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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Whoa, this is an official game? Also I might be the only one, but after listening to various WIPs/wavs for Maverick Rising, I was underwhelmed with the music for the trailer.
  2. I must've missed you there last year then - come chill with us!
  3. Convention says it doesn't make sense: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numeral#Subtractive_principle
  4. And another wav bites the dust thanks to Cyril!
  5. Technically IVX doesn't even make sense. 6 = VI.
  6. So welcome to Brandon Strader and General Gilliam to the project! I'm curious how Sting Chameleon & Zero Stage 2 will turn out under their hands, respectively.
  7. Regional lockout - Sony likes to control what games is available in what region so as to choose how to present itself (or the devs to do the same)
  8. I do intend on responding to it - I've just been tired lately. I'm on a near daily exercise plan currently. I'll respond by this Saturday latest.
  9. I personally use Iron Maiden - Wasted Years for my wakeup alarm.
  10. If that MMX compo happens before Maverick Rising is out, some of you who participate may want to try to get a track in for the project
  11. You're flying in for Otakon? Didn't know that
  12. Got an updated WIP from Cyril for Gravity Beetle, and it's sounding quite polished - this should be done pretty soon, can't wait to see the final wav in!
  13. The only place I can recall hearing vgm publicly is at the Nintendo World store in the Rockefeller Plaza in NYC.
  14. So here's another view for you guys to whet your appetite with: http://bahamutwc.com/Files/MRPreview2.mp3 I do wish I cut it better in some ways, but this is just a teaser so you guys have a taste of what to expect .
  15. This just blew my mind - I only knew about Powerlord changing his names.
  16. Honestly, the solution probably would've been better the other way around, as with this setup, I see a good number of people just quit in frustration, while those who just want to play engie would find an alternate server to keep playing if it were the other way around, therefore filling both servers more reliably. So after playing earlier, I saw quite a bit of frustration with certain teams with engies ruining maps for one team for two maps in a row. One was Turbine (yeah I know) - one team went normal classes, and one team was mostly engies with a few normal classes. One team naturally rolled the other, but even after entreaties from some on the other team, the engies still were as futile. It ended up in an rtv halfway through the map because the dynamic was so terrible. The next map, Dustbowl, was surprisingly bad as well. Namely due to the engineers on offense not doing much and not caring either. The rest of the team decided it was nice to go predominantly spy & sniper for a while, although after the futility was exhibited people started to change classes slowly. Unequal teams probably made it worse as well. During that time I saw at least 6 people quit in frustration, with a few going to Red to try to start it up, although it never happened. From what I can tell, it may not be completely the fault of there being a lack of an engie class limit, but it seems to exacerbate the dynamics quite a lot for those stuck with deadweight pubs trying to play engie or play terribly in general - in a normal situation, it might be easier to get a team scramble going with that, but the engie update may have obfuscated some perceptions of the dynamics. I'm not completely sure how to best solve this yet, perhaps I'll think up of something tomorrow.
  17. Heh, everyone seems to have problems getting the songs in for today. I haven't been in the sharpest state of mind the past few weeks, so I can understand if people happen to miss this date, but keep in mind the final deadline. Everyone has worked hard on the songs, lets see them come to fruition by then!
  18. I already addressed the opinion versus personal experience thing. A personal experience doesn't not automatically equate to an opinion - it turns into an opinion when you generalize that to everyone. For example, if someone says "I don't like [insert artist]" versus "This artist sucks" - the former would be true and the second an opinion. I also did not say that most people did not have fun - I'm not sure where you're getting that from. I was just pointing out the ignored flipside from some people. I enjoyed my time last night as well, but am empathetic enough to consider & understand where the other people are coming from. It's not enough to do a wide ranging class limit, but there were certain maps where the experience of mass engies did differ from the norm of entertainment for most into a negative (the one map I cited stood out the most). My role is simply to assess the balance of the server population's mood & craft an appropriate response to foster as healthy & positive of an environment as reasonably possible. Not taking into account all views would be a grave mistake - would you want your complaints ignored outright if other people are being entertained for example?
  19. Not really, as from a point of view, how someone feels about something isn't necessarily wrong. For example, Powerlord (and some others) feel a lot of engies ruins certain maps - it was vocalized quite visibly on plr_highland for example last night. For them, the engies would ruin the map for them, which can most certainly being true without contradicting that being an engie is fun for another. The main point I'm making though is that you're being unnecessarily aggressive to intentionally marginalize those who disagree with you...over fun with regards to an individual. Your meaning of fun isn't the same as anothers, do you not understand the concept of accepting that difference & respecting it? I don't want to see any more of this in this thread. It is possible to discuss differences civilly, and if you can't do it, then don't talk.
  20. Again, that doesn't excuse outright dismissing valid points. Sure, in the balance leaving no class limits is fine for most maps. But again, that doesn't dismiss valid points, and nor should they be treated as outright wrong points of views for some people. The total lack of civility is shitty.
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