suspect I know how to fight), 2 quests left to complete (one requiring only one more level in order for me to complete, and another requiring me to master 3 particular weapon subskills, but I now have the Master Ring), and several enemy items to collect. I refuse to master all of the weapon subskills though, that's just too much. I'll probably start a hard mode file sometime after winter break.
  11. I don't know why, but I'm being a real completionist with this game. I rarely do that because most games I play have an overwhelming amount of stuff and take so long just to get through. I have all but three or four drops now though, and a 999.3% rating(the other .7% would, of course, be the final boss' chamber). So awesome. Yeah, somehow Castlevania games do that to me too. Something about them compels you to collect. Kinda like A Link to the Past.
  12. Unfortunatley that isn't quite correct, people have had issues using the same component cables they used for their PS2. Using HDMI may just cause more problems with more games than using components. I actually read further and saw that they found exactly what was the problem (I was too tired to edit it though, it was 5 am in the morning) - so now all it takes is Sony to acknowledge the problem and put out a firmware update.
  13. A double post, but I felt this was interesting enough - the PS3 plays those PS1/PS2 games so crappily only if you use HDMI it appears: http://www.gametab.com/news/766514/
  14. It's just as disjoint as the Wii appears to be - separate stuff for different games. Also there's not much known about it - the Wii has an expected selection of great downloadable games, but there's little known about the PS3's market for downloadable games.
  15. Potions are for sissies. I took that fight head on and accomplished it.
  16. For those looking for a PS3: http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?cat=Video+Games&pid=05896010000&sid=I0084400010000100383&AFFL=Y This has been up for 9 hours and hasn't been sold out. It's not a bad bundle either.
  17. So I beat the 4th dungeon last night - my thoughts?
  18. PS3 production is going to be low for a while since they have to deal with the European launch too, and getting enough PS3s produced for Japan and the US. What I find odd though is that quite a bunch of PS3 auctions lately have been ending at <$750 for the 60 GB PS3. It's actually more profitable to sell a Wii on ebay than a PS3. Maybe that means that we'll see a price drop even quicker than Sony may want.
  19. Oh actually, I do have a suggestion!
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