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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Doesn't discount the existence & validity of the concerns and mean you should act like a jackass over them. That's pretty shitty behavior.
  2. I was just saying, the complaints were out there, and there's some legit points to them.
  3. I can confirm I'm going to be there - my tentative moving date has now been solidified
  4. My thoughts - there are some negative aspects to not having class limits, and I originally iterated as much in IRC. I scaled back my thoughts closer to the update thinking perhaps it can workout, and people seemed really enthusiastic about the engie update. In addition, there were several people like me who for the most part played engie spoiler classes (soldier/demo/spy), so I felt like a team full of engies would learn quickly that they would need to be flexible with the class balance for this update, moreso than before as the sentries require quite a bit of forethought just to get them up (unless you got the Gunslinger through a drop). I feel like my suspicions turned out correct, as for a good portion of the games I was in, people were forced to balance out the classes to ~half at most. However, we can still take a wait and see approach whether some form of class limits are needed - perhaps on plr maps it is necessary, as plr_highland was pretty terrible with mostly engies for example, which would've been even worse had Vahn not used a pocket medic & demo to wreck through sentry encampments. I think we will need to tweak map specific config files to adapt to this with some restrictions for some maps. I should also mention that I've seen at least a few regulars become pissed at some of the antics of mass engies, partly because many of the games played during the update aren't normal with all the people experimenting with the engie stuff. Be patient, it will get better! If there's any particular maps where it becomes unbearably bad, feel free to mention it so we can react accordingly! Suggested server settings: pl_thundermountain: change it to perhaps 2 rounds max instead of going by time. We exhausted the whole 30 minutes on all 3 stages on offense before due to how vast this map is. plr_highland: engie class limit enforced to maybe 5 max. This was a brutally bad map to play with mass engies, and there was some visible tension between players over the non-action from engies camping & not doing much and those pushing the cart. There may be more settings that might be a good idea, but currently I'm at a loss of thought for them as I am tired as heck.
  5. And there are other servers people could go on for irregular playing in general (in this case mass sentries & challenging blue team to destroy the sentries, ignoring the intel), yet I don't see complaints about that. You want to advocate selective enforcing then? If one silly thing counter to the game holds with a significant number of people happens, then you have to allow the rest that happens or enforce action on all of them. I just merely was going with the dynamic posed by the atmosphere & declined to take action, but got griefed in response in a large scale - by all rights, kicking or a temporary ban would have been justified, as the serious players had left the game for the duration of the map after the game devolved into 2fort redux. I chose a more minimal route, and I strongly question the legitimacy of the complaint given the larger scale griefing that occured to ruin the game for two others - if he wants to complain & expect an apology, maybe he should do so first because I guarantee however he felt, he inflicted more.
  6. Well the server was being very silly well beforehand (red team was almost all engies), so the fairness ground is sort of moot as the game devolved into a blue-kill-red-sentry-base-challenge not unlike 2fort in non-seriousness - I did explicitly say not to touch the harmless nonattacker though, and people ignored quite stupendously. It was over 10 times people didn't listen before I started doing that, so you should understand the frustration of intentionally not listening in a fashion that is far worse than 1 death. Have you thought of the disinterest you made one person by not listening? Otherwise I feel as if you have little ground for complaint given your contribution to the problem with little remorse.
  7. Bahamut


    They must really like that song.
  8. Nowhere near the amount I've gotten with a mapchooser then and even now. It speaks volumes as I said.
  9. Sounds no different to me than people claiming that FLAC is better than mp3 in all shapes and forms.
  10. Sounds less varied than a mapcycle that changes weekly to me. At least there you have room for flexible insertion of a good mix of new and old maps. As I said, I think it speaks volumes when I get quite more complaints about how it's done now than when I handled it while I was active, and I'm not even supposed to be the go to guy anymore.
  11. I'm going to guess that Microsoft might've paid for some support via the timed exclusivity. They wanted to get more popular in Japan and that was a relatively easy way to do so, and bolsters their RPG library. I bet I'm going to be a sucker and buy the PS3 version sometime down the road. I loved the game, although the final boss fight is ridiculous .
  12. Your first isn't really solved, as there's no real benefit over a mapcycle then if you restrict the maplist used greatly. It also still leaves the predictable voting problem there strongly.
  13. I remember trying out the mapchooser for a period of less than a week, but I stopped the experiment because it got some pretty overwhelming negativity, because of inherent flaws such as predictable voting that ended up with a mapcycle that turned off a lot of regulars. It's a net negative experience, and makes people want to play less due to some map getting voted that is abhorred. When you see ctf_sawmill and koth_sawmill in less than an hour or 3+ people idling in protest with more complaining, it's clear there's a problem. I will say that the mapchooser even makes me want to not play anymore, and I don't mind experimenting with new maps. There is also the selection popping up in game, often resulting in someone dying (if not more than one) - that alone is pretty unacceptable. It has caused me to die a few times I know, and is a universal complaint almost every time it pops up. I don't see how this is a plus over a mapcycle with weekly alterations - I've gotten several complaints via messages as it is with the mapchooser in the past week and a half, and coupled with complaints in game, I don't see any benefit whatsoever.
  14. So I want to comment on this because I know for sure I'm not the only one who dislikes this (heard lots of complaints) - can we please eliminate the mapchooser? It was much better with a mapcycle with rtv for changing maps if one didn't work. There are so many issues with the mapchooser with almost no benefit, if at all, over a mapcycle with weekly alterations. There is a reason why I switched back to weekly rotations when I originally got overwhelming complaints to a mapchooser.
  15. That sucks . Hope the day gets better! (Happy birthday everyone!)
  16. When I think of the Golden Wrenches, I think of the golden tickets from Willy Wonka - I wonder if it's supposed to be similar.
  17. From what I recall being told, the filesize limit is to encourage people to do more with what's there as opposed to ridiculously long medleys that are for better or worse mediocre when compared to a more interpretive work - FLAC also takes up a ridiculous amount of space still for regular hosting I'd think, making it impractical for a site the size of OCR when you consider bandwidth usage.
  18. Hey I was away running! Happy birthday! Didn't know your birthday fell on July 4th
  19. Got a final wav from Jewbei! 1 out of 3 Gravity Beetles done . Also we're ~10% done with the songs! Lets get that as close to 100% as soon as we can guys!
  20. So it's looking like Jewbei might be the next one to give up the final wav! Remember guys, 1 week until the next deadline!
  21. Isn't there a Steam rule that you could get a refund within 24 hours on a game purchase?
  22. In honor of the World Cup: http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/30269
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