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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Happy birthday Jose! Hope work is relatively easy today
  2. *raises hand for ride needed* I should also mention, if we're doing this on a Saturday, I hope it's not too early in the morning, as I have PT 8 am on Saturdays in Fairfax, so I probably wouldn't be ready to leave until 10:30 or later.
  3. I have made a decision that affects me being able to fulfill any capacity as a moderator for possibly the whole next year and beyond - I will let this post on my personal blog reveal the details. It has been a good ~3 1/2 years on the staff for OCR as a moderator, and I will be around for a few months yet, through the trials & tribulations at times that is now site history. What I have ahead of me will dwarf that, and I thank everyone in the community for that time, whether the interaction was positive or negative, each represents an experience that I will carry with me for life. I hope to be involved with the community in the future still, but who knows what the future holds for me. At the least, I should still be here until December or January.
  4. For those who are on the project & for just those generally curious - I am about to make a decision that will possibly affect the release of the album, although I'm going to do everything I can up to that point so that it isn't affected. Right now I am looking seriously at enlisting in the Army or Marines, with the goal of entering boot camp before the year ends. In particular, there is a real chance that there is a conflict between the final wav dates and being sent off on the start of my military career. I will know in advance as I go through the process of enlistment, so I will keep people updated on that. The earlier you can finish, the better because of this. If I happen to be gone, Dyne will handle the rest that needs to be done. I really want to see this ready if possible music-wise before I leave for basic training. Let's make this happen!
  5. Actually, that's for posted mixes - for songs on an album, they are tagged in the order desired by the project director.
  6. It might've been tough to hear because you were behind the musicians as opposed to the rest of the audience - I think we underestimated how tough it was to recognize the melody due to the different instrumentation as well. Most of the songs weren't immediately obvious I felt. It was great seeing your costume though, that must've been a pain to get on but damn if that wasn't the most amusing costume I've seen. I linked my album earlier if you want to see pics of the panel - others got them too, so lots of stuff on Facebook if you haven't checked various people's albums yet!
  7. You were there? You should've introduced yourself after the panel! Here's some of my Otakon pics: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2265764&id=8105472&l=559aa18e68
  8. So I'm back! ...and with another WIP on board, this time from zircon & Level 99 providing the poison on Toxic Seahorse!
  9. Wow...you got some luck there. Second theft while in Baltimore? Have a safe drive though!
  10. So if people didn't know, I haven't been on because I moved a week ago to Virginia, and don't have regular internet (I'm posting from Level 99's place atm in Baltimore). I'll have internet again on Monday though, so there's a good chance I'll be back on then
  11. I might bring some bulgogi or ice cream - I'll probably decide a few days before.
  12. So just a word of note if anyone needs to contact me because by chance they have a final wav - I'll be gone for the most part for the next week or two possibly due to moving tomorrow, and I won't have internet immediately. I'll definitely catch up if anything comes up once I have internet again, and it shouldn't be too long after I move, but you never know.
  13. Yeah, what's the deal? Don't let the Sonic project leapfrog you like that!
  14. So welcome TehOni on board doing Magma Dragoon!
  15. Can't say I'm a fan of the song, primarily due to the, quite frankly, terrible lyrics. That said, I view this song akin to Lover Reef & Rhymes of Elixir - it's not meant to take itself seriously, and considering this was made during the OUS BBQ, I rest my case on the nature of the song. Not all songs OCR posts will necessarily be everyone's cup of tea. OCR isn't about passing judgment on songs in that manner. Vinnie believed the song met the criteria the site uses for posting songs, and as he said, he stands by his decision. If the song isn't your type, there was another song posted today as well to add to your collection.
  16. Not all friend dynamics are that way, and some are more timid about entering a server they are completely unfamiliar with and being forced on a team when he/she just wanted to play with a friend. I think forcing autojoin would make the server less friendly to newer people with respect to that.
  17. I'm not a fan of forcing autojoin. It creates its own complications if friends want to play together, whether they're good or not.
  18. I was thinking the same thing - it confused me at first before I started reading the other posts.
  19. This has the makings of a finished project! Congrats on making it to the final stretch!
  20. Sweet! Hope he has a long & fruitful life with his wife!
  21. Heh, Kyle already broke the news in the beginning of the month: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30006
  22. So perhaps my original post didn't really convey my sentiments on this song the best - I really love this song, and glad it submitted here. I relish listening to the song even still, and it has led me to Kate's other stuff via her YouTube page. In particular, there is a quality in Kate's voice in her technique that really accentuates the style in such a way that it strikes emotional chords with the listener. It really meshes well with the minimalist backing.
  23. As far as OCR goes, check out the "Arrangement" section here: http://ocremix.org/info/Submission_Standards_and_Instructions
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